




將攝像機和錄像機組合成一體的裝置。以往的攝像機、錄相機都分裝成兩體,攜帶和操作都不方便。隨著技術的發展,機械加工水平的提高,專用大規模集成電路的試製成功,使攝錄一體機的出現成為必然。現代的攝錄一體化機,操作簡便、攜帶方便、附件齊全。它既有高級的光學系統,又有完善的信號處理系統。在微處理機的全面管理下,其自動化程度達到很高水準,使許多非專業人員也能應用自如,獲得高質量的錄製效果,使攝錄設備進入家庭.Camera and video recorder will be combined into one device. Previous cameras, video recorders are installed into two sub-bodies, are not easy to carry and operate. With the technological development, raising the level of mechanical processing, special-purposeLSItrial successful, so that the emergence of camcorder become a necessity. integration of the modern video machines, easy to operate, easy to carry, accessories complete. It is both sophisticatedopticalsystem, there are sound signal processing system. in the microprocessor overall management, its degree of automation to achieve a high standard, so that many non-professionals can also be applied freely, access to high-quality recording results, so that video recording devices into the home.