共找到2條詞條名為瘋眼的結果 展開



With too much money and time on his hands, Zach (Lukas Haas) looks like he's living the dream. There's a steady stream of beautiful women and the party never ends. He meets a girl he calls "Crazy Eyes" (Madeline Zima), and she's unlike anyone he's ever met before. She's the one woman Zach can't have, so naturally he wants her. While Zach's hard-partying lifestyle threatens to go off the rails, family concerns begin to play a major role in Zach's life. Will the quest for love and the responsibilities of family life help this poor little rich boy become a man?


性別: 男
星座: 白羊座
出生日期: 1976-04-16
出生地: 美國,加利福尼亞,西好萊塢
職業: 演員
更多外文名: Lukas Daniel Haas (本名) / Freddy (昵稱)


盧卡斯·哈斯是80年代好萊塢好萊塢最受歡迎的童星之一,在2005年的“史上最可愛童星”榜單中排21位。盧卡斯·哈斯的父母都在文藝界工作,他還有一對雙胞胎弟弟目前是音樂人。5歲時哈斯在幼兒園被選角導演Marjorie Simkin發掘,出演了反映核災難的《遺言》一片,85年《證人》與哈里森·福特對戲,扮演一起卧底警察被殺案的唯一目擊證人,受到評論家好評。
英文名:Madeline Zima
國 別:美國
生 日:1985年9月16日
星 座:處女座