



根據《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 》:
● ● ADJ Something that is real actually exists and is not imagined, invented, or theoretical. 真實的
● ● ADJ If something is real to someone, they experience it as though it really exists or happens, even though it does not. 逼真的
● ● ADJ A material or object that is real is natural or functioning, and not artificial or an imitation. 天然的; 非仿製的
● ● ADJ You can use real to describe someone or something that has all the characteristics or qualities that such a person or thing typically has. 名副其實的; 真正的 [ADJ n]
● ● ADJ You can use real to describe something that is the true or original thing of its kind, in contrast to one that someone wants you to believe is true. 真實的; 最初的 [ADJ n]
● ● ADJ You can use real to describe something that is the most important or typical part of a thing. 最重要的; 最典型的 [ADJ n]
● ● ADJ You can use real when you are talking about a situation or feeling to emphasize that it exists and is important or serious. 確實存在的; 真切而嚴重的 [強調]
● ● ADJ You can use real to emphasize a quality that is genuine and sincere. 真實的; 真誠的 [ADJ n] [強調]
● ● ADJ You can use real before nouns to emphasize your description of something or someone. (用在名詞前) 十足的 [口語] [ADJ n]
● ● ADJ The real cost or value of something is its cost or value after other amounts have been added or subtracted and when factors such as the level of inflation have been considered. (成本或價值) 實際的; 凈的 [ADJ n]
● ● PHRASE You can also talk about the cost or value of something in real terms. 實 (價)
● ● ADV You can use real to emphasize an adjective or adverb. 非常 (用以強調形容詞或副詞) [美國英語] [非正式] [ADV adj/adv]
● ● PHRASE If you say that someone does something for real, you mean that they actually do it and do not just pretend to do it. 確實地; 真正地 [非正式] 


real estate n. 不動產,房地產
real time 實時;同時
real estate market 房地產市場;不動產市場
real estate development 房地產開發
for real 真的;認真的;嚴肅的;確實地
real life 現實生活(的);實際生活(的)
real world 現實世界;真正的世界
real madrid 皇家馬德里隊
real value 實際價值
real man 真正的男人(電視劇名稱);大丈夫
real thing 真材實料
real right 物權
real love 真愛
real name 真實姓名,真名實姓
the real economy 實體經濟
real estate management 房地產管理;物業管理;不動產管理
real estate tax 不動產稅;固定資產稅
real number [數]實數
real friend 真正的朋友;真朋友
get real 現實點;[俚]別幻想了


Real power belongs to the few.
I find beards a real turn-off.
He's a nut, a real character.


用作形容詞 (adj.)
His face was drawn but the curtains were real. 他的臉是畫的,但窗帘是真的。
You will try some real Chinese cuisine this time. 這次您將品嘗正宗的中國菜。
She never had any real friends at school. 在學校,她從來沒有交過真正的朋友。
This machine is a real time-saver. 這部機器是一部名副其實的省時裝置。
The confusion arises because the real issues are hidden. 因為實際的問題隱藏在後面,所以產生了困惑。
That's the real part of Chicago. 那是芝加哥現實的一部分。
This year, the real estate industry continue to maintain rapid growth. 今年以來,房地產業繼續保持快速增長的態勢
用作副詞 (adv.)
I'm not rea familiar with the area. 我不大熟悉這一帶。
You and I must have lunch real soon. 你我必須儘快吃午飯。
用作名詞 (n.)
The real in us is silent; the acquired is talkative. 真實的自我沉默不語,後天的自我卻喋喋不休。