共找到5條詞條名為張玲霞的結果 展開





姓 名: 張玲霞
性 別: 女
專家類別: 副研;盧嘉錫青年人才
學 歷: 博士研究生
通訊地址: 上海市定西路1295號


(1) 納米吸附/催化材料及其在環境污染物凈化/催化轉化方面的應用研究
(2) 集載葯-生物活性-可降解性等於一體的多功能生物材料體系及其在骨科方面的應用研究


近年來,作為項目負責人獨立主持承擔包括國家自然科學基金、上海市青年科技啟明星計劃、中科院創新專項基金項目等在內的多項科研項目。作為研究骨幹,全程參與完成了包括973、863、國家自然基金重點項目、中科院創新方向性項目等在內的10 余項重大科研項目。


(1) M. Zhu, L.X. Zhang, Q.J. He, J.J. Zhao, L.M. Guo, J.L. Shi, “Mesoporous bioactive glass-coated poly(L-lactic acid) scaffolds: a sustained antibiotic drug release system for bone repairing”, J. Mater. Chem
(2) L.M. Guo, J.M. Zhang, Q.J. He, L.X Zhang, J.J. Zhao, Z.Y. Zhu, W. Wu, J. Zhang, J.L. Shi, “Preparation of millimetre-sized mesoporous carbon spheres as an effective bilirubin adsorbent and their blood compatibility”, Chem. Commun.
(3) L.X. Zhang, M. Zhu, L.M. Guo, L. Li, J.L. Shi,“Bilirubin adsorption property of mesoporous silica and amine-grafted mesoporous silica”, Nano-Micro Lett.
(4) X. Li, X.P. Wang, L.X. Zhang, H. R. Chen, J. L. Shi, “MBG/PLGA Composite Microspheres with Prolonged Drug Release”, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A-Appl. Biomater.
(5) L.M. Guo, L. X. Zhang, J. M. Zhang, J. Zhou, Q. J. He, S. Z. Zeng, X. Z. Cui, J. L. Shi, “Hollow mesoporous carbon spheres-an excellent bilirubin adsorbent”, Chem. Commun.
(6) L.X. Zhang, CC. Yu, J.H. Gao, H.R. Chen, J.L. Shi, “A facile template-free approach to metal oxide spheres with well-defined nanopore structures" , J. Mater
(7) L.X. Zhang, C.C. Yu, W.R. Zhao, Z.L. Hua, H.R. Chen, L. Li, J.L. Shi, “Preparation of multi-amine-grafted mesoporous silicas and their application to heavy metal ions adsorption”, J. Non-cryst. Solid.
(8) X. Li, L.X. Zhang, X.P. Dong, J. Lian, J. L. Shi, Preparation of mesoporous calcium doped silica spheres with narrow size dispersion and their drug loading and degradation behaviour, Microporous Mesoporous Mater.
(9) L. X. Zhang, Z. L. Hua, X. P. Dong, L. Li, H. R. Chen, J. L. Shi, “Preparation of highly-ordered Fe-SBA-15 by Physical-Vapor-Infiltration and Their Application to Liquid Phase Selective Oxidation of Styrene”, J. Mol. Catal
(10) J. L. Shi, H. R. Chen, Z. L. Hua, L. X. Zhang, “Synthesis and properties of low dimensional nanocomposites by chemical assembly in confined environments ”,<> American Scientific Publishers
(11) J. L. Shi, H. R. Chen, Z. L. Hua, L. X. Zhang, W. M. Huang, W. B. Bu, “Synthesis of mesoporous-based nanocomposites and their environmental applications”, <
(12) W. R. Zhao, J. L. Gu, L. X. Zhang, H.R. Chen, J. L. Shi, “Fabrication of Uniform Magnetic Nanocomposite Spheres with a Magnetic Core/Mesoporous Silica Shell Structure”, J. Am. Chem. Soc
(13) J. L. Shi, Z. L Hua, L. X. Zhang, “Nanocomposites from ordered mesoporous materials”, J. Mater. Chem.
(14) L. X. Zhang, W. H. Zhang, J. L. Shi, Z. L. Hua, Y. S. Li, J. N. Yan, “A new thioether functionalized organic-inorganic mesoporous composite as highly selective and capacious Hg2+ adsorbent”, Chem. Commun.
(15) L. X. Zhang, J. L. Shi, et al., “A new in-situ reduction route for the synthesis of Pt nano-clusters in the channels of mesoporous silica SBA-15”, Adv. Mater.


(1) 國家自然科學基金面上項目,項目經費:58萬
(2) 上海硅酸鹽所所創新項目,項目經費:30萬
(3) 國家自然科學基金青年基金,項目經費:20萬
(4) 上海市青年科技啟明星項目,項目經費:15萬
在國際核心學術期刊發表SCI研究論文60餘篇,參與兩部英文專著《Bottom-up nanofabrication: Supramolecules, self-assemblies, and organized films》和《Environmental applications of nanomaterials: synthesis, sorbents, and sensors》部分章節的撰寫。
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