

崔曉暉,美國路易斯維爾大學計算機科學與工程博士,美國能源部橡樹嶺國家實驗室,計算數據分析部,研究員 . 國際軟體學院教授,百人計劃,北美計算社會及組織科學協會(NAACSOS),北美交通委員會(TRB)會員,多次應邀為國際研究學術會議評委會成員,特邀主題會議主席,IEEE,ACM transactions審委。長期擔任美國國防部海軍研究辦公室歐洲項目評委會,美國能源部前沿技術項目評委會以及美國空軍特別研究經費項目評委。崔曉暉教授的研究重點是基於生物集群模型,研究和開發新的計算演演算法去滿足國家級的需求。



/ -/武漢測繪科技,儀系,
/ -/武漢大學,計算機系,碩士
/ - / 易維,計算系,博


1992 – 1997武漢測繪科技大學,設備處,工程師
1997 – 2000 武漢測繪科技大學,網路中心,副主任
2000 武漢測繪科技大學,副高級工程師
2000 – 2004 美國路易斯維爾大學,計算機系,研究助理
2004 – 2006 美國能源部橡樹嶺國家實驗室,博士后
2006 – 2010 美國能源部橡樹嶺國家實驗室,應用軟體工程部,副研究員
2009 – 2012 路易斯維爾大學,計算機系,副教授
2011 – 2013紐約理工大學,計算機系,院長助理(兼)
2010 – 至今美國能源部橡樹嶺國家實驗室,計算數據分析部,研究員
2013 -2017武漢大學國際軟體學院院長





崔曉暉教授的研究重點是基於生物集群模型,研究和開發新的計算演演算法去滿足國家級的需求。他長期負責基於橡樹嶺國家實驗室超級計算機平台以及超級異構計算機演演算法及應用開發,包括超大規模氣候變化大數據流分析,國家交通網路建模和模擬,可更新能源交通基礎設施建模分析,綠色高性能計算,恐怖威脅及攻擊分析,集群網路控制及數據集成,國土資源gis系統,基於Agent 的叛亂戰爭建模和模擬分析,傳染疾病建模, 網路系統的內部黑客的偵察等。
崔曉暉本人及其研究被美國NBC電視台,時代自由周刊以及英國新科學家雜誌等新聞媒體報道。他曾獲得多項獎勵,包括美國能源部傑出導師獎,美國國家實驗室傑出事件獎,傑出貢獻獎等。發表 60多篇學術論文;受邀或被遴選為國際會議報告人 50多次。獲2008和2009年美國能源部傑出導師獎、美國國家實驗室特級貢獻獎(2009),橡樹嶺國家實驗室特別事件獎(2009)。其科研團隊的研究工作多次受到美國宇航局(NASA)、美國能源部(DOE)、美國國土安全部(DHS)、美國國防部(DoD)、以及工業界如洛克希德·馬丁公司國防科技基金的研究資助,近五年近 300萬美元。崔曉暉教授具有較高的學術造詣、深厚的專業基礎,取得了一系列非常重要的創新研究成果,在國內外有一定學術影響。


Founded by DoD DTRA agency, Approaches to Facilitate Understanding,Use and Reporting with Regard to Agent-based Disease Spread Models, 2012 – 2013、共同主持
Funded by ORNL LDRD fund, “Modeling long-term population resettlement under climate change scenarios”, 2011 – 2012、主持
Funded by ORNL LDRD fund,“Biosurveillance Data Analysis and Decision Support”, 2011 – 2012、共同主持
Funded by ORNL LDRD fund,“Cyber Defensive Countermeasures”,2009 – 2011、共同主持
Funded by Lockheed Martin Company, “Defense and Self-Healing Networks (DASHNet) system”, 2009 – 2010、參與
Funded by Lockheed Martin Company Shared Vision Fund,“Understanding the Evolution of Self-Organized Insurgent Groups”, 2009、主持
Funded by Lockheed Martin Company Shared Vision Fund, “Scalable GPU Solutions for Cyber Security Analysis”, 2009、共同主持
Funded by Office of Navy Research, “Particle Swarm Social Model Research Project”, 2008、主持
Funded by ORNL Seed Money, “The GPU Enhanced Computer for Large-Scale Text Mining”, 2008、主持
Funded by Air Force, “High Performance Dynamic Clustering on Graphic Processing Unit”, 2007、參與
Funded by Department of Energy,“Data-Driven Simulation System for Large Scale High Fidelity Parallel Traffic Simulation and Emergency Evacuation Research”, 2007 – 2008、參與
Funded by Department of Energy, “Enhanced cognizance of evolving threat situations via knowledge discovery from disparate data”,2005 – 2006、參與
Funded by Department of Homeland Security,“Advanced Scientific Computing on Information Analysis”, 2005、參與


Big Data Analytics, High Performance Computing, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, GPU Computing, GIS, Agent Based Modeling and Simulation, Swarm Intelligence, Text/Data Mining, Extreme Scale Knowledge Discovering, Social Behavior and Computing, emergency behavior and complex system, Software Engineering, Urban Transportation


Certificate, IT Benchmarking, Stanford University, CA 2011
Certificate, Project Management, Project Management Association, DC 2007
Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky 2004
Doctoral dissertation: Study of Collective Intelligence in Multi-Agent Systems
Advisors: Dr. Adel S. Elmaghraby, Professor and Chair of CECS department
Dr. Rammohan K. Ragade, Professor of CECS department
M.S., Computer Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China 2001
B.E., Electro-optical Instruments, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, Wuhan, China 1992

Research/Working EXPERIENCE

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Staff Scientist – Computational Science and Engineering Division 2010-present
New York Institute of Technology, Manhattan, New York
Assistant Dean 2011-2013
University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
Associate Professor –Computer Science 2009-2012
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Associate Staff Scientist – Computational Science and Engineering Division 2006-2010
Postdoctoral Research Associate 2004-2006
Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping (Wuhan University), Wuhan, China 1992-2000
Deputy Director, Network Center 1997-2000
Engineer – Equipment Division 1992-1997

Honors and Awards

Outstanding Mentor Award, United States Department of Energy 2009
Significant Event Award in Lockheed Martin Cyber Security System Development, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2009
Outstanding Mentor Award in DOE Undergraduate Laboratory Internships Program, United States Department of Energy 2008
Super Performance Award, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2008
Graduate Dean’s Citation, University of Louisville 2004
Outstanding CECS Student Award, IEEE Louisville 2004
Who’s Who among Students in American University & Colleges 2002-2003
University Graduate Fellowship, University of Louisville 2001-2003


PI, Approaches to Facilitate Understanding, Use and Reporting with Regard to Agent-based Disease Spread Models, Founded by DoD DTRA agency, 2012 - 2013
PI, “Modeling long-term population resettlement under climate change scenarios”, Funded by ORNL LDRD fund, 2011 – 2012
Co-PI, “Biosurveillance Data Analysis and Decision Support”, Funded by ORNL LDRD fund, 2011 - 2012
Co-PI, “Cyber Defensive Countermeasures”, Funded by ORNL LDRD fund, 2009 - 2011
“Defense and Self-Healing Networks (DASHNet) system”, Funded by Lockheed Martin Company, 2009 - 2010
PI, “Understanding the Evolution of Self-Organized Insurgent Groups”, Funded by Lockheed Martin Company Shared Vision Fund, 2009
Co-PI, “Scalable GPU Solutions for Cyber Security Analysis”, Funded by Lockheed Martin Company Shared Vision Fund, 2009
PI, “Particle Swarm Social Model Research Project”, Funded by Office of Navy Research, 2008
PI, “The GPU Enhanced Computer for Large-Scale Text Mining”, Funded by ORNL Seed Money, 2008
“High Performance Dynamic Clustering on Graphic Processing Unit”, Funded by Air Force, 2007
“Data-Driven Simulation System for Large Scale High Fidelity Parallel Traffic Simulation and Emergency Evacuation Research”, Funded by Department of Energy, 2007 - 2008
“Enhanced cognizance of evolving threat situations via knowledge discovery from disparate data”, Funded by Department of Energy, 2005 – 2006
“Advanced Scientific Computing on Information Analysis”, Funded by Department of Homeland Security, 2005

Academic Services


Mentor, undergraduate internships program, United States Department of Energy
Session chair, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom2010)
Chair, Workshop on Computational Modeling and Discovery in Social Systems
Session chair, 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-44) Minitrack: Parallel & Distributed Computational Intelligence
Session chair, International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI'2010)
Program committee member, International Conference on Swarm Intelligence and Emergent Computing (SIEC 2010)
Program Co-Chair, the 2nd International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery


Mentor, undergraduate internships program, United States Department of Energy
Mentor, graduate internship program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Program committee member, 7th International Conference on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence (Ants 2009)


Mentor, undergraduate internships program, United States Department of Energy
Mentor, graduate internship program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Program committee member, 6th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management & Applications (SERA 2008)
Program committee member, 6th International Conference on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence (Ants 2008)
Program committee member,ACM TKDD Special Issue on Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, and Prediction
Program committee member, 9thInternational Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing(SNPD2008)


Mentor, undergraduate internships program, United States Department of Energy
Program committee member, 5th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management & Applications (SERA 2007)
Chair, Emergent Behavior Workshop, Lockheed Martin Corporation and Oak Ridge National laboratory Symposium 2007
Chair, SOAADE special session in IEEE 2007 Swarm Intelligence Symposium (SIS 2007)


Program committee member, 4th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management & Applications (SERA 2006)
Swarm Behavior Research Evaluator, U.S. Air Force, European Office of Aerospace Research and Development
Chair, SOAADE special session in IEEE 2006 Swarm Intelligence Symposium (SIS 2006)


Panel judge, IEEE Computer Society International Science and Engineering Fair


“In the News,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 24, No. 4, July/August 2009. Reporter: Mark Ingebretsen.
“Animal research useful to military,” Times Freepress, April 20, 2008. Reporter: Joan Garrett.
“Swarm intelligence inspired by animals: research could enhance surveillance photos, assist the military.” MSNBC, MSNBC Interactive. April 14, 2008. Reporter: Bryn Nelson.
“A little bird told me…,” New Scientist, May 20-26, 2006. England. Reporter: Tom Simonite.

Professional Affiliations

Transportation Research Board (TRB) · North American Association for Computational Social and Organizational Sciences (NAACSOS) · Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) · Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)