PhD in Turbomachinery , Cranfield University, England, 1998.10
1. Sun, J. and Tsukamoto, H., Numerical approaches to diffuser pump off-design performance, the second International Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluid engineering, 22-25, October, 2000, Beijing, China
2.Sun, J. et al, Variable geometry and stage matching in multistage axial flow compressors, the second International Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluid engineering, 22-25, October, 2000, Beijing, China
3.Sun, J. and Tsukamoto, H., Off-design performance prediction for diffuser pumps, IMechE Journal of Power and Energy, A2, 2001
4.Elder, R. L., Sun, J. and P. Wiess, Optimising Variable stator vane setting in multistage axial flow compressors. Seventh European Congress on Fluid Machinery, the Hague, Netherlands, April, 1999
5.Sun, J. and Elder, R. L., Numerical optimisation of a stator vane setting in multistage axial flow compressors, Journal of power and energy, proceedings of IMechE, Vol. 212 Part A, 1998
榮獲1998年度IMechE 最佳科技論文獎, 即Arthur Charles Main Award 1998