共找到17條詞條名為王沛的結果 展開
先後承擔國家自然科學基金重點、國家自然科學基金面上、863基金、安徽省優秀青年科技基金、安徽省自然科學基金等,作為學術骨幹參加國家973項目等。近年來在Optics Letters,Optics Express,Applied Physics Letters,Nanotechnology,Plasmonics,Journalof Applied Physics,Applied Physics B,Optics Communications等期刊上發表SCI收錄論文30多篇,申請並獲批多項發明專利。
曾獲安徽省優秀青年科學基金,中國科學技術大學王寬誠育才獎、困學守望優秀教學獎、傑出教學獎,安徽省優秀科技工作者,全國優秀科技工作者等獎項。先後主持國家自然科學基金重點、面上、973子課題、高校博士點基金、863基金等十多項科研項目。在Nat. Commun., Science Advances.,Phys. Rev.B., Phys.Rev. Applied., Nano Lett., ACS Nano., ACS Photonics, Advanced Optical Materials., Laser&Photonics Rev., Sci. Rep., Optica, Opt. Lett., Opt. Express., Appl. Phys. Lett. 等期刊上發表論文80多篇,共引用1000多次,獲授權發明專利多項。
1) Theoretical and experimental studies of propagation properties of surface plasmons at metal-uniaxial birefringent dielectric interface - Applied Physics Letters - 2011 - 98(2)
2) Fluorescence Enhancement Caused by Plasmonics Coupling Between Silver Nano-Cubes and Silver Film - Plasmonics - 2011 - 13 Jan
3) Tunable plasmonic coupling between silver nano-cubes and silver nano-hole arrays - Nanotechnology - 2011 - 22(8)
4) Plasmonic racetrack resonator with high extinction ratio under critical coupling condition - Journal of Applied Physics - 2010 - 107(12)
5) Optical bistability enhanced by highly localized bulk plasmon polariton modes in subwavelength metal- nonlinear dielectric multilayer structure - Applied Physics Letters - 2009 - 94(8)
6) Multimode interference splitter based on dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polariton waveguides - Optics Express - 2008 - 17(15)
7) All-optical switching in subwavelength metallic grating structure containing nonlinear optical materials - Optics Letters - 2008 - 33(8)
8) Beam manipulating by metallic nano-optic lens containing nonlinear media - Optics Express - 2007 - 15(15)
9) Optical bistability in subwavelength metallic grating coated by nonlinear material - Optics Express - 2007 - 15(19)
10) Numerical simulation of nanolithography with the subwavelength metallic grating waveguide structure - Optics Express - 2006 - 14(11)
11) Investigation of enhanced and suppressed optical transmission through a cupped surface metallic grating structure - Optics Express - 2006 - 14(12)