



第1版 (2008年1月1日)
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787502444150
條形碼: 9787502444150
尺寸: 23.6 x 16 x 3.4 cm
重量: 1.1 Kg


1 Overview
1.1 The Technology of Controlled Rolling and Controlled Cooling
1.2 R & D Program of "Super Steels" and "New Generation Steel Materials"
1.3 The Formation of Ultra-fine Grains and Microstructural
Refinement of Steels-Core Technique for the R & D of New Generation Steel Materials
1.4 Theory and Technology on Ultra-fine Grains
1.4.1 The state change and microstructure refinement of austenite during hot deformation
1.4.2 Deformation induced ferrite transformation Thermodynamic consideration of deformation induced ferrite transformation DIFT phase transformation and characters of transformed products
1.4.3 Deformation induced precipitation and medium temperature phase transformation control
1.4.4 The influence of nanometer size precipitates on ultra fine grain steel ?
1.4.5 Ultra grain refinement of alloy structural steels and the way
of increasing the resistance against delayed fracturing
1.4.6 The development of carbide-free bainite/martensite multiple phase steels
1.5 Several Key Technologies Concerning the Development of
1.5.1 Steel cleanness
1.5.2 Refinement and homogenization of solidification structure
1.5.3 Brief introduction of welding technique and economy of ultra fine grain steels
2 Refinement ofAustenitic Microstructure and Its Influence on Transformation
2.1 Thermomechanical Control Process and Refinement of Austenitic Microstructure
2.1.1 Rolling at the austenite-recrystallization temperature region (RARTR) Metadynamic recrystallization Static recrystallization
2.1.2 Rolling in austenite non-recrystallization temperature region.
2.1.3 Rolling at the under-cooled austenite
2.1.4 Accelerated cooling and microstructural refinement
2, 2 Influence ofAustenitic Recrystallization on Subsequently Transformed Grain Size
2.2.1 Influence of recrystallized or deformed austenite on ferrite transformation Influence of recrystallized austenite on ferrite transformation Influence of partially recrystallized austenite on ferrite transformation Influence of non-recrystallized austenite on ferrite
2.2.2 Influence of recrystallization in the austenite on D1FT References
3 Deformation Induced Ferrite Transformation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Experimental Confirmation and Study Method of DIFT
3.2.1 Microstructure observation on the quenched sample
3.2.2 Mechanical behavior measurement
3.2.3 Dilatometry measurement
3.2.4 In-situ X-ray diffraction
3.3 Thermodynamics of DIFT
3.3.1 Deformation stored energy
3.3.2 Transformation driving force
3.3.3 Ads versus deformation stored energy
3.4 Kinetics of DIFT
3.4.1 Microstructural evolution and nucleation sites
3.4.2 Transformation fraction versus strain
4 Microstructure Pefinement of Steels by TSCR Technology
5 Microstructure Fining Theory of Low-carbon Bainitic Steel
6 Microstructure Refining and Strengthening of Martensitic Steel
7 Carbide-free Bainite/Martensite(CFB/M)Duplex Phase Steel
8 Extra Low Sulfur and fNon-metallic Inclusions Control for Ultra Fine Grain High Stength Steels
9 Fundamental Study on Homogeneity of Solidification Structure of Steel
10 Welding of Ultra-Fine Grained Steels
Subject Index