






2004.07-10; 2005.1-3美國密歇根州立大學訪問教授
2002.07-集美大學水產學院教 授
1992.01-1996.06廈門水產學院講 師
1985.09-1991.12廈門水產學院助 教
論文發表情況:(* 通訊作者)
1. Zhang Xin, Huang YT, Cai XH, Zou ZH, Wang GD, Wang SH, Wang YL*, Zhang ZP. Identification and expression analysis of immune-related genes linked to Rel/NF-κB signaling pathway under stresses and bacterial challenge from the small abaloneHaliotis diversicolor.Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2014, 41(2):200-208.[pubmed]
2. Gao J, Wang XW, Zou ZH, Jia XW, Wang YL*, Zhang ZP. Transcriptome analysis of the differences in gene expression between testis and ovary in green mud crab (Scylla paramamosain).BMC Genomics.2014, 15:585.[pubmed].
3. YZ Sun, HQ Xia, HL Yang, YL Wang, WC Zou. TLR2 signaling may play a key role in the probiotic modulation of intestinal microbiota in grouperEpinephelus coioides,Aquaculture. 2014, 430:50-56. [science direct]
4. Cai XH, Huang YT, Zhang X, Wang SH, Zou ZH, Wang GD , Wang YL*, Zhang ZP. Cloning, characterization, hypoxia and heat shock response of hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) from the small abaloneHaliotis diversicolor. Gene.2014, 534(2):256-264. [pubmed]. 293ZZ
5. Huang YT, Cai XH, Zou ZH, Wang SH, Wang GD, Wang YL*, Zhang ZP. Molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis of three heat shock responsive genes fromHaliotis diversicolor. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2014,36(2):590-599. [pubmed] AB8PI
6. Wang GD, Zhang ZP, Lin S, Zhang LL, Wang BZ, Wang SH, Wang YL*. A homologue of dermatopontin fromHaliotis diversicolor and its response to pathogenic infection.Aquaculture Research. 2013, DOI: 10.1111/are.12305[wiley]
7. Jia XW, Chen YD, Zou ZH, Lin P, Wang YL*, Zhang ZP. Characterization and expression profile of vitellogenin gene fromScylla paramamosain.Gene. 2013,520(2):119-130. [pubmed]136WD
8. Pu LL, Han KH, Xie FJ, Zou ZH, Close D, Zhang ZP, Wang YL*. Molecular cloning, characterization and gene expression of the androgen receptor in the large yellow croaker,Larimichthys crocea.Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 2013,39(2):309-324. [pubmed]109HQ
9. Lu J, Guo SL, Feng JJ, Wang YL, Zhu HQ, Lin P. Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay for detectingKlebsiella oxytoca inAnguilla janponica.Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2012, 40(11):1709-1714.[cnki]
10. Han KH, Dai YB, Zou ZH, Fu MJ, Wang YL*, Zhang ZP. Molecular characterization and expression profiles of cdc2 and cyclin B during oogenesis and spermatogenesis in green mud crab (Scylla paramamosain)Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. 2012, 163(3-4):292-302.[pubmed]038MN
11. Ge H, Wang GD, Zhang LL, Wang SH, Zou ZH, Yan SF, Wang YL*, Zhang ZP. Characterization of Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 binding protein 1 gene in small abaloneHaliotis diversicolor.Gene.2012,506(2):417-422. [pubmed] 994FJ
12. Fu MJ, Zou ZH, Liu SF, Lin P, Wang YL*, Zhang ZP. Selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase gene expression during gonad development and its response to LPS and HO challenge inScylla paramamosain.Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2012,33(3):532-542.[pubmed] 996AZ
13. Li Na, Zhang ZP, Zhang LL, Wang SH, Zou ZH, Wang GD, Wang YL*. Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7, a member of insulin-like growth factor signal pathway, involved in immune response of small abaloneHaliotis diversicolor.Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2012, 33(2):229-242. [pubmed] 977CA
14. Dai YB, Han KH, Zou ZH, Yan SF, Wang YL*, Zhang ZP.SUMO-1 of mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) in gametogenesis.Gene. 2012, 503(2):260-268. [pubmed] 012PQ
15. Ma AN, Wang YL*, Zou ZH, Fu MJ, Lin P, Zhang ZP.Erk2 in ovarian development of green mud crab Scylla paramamosain.DNA and Cell Biology.2012, 31(7):1233-1244. [pubmed] 973JU
16. Zhang ZP, Wells MC, Boswell MG, Beldorth I, Kirk LM, Wang YL, Wang SH, Savage M, Walter RB, Booth RE. Identification of robust hypoxia biomarker candidates from fin of medaka (Oryzias latipes).Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C Toxicology & Pharmacology. 2012,155(1):11-17. [pubmed]
17. Wang YL, Chen YD, Han KH, Zou ZH, Zhang ZP. Avasa gene from green mud crabScylla paramamosain and its expression during gonadal development and gametogenesis.Molecular Biology Reports. 2012, 39(4):4327-4335.[pubmed] 903HZ
18. Jia XW, Zou ZH, Wang GD, Wang SH, Wang YL*, Zhang ZP, Gene expression profiling in respond to TBT exposure in small abaloneHaliotis diversicolor. Fish & Shellfish Immunology.2011, 31(4):557-563. [pubmed] 822BZ
19. Zou ZH, Zhang ZP, Wang YL*, Han KH, Fu MJ, Lin P, Jia XW. EST analysis on the gonad development related organs and microarray screen for differential expressed genes in mature ovary and testis ofScylla paramamosain. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part D. Genomics and Proteomics.2011, 6(2):150-157. [pubmed] 781GP
20. Zhang ZP, Wang YL, Wang SH, Liu JT, Warren W, Mitreva M, Walter RB: Transcriptome analysis of male and femaleXiphophorus maculatus Jp 163 A. PLoS ONE 2011,6(4):e18379. [pubmed]
21. Ge H, Wang GD, Zhang LL, Zhang ZP, Wang SH, Zou ZH, Yan SF, Wang YL*. Molecular cloning and expression of interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4, an important mediator of Toll-like receptor signal pathway, from small abaloneHaliotis diversicolor.Fish & Shellfish Immunology.2011, 30(4-5):1138-1146. [pubmed] 755VY
22. Zhou P, Zhang ZP, Wang YL*, Zou ZH, Xie FJ. EST analysis and identification of gonad-related genes from the normalized cDNA library of large yellow croaker,Larimichthys crocea.Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part D. Genomics and Proteomics. 2010, 5(2):89-97. [pubmed] 616MR
23. Zhang ZP, Shen BL, Wang YL*, Chen Y, Wang GD, Lin P, Zou ZH. Molecular cloning of proliferating cell nuclear antigen and its differential expression analysis in the developing ovary and testis of penaeid shrimpMarsupenaeus japonicus.DNA and Cell Biology.2010, 29(4):163-170. [pubmed] 580BM
24. Zhang ZP, Cheng H, Wang YL*, Wang SH, Xie FJ, Li SJ. The acrosome reaction of sperm in mud crabScylla serrata as a sensitive toxicity test for metal exposures.Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.2010, 58(1):96-104. [pubmed] 544NQ
25. Cai MY, ke CH, Luo X, Wang GZ, Wang ZY, Wang YL. Karyological studies on the hybrid larvae ofHaliotis disversicolor supertexta female andH. discus discus male.Journal of Shellfish Research, 2010, 29(3):735-740.[link]
26. Jia XW, Zhang ZP, Wang SH, Lin P,Zou ZH, Huang BQ, Wang YL*. Effects of tributyltin (TBT) on several biochemical parameters in hepatopancreas and hemolymph of small abalone,Haliotis diversicolor supertexta.Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2009, 27(4):816-824. [springer] 528DT
27. Jia XW, Zhang ZP, Wang GD, Zou ZH, Wang SH, Huang BQ, Wang YL*. Expressed sequence tag analysis for identification characterization of genes related to TBT exposure in the abaloneHaliotis diversicolor supertexta. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part D. Genomics and Proteomics. 2009, 4(4):255-262. [pubmed] 518IV
28. Wang BZ, Zhang ZP, Wang YL*, Zou ZH, Wang GD, Wang SH, Jia XW, Lin P. Molecular cloning and characterization of macrophage migration inhibitory factor from small abaloneHaliotis diversicolor supertexta.Fish & Shellfish Immunology.2009, 27(1):57-64. [pubmed] 464BA
29. Xie FJ, Zhang ZP, Lin P, Wang SH, Zou ZH, Wang YL*. Identification of immune responsible fibrinogen beta chain in the liver of large yellow croaker using a modified annealing control primer system.Fish & Shellfish Immunology.2009, 27(2):202-209. [pubmed] 482UP
30. Wang SH, Wang YL*, Zhang ZP, Xie FJ, Lin P, Zai ZG. Tyrosinase,a new innate humoral immune parameter in large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea R)Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2009, 27(3):527-535. [springer] 505ZR
31. Shen BL, Zhang ZP, Wang YL*, Wang GD, Chen Y, Lin P, Wang SH, Zou ZH. Differential expression of ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2r in the developing ovary and testis of penaeid shrimpMarsupenaeus japonicus. Molecular Biology Reports.2009, 36(5):1149-1157. [pubmed] 428ME
32. Zhang KF, Wang GD, Zou ZH,Jia XW,Wang SH, Lin P, Chen Y, Zhang ZP, Wang YL*. Cloning, characterization and TBT exposure response of CuZn superoxide dismutase fromHaliotis diversicolor supertexta.Molecular Biology Reports. 2009, 36(3):583-594. [pubmed] 409KP
33. Lin P, Wang SH and Wang YL*. Development of phase separation immunoassay.Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 37(12):1839-1846. [science direct] 543RN
34. Lin P, Guo SL, Wang YL, Wang WG, Chen JM, Wang GD. Comparison of immobilization modes in pH-sensitive phase separation immunoassay.Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2009, 27(11):2190-2196. [wiley] 532PJ
35. Lin P, Feng JJ, Wang YL, Xie FJ, Wang WG, Chen Y. Comparative study of two environment-sensitive polymers in phase separation immunoassay.Acta Chimica Sinica, 2009,67(23):2703-2708. [wanfangdata] 540EL
36. Lin BB, Zhang ZP, Wang YL*, Currens KP, Spidle A, Yamazaki Y, Close DA. Amplified fragment length polymorphism assessment of genetic Diversity of pacific lamprey. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.2008,28:1182-1193. [pdf] 356JN
37. Xie FJ, Zhang ZP, Lin P, Wang SH, Zou ZH, Wang YL*. Cloning and infection response of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) in large yellow croaker,Pseudosciaena crocea (Richardson).Journal of Fish Biology. 2008, 73(5):1149-1160. [wiley] 357SA
38. Lin P, Wang YL*, Feng JJ, Zou ZH, Yang Q. Competitive enzymatic fluorescence immunoassay for human IgG by using a temperature sensitive phase separating polymer with regulated phase transition temperature.Chinese Journal of Chemistry. 2008, 26(4):794-798. [wiley] 296GZ
39. Wang GD, Zhang KF, Zhang ZP, Zou ZH, Jia XW, Wang SH, Lin P, Wang YL*. Molecular cloning and responsive expression of macrophage expressed gene from small abaloneHaliotis diversicolor supertexta. Fish & Shellfish Immunology.2008, 24(3):346-359. [pubmed] 279SP
40. Lin P, Feng JJ, Zou ZH, Wang SH, Yang Q, Wang YL*. Determination of outer membrane protein ofAeromonas hydrophila by pH controlled phase separation fluoroimmunoassay.Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2008, 36(5):695-698. [pdf] 329WZ
41. Zhang ZP, Wang YL*, Jiang YH, Lin P, Jia XW, Zou ZH. The ribosomal protein L24 is differentially expressed in the ovary and testis of the marine shrimpMarsupenaeus japonicus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. 2007, 14(3):466-474. [pubmed] 183EQ
42. Guo W, Wang ZY, Wang YL, Zhang ZP, Gui JF. Isolation and characterization of six microsatellite markers in the large yellow croaker(Pseudosciaena crocea Richardson).Molecular Ecology Notes.2005,5:369-371. [pdf]
43. Wang SH, Wang YL, Zhang ZX, Ralph J, Weng ZH, Zou ZH, Zhang ZP. Different response of innate immune factors in abaloneHaliotis diversicolor supertexta toE.coli orVibrio parahaemolyticus infection.Journal of Shellfish Research.2004, 23(4):1173-1178. [pdf]
44. Wang ZY, Ke CH, Wang YL, Xiao ZQ, Ho, KC, Chu KH. Genetic variations and divergence of twoHaliotis species as revealed by AFLP analysis.Journal of Shellfish Research. 2004, 23(4):1147-1152. [link]
45. Cai MY, Ke CH, Wang ZY, Zhou SQ, Zhang ZX, Wang YL, Zhang ZP. Induction of gynogenetic diploids in the small abalone,haliotis diversicolor supertexta. Journal of Shellfish Research.2004, 23(4):1115-1121. [link]
46. Zhang ZP, Wu RSS, Mok, HOL, Wang, YL, Poon WW, Cheng SH, Kong RY. Isolation, characterization and expression analysis of a hypoxia-responsive glucose transporter gene from the grass carp,Ctenopharyngodon idellus.European Journal of Biochemistry.2003, 270(14):3010-3017. [pubmed]
47. Au DW, Chiang MW, Tang JY, Yuen BB, Wang YL, Wu RSS. Impairment of sea urchin sperm quality by UV-B radiation predicting fertilization success from sperm morality.Marine Pollution Bulletin.2002, 44(1):17-24. [pubmed]
48. Ma GC, Wang TM, Su CY, Wang YL, Chen SM, Tsai HJ. Retina-specificcis-elements and binding nuclear proteins of carp rhodopsin.FEBS letters.2001, 508(2):265-271. [pubmed]
海水魚類養殖理論與技術(雷霽霖主編)2005 第三篇 第一章 海水魚類遺傳育種技術 第229-242頁 中國農業出版社出版,北京.
1. 國務院政府特殊津貼(2005年)
2. 國家級“新世紀百千萬人才工程”人選(2004年)
3. 農業部有突出貢獻的中青年科技專家(1997年)
4. 福建省“百千萬人才工程”人選(2002年)
5. 福建省首批科技創新團隊“水產動物功能基因的開發與利用”負責人(2012年)
6. 福建省優秀教師(1996年)
7. 福建省“三、八”紅旗手(2010年)
8. 福建省“三、八”紅旗手(2005年)
9. 廈門市五一勞動獎章獲得者(2013年)
10. 廈門市“三、八”紅旗手(1999年)
11. 集美大學第一層次優秀青年骨幹教師(2010年)
12. 集美大學第二屆優秀中青年骨幹教師(第一層次)(2000年)
13. 集美大學跨世紀中青年學術帶頭人(1997年)
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15. 集美大學優秀教師(1998年,2003年,2010年)
16. 2007-2009年《中國水產科學》雜誌優秀評審專家
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3. 一篇論文獲福建省自然科學優秀論文壹等獎(2010年)(通訊作者)
4. 一篇論文獲福建省自然科學優秀論文叄等獎(2010年)(通訊作者)
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6. “雜色鮑的遺傳改良及中試示範”獲福建省科技進步貳等獎(2009年2月)(排名第五)
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9. 一篇論文獲福建省自然科學優秀論文貳等獎(2004年)(排名第二)
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13. 一篇論文獲福建省生理學會優秀論文貳等獎(1997年)(排名第一)
14. 一篇論文獲福建省自然科學優秀學術論文貳等獎(1998年)(排名第一)
15. 一篇論文獲福建省自然科學優秀論文叄等獎(1995年)(排名第一)
16. 一篇論文獲中國水產學會優秀論文貳等獎(1991年)(排名第二)
17. 二篇論文獲福建省生理學會優秀論文獎(1992年)(排名第一)

