共找到22條詞條名為李建強的結果 展開
2004.3-2005.4愛爾蘭國立大學數字化企業研究所(DERI)高級研究助理, 2005.4-2013.11, 在NEC中國研究院工作,先後擔任副研究員、研究員和高級研究員, 在2009.10-2010.5期間作為訪問學者在斯坦福大學計算機系InfoLab實驗室工作, 2013.12作為北京市特聘教授加入北京工業大學軟體學院。
多年工業界研發經歷, 所涉及的研究項目涵蓋企業信息系統,數據中心優化,數據挖掘,隱私保護,大數據分析和雲計算等領域, 發表SCI/EI學術論文40多篇,並著有《企業集成與集成平台技術》一書,在數據分析領域申請專利37個, 獲得中國專利授權3項,日本專利授權15項,美國專利授權3項。
Special Issue: IT for Enhanced Healthcare Service , Computer in Industry
Feature Topic: Telecommunication for Remote Medicine, China Communication
IEEE ICMA 2012; IEEE Healthcom 2012; IEEE Healthcom 2013; IEEE CAMAD2013; Healthcom2014, RAMI2014, IEEE MediComp2014, IEEE SSS2014, IEEE SMC2014; ICACCI 2014; IEEE CAMAD2014;
國際會議主席:IEEE MediComp2014
IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering
IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
IEEE Communication Magazine
1. Ji-Jiang Yang, Jianqiang Li, and Yu Niu, A hybrid solution for the medical data sharing in the cloud environment, Future Generation Computer Systems, (Online First), 2014
2. Bo Liu, Keman Huang, Jianqiang Li, and Mengchu Zhou, An Incremental and Distributed Inference Method for Large-scale Ontologies based on MapReduce Paradigm, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (Online First), 2014
3. Bo Liu, Jianqiang Li, Chunchen Liu, and Ian T Foster, Cloud-based Bioinformatics Workflow Platform for Large-scale Next-generation Sequencing Analysis, Journal of Biomedical Informatics (Online First), 2014
4. Jianqiang Li, Ji-Jiang Yang, Chunchen Liu, Bo Liu, Yu Zhao, and Yuliang Shi, Exploiting semantic linkages among multiple sources for semantic information retrieval, Enterprise Information Systems (Online First), 2014
徠5. Jianqiang Li, Ji-Jiang Yang, Yu Zhao, and Bo Liu, A Top-down approach for approximate data anonymization, Enterprise Information Systems, 7(3): pp. 272-302, 2013
6. Jianqiang Li, Yu Zhao, and Bo Liu, Exploiting semantic resources for large scale text categorization, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 39(3):pp. 763-788, 2012
7. Bo Liu, JianQiang Li, and Yu Zhao, Repairing and Reasoning with Inconsistent and Uncertain Ontologies, Advances in Engineering Software, 45(1): pp. 380-390, 2012
8. Jianqiang Li, Yu Zhao, and Hector Garcia-Molina, A Path-based Approach for Web Page Retrieval. World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information System, 15(3):257-283, 2012
9. Jianqiang Li, Yushun Fan, and Mengchu Zhou, Performance Modeling and Analysis of Workflow, IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Human, Vol.34, No.2, 2004, pp.229-242
10. Jianqiang Li, Yushun Fan, and Mengchu Zhou, Timing Constraint Workflow Nets for Workflow Analysis, IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Human, Vol. 33, No. 2, March 2003, pp. 179-193.