簡介:陳惠香,男1960年生,1982年1月揚州師範學院數學系畢業, 學士, 1986年7月揚州師範學院數學系研究生畢業, 碩士, 1995年任副教授,1995年被評為江蘇省普通高等學校優秀中青年骨幹教師,1999年
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1994.10—1995.10, 日本鳴門教育大學訪問學者,
2002.04—2003.03, 德國亞深工業大學訪問,
2004.04—2005.03, 紐西蘭惠靈頓維多利亞大學訪問,
2006.06—2006.07, 德國亞深工業大學訪問。
Hui-xiang Chen, Yinhuo Zhang, Four-dimensional Yetter-Drinfeld module algebras over , J. Algebra 296(2), 2006, 582-634.
Aaron Armour, Hui-Xiang Chen, Yinhuo Zhang, Structure theorems of -Azumaya algebras, J. Algebra 305, 2006, 360-393.
Hui-Xiang Chen, Representations of a class of Drinfeld's doubles, Comm. Algebra33 (8), 2005, 2809--2825.
Hui-Xiang Chen, Gerhard Hiss, Projective summands in tensor products of simple modules of finite dimensional Hopf algebras, Comm. Algebra32(11), 2004, 4247--4264.
Hualin Huang, Hui-Xiang, Chen, Pu Zhang, Generalized Taft algebras, Algebra Colloq.11(3), 2004, 313--320.
Liangyun Zhang, Hui-Xiang Chen, Jinqi Li, Twisted products and Smash products over weak Hopf algebras, Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B Engl. Ed.24(2), 2004, 247--258.
陳惠香,劉凌,吳鋒, 張雲, 廣義Hopf交叉余積,數學年刊 24A(2), 2003, 245-258.
張良雲,陳惠香, Smash積代數和量子模範疇中的Hopf代數的新對偶,數學年刊 24A(4), 2003, 473-482.
Hui-Xiang Chen,Finite-dimensional representations of a quantum double, J.Algebra 251(2), 2002, 751-789.
Hui-Xiang Chen, Yun Zhang, Ling Liu, Feng Wu, irreducible Representations of a class of finite-dimensional algebras, Comm. Algebra 30(11), 2002, 5153-5178.
Shuanhong Wang, Hui-Xiang Chen, Hopf-Galois coextensions and Lie coalgebras, Progr. Natur. Sci.(Engl. Ed.) 12(4), 2002, 264-270.
Hui-Xiang Chen, Shuanhong Wang, Hopf modules, Miyashita-Ulbrich coactions, and monoidal center constructions, Comm. Algebra 30(6), 2002, 2853-2881.
Shuanhong Wang, Haibin Kan, Hui-Xiang Chen, Generalized H-Lie structure of associativealgebras in a category, Algebra Colloq. 9(2), 2002, 143-154.
Shouchuan Zhang,Hui-Xiang Chen,Double bicrossproducts in braided tensor categories, Comm. Algebra 29(1), 2001,31-36.
Hui-Xiang Chen,Irreducible representations of a class of quantum doubles,J. Algebra 225(3), 2000, 391-409.
Hui-Xiang Chen,Quantum doubles in monoidal categories, Comm. Algebra 28(5), 2000, 2303-2328.
Hui-Xiang Chen,Cocycle deformations, braided monoidal categories and quasitriangularity, Chinese Sci. Bull. 44(6), 1999, 510-513; 余循環變形,辮子monoidal範疇及擬三角性,科學通報 43(22), 1998,2383-2387.
Hui-Xiang Chen,skew pairing, cocycle deformations and double crossproducts, Acta Math. Sinica, English Ser. 15(2), 1999, 225-234; 斜pairing, 余循環變形與雙交叉積,數學學報 41(5), 1998, 1065-1068.
Hui-Xiang Chen,A class of noncommutative and noncocommutative Hopf algebras – the quantum version, Comm. Algebra 27(10), 1999, 5011-5032.
Hui-Xiang Chen,Quasitriangular bicrossed coproducts in braided monoidal categories, Comm. Algebra 27(12), 1999, 5877-5891.
Hui-Xiang Chen,Faithfal flatness and coflatness of Hopf algebras, Algebra Colloq. 6(4), 1999, 369-376.
陳惠香,雙交叉積與余循環變形, 數學年刊 A20(1), 1999, 39-46;
Cocycle deformations for double crossproducts, Chinese J. Contemp. Math. 20(1), 1999, 9-18.
Hui-Xiang Chen, Quasitriangular structures of bicrossed coproducts, J. Algebra 204(2), 1998,504-531.
Hui-Xiang Chen,Smashed extensions for Hopf algebra , Sci.in China Ser.A 41(7), 1998, 673-681.
Hui-Xiang Chen,Cleft extensions for a Hopf algebra , Glasgow Math. J. 40(2), 1998, 147-160.
陳惠香,除環上的 Hopf Galois 擴張與Hopf模, 數學年刊 A19(3), 1998, 325-332.
Hui-Xiang Chen,Braiding structures of double crossproducts, Tsukuba J. Math. 22(3), 1998, 589-609.
陳惠香,弱 Galois 擴張與反 smash 積, 數學學報 41(6), 1998, 1165-1172 .
陳惠香,Hopf余模代數Smash積的理想,數學雜誌 16(1), 1996,55-59.
陳惠香,Hopf Galios擴張與Hopf模結構定理,數學學報 38(2), 1995,228-233.
陳惠香,H*-有理模和右Smash積 , 數學研究與評論15(3), 1995,415-418.
陳惠香, 蔡傳仁, Hopf algebra coactions, Comm. Algebra 22(1), 1994, 253-267.
蔡傳仁,陳惠香, Coactions,smash products,and Hopf modules, J. Algebra 167(1), 1994,85-99.
陳惠香, 武同鎖, A Morita context related to Hopf module algebras, 南京大學數學半年刊11(1), 1994, 39-43.
方洪錦,蔡傳仁,陳惠香, Smash積為單環、素環和本原環的充要條件,數學雜誌 14(4), 1994, 481-485.
蔡傳仁,陳惠香,Prime-dimensional Hopf algebras, 東北數學10(1), 1994, 53-58.
陳惠香,關於Von Neumann正則環的一個問題,數學研究與評論 12(2), 1992, 176-178.
方洪錦, 陳惠香, 超冪零正規根與特殊正規根,數學年刊A10(2), 1989, 243-247.