金小根(Hyo Keun Kim,김효근1984年8月23日出生於韓國)是一位韓國BBoy,他贏得的許多頭銜使之成為世界上最好的BBoy之一。他是韓國最好的街舞團隊之一-Rivers Crew的成員,也是韓國全明星街舞團隊Project Soul(一說為Project Seoul)的成員之一。
從學校畢業后他來到首爾,Physicx開始了他的職業BBoy生涯。加入Rivers Crew后,他在BBoy界贏得了很高的尊敬。
在UK BBoy Championship上,Physicx第一次表演了他獨特以及令人難以想象的舞技並且贏得了個人solo的冠軍,這使Physicx這個名字很快傳遍了世界。整個世界都發現了Physicx背後的天賦。
參賽方面,不管是代表團體還是個人,Physicx都是許多世界級賽事的冠軍。他最顯赫的團體成就包括代表Rivers Crew出戰的2007年R-16 Korea和BBoy Unit Korea冠軍,代表Project Soul出戰的2002,2004,2005年UK BBoy Championship冠軍。代表個人參賽,他贏得了2004年UK BBoy Championship個人solo冠軍。Physicx被選中參加2005年Red Bull BC One 16位世界頂尖BBoy的一對一斗舞。
Physicx被選作許多韓國Breaking街舞比賽的評委,包括BBoy ShowDown。(據我所知好像有些國際賽事也有邀請過Physicx做評委~)

1999 Seoul, Korea Beat Up Commercial Main dancers
2001 Seoul, Korea Rush Hour 2 OST music Video dancers
2008 smith high school
2002 Beijing, China CCTV 4 Show Program, Special Guest
2002 Seoul, Korea Sneakers Commercial main dancers
2003 Beijing, China Korean recording artist Kang Ta special show case
2003 Seoul, Korea M-Net Hiphop the vibe opening show dancers
2003 Seoul, Korea Sam sung anycall cell phone commercial dancers
2004 Seoul, Korea Sam Sung Anycall Cell Phone Commercial Dancers
2004 Holland Sims MP3 commercial main dancer
2002 UK Bboy Championship Crew 1st
2002 Korean Hiphop festival Concert Special Guest
2003 UK B-Boy Championship Team Category, UK (2nd Place)
2003 UK Bboy Championship Crew 2nd
2004 Rennes, France Hiphop planet champion
2004 Beijing, China Beijing Bboy Battle Special Guest / Judge
2004 UK Bboy Championships Crew 1st
2004 Levis 3vs3 1st
2004 Freestyle session korea crew vs crew 2st
2004 UK Bboy Championships Solo 1st
2005 UK Bboy Championships Crew 1st
2005 B-boy Unit vol.7 crew vs crew 1st
2005 Ground Control solo 1st
2005 Participation at Red Bull BCOne 1vs1
2005 France solo battle competition 1st
2005 Partecipation at IBE all vs all
2006 Ground Control solo 1st
2006 Bigbang M/V
2006 Nike CF
2006 UK B-boy championship korea crew vs crew 2nd
2006 b-boy Challenge crew vs crew 1st
2006 Boty Korea crew vs crew 2nd
2006 Armory Cup korea crew vs crew 1st
2007 R-16 internetional crew vs crew 1st
2007 B-boy Unit vol.9 crew vs crew 1st
2008 R-16 internetional crew vs crew 4th
2008 B-boy cyon championship crew vs crew 2nd
2008 KB b-boy WORLD Masters crew vs crew 1st
2008 B-boy championship Chuncheon
2008 Jeonju Bboy Grandprix crew vs crew
2008 Chelles Pro Battle 2vs2 2nd
Spinning flag/'60s: A flag freeze that spins like a 1990, but with hand twists independent of body movement allowing for slow but dynamic rotation.
Inverse 1990 flagged/River's 1990 to elbow/forearm freeze Hollow 2000/flag 2000/River's 2000: A 2000 spin with the legs piked horizontally parallel to the ground. Physicx usually does one-to-two rotations average considering this is one of the hardest 2000's ever created.
Knee spin to airflares Air Walk/Kicks: Throwing himself into a handstand, Physicx continuously transitions from handstand to forearm to shoulder to side freeze and back again. He does it in a random order while kicking his legs in all directions; this makes for an impressive display of strength and balance.
Airflare 1.5/Air windmills into Darkhammers:Physicx drops into a windmill, but pushes himself up into airflare form and drops while spinning into another windmill and then transitions into darkhammers.
Waistbreakers: From an unstabbed frog freeze, he shifts either one or both of his legs straight and beside each other to an L-back, then to a full hollowback and to the L back in the opposite direction of the first. While he is doing the 2 legged variant, he shakes his body while shifting. The 2 legged variant is always done after his transition with kicks (see above).
Nike handhops into Hollowback swing: Starting by holding one leg and hopping on one hand, and later dropping down to a hollowback swing for an impressive yet quick move.
Gainer into Icy-ice: Gainer, landed, then immediate dive into a shoulder or head slide. The slide is usually half spun with an ending freeze if it is his older head glide variation.
Hanging Airbaby: Physicx goes into airbaby freeze and then abruptly uses his bent leg to lift his straight leg up into the air. This freeze still has the airbaby freeze form, but without the bent leg's knee on the supporting arm's elbow. Sometimes referred to as "true" airbaby.
Multi-bronco jumps into freeze: A combo of which Physicx jumps into a handstand then jump backwards into a backhand spring and finally jumps backwards again with a landing freeze.
Handstand UFO: UFOs that are higher that normal and are usually done after a footwork sequence.
Hangbaby Spin: Usually after another footwork sequence, Physicx does a hanging airbaby with legs closed that spins for a short amount of time (usually ended as a planche with legs closed).
Dropping Airflares: Physicx goes into air flare form, but instead of jumping from one hand to the other when his back is facing the ground like normal airflares, he drops down onto his back and rolls back up into his other hand, and continues this sequence.
Hand stand into popping elbow tracks.