共找到16條詞條名為王世英的結果 展開
2000年於鄭州大學系統科學與數學系博士研究生畢業,獲理學博士學位。2002年8月於華中科技大學系統工程博士后流動站出站,獲博士后證書。學士學位論文:《圖與補圖斷裂度的關係》,碩士學位論文:《Cayley 圖》,博士學位論文:《Some structure problems for matching in graphs》和博士后研究工作報告:《Some new results of DNA computing and graph theory》。
1. DNA計算在圖論中的應用(10471081)(2005.1-2007.12)
2. 圖論中NP完全問題的DNA計算 (60773131)( 2008.01-2008.12
3. 網路可靠性參數的優化研究(61070229)(2011.01-2013.12)
4.教育部博士點基金(博導類)網路連通性優化研究(20111401110005) (2012.01-2014.12)
1. 圖論和DNA計算中若干新課題(20041002)(2004.1-2006.12)
2. 若干NP完全問題的DNA計算 (2008011010)( 2008.01-2010.12)
3. 山西省研究生教育改革研究課題資助項目:交叉學科研究生教學的探討(20062003)(2007.01-2009.12)
1. Shiying Wang, Yuxing Yang, Fault tolerance in bubble-sort graph networks, Theoretical Computer Science, 2012, 421: 62-69(SCI特二區,EI).
2. Shiying Wang, Kai Feng, Shurong Zhang, Jing Li, Embedding long cycles in faulty k-ary 2-cubes, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012, 218 (9): 5409-5413 (SCI EI).
3. Shiying Wang,Lei Zhang,Shangwei Lin,A neighborhood condition for graphs to be maximally k-restricted edge connected, Information Processing Letters, 2012, 112 (3): 95-97(SCI EI).
4. Yuxing Yang, Shiying Wang, Conditional connectivity of star graph networks under embedding restriction, Information Sciences, 2012, 199 (15): 187–192 (SCI特一區,EI).
5. Shiying Wang,Guozhen Zhang, Kai Feng, Fault tolerance in k-ary n-cube networks, Theoretical Computer Science, 460 (2012) 34–41 (SCI特二區,EI).
6. Shiying Wang, Shurong Zhang, Embeddings of hamiltonian paths in faulty k-ary 2-cubes, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 2011, 32(1): 47-61.
7. Yuxing Yang, Shiying Wang, Fault-free Hamiltonian cycles passing through a linear forest in ternary n-cubes with faulty edges, Theoretical Computer Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.tcs.2012.10.048(SCI特二區 ,EI)
8. 王世英,李晶,楊玉星, 互連網路的容錯嵌入(專著). 北京:科學出版社,2012.
1. Shiying Wang, Ruixia Wang, Independent sets and non-augmentable paths in arc-locally in-semicomplete digraphs and quasi-arc- transitive digraphs, Discrete Mathematics, 2011, 311(4):282-288(SCI,EI)
2. Shangwei Lin, Shiying Wang, Chunfang Li,Panconnectivity and edge-pancyclicity of k-ary n-cubes with faulty elements, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2011,159 (4): 212-223(SCI特二級區,EI) 3. Jing Li, Shiying Wang, Di Liu, Pancyclicity of ternary n-cube networks under the conditional fault model,Information Processing Letters, 2011, 111(8): 370-374.(SCI,EI)
4.馮凱,王世英。帶有條件故障邊的k元2方體的圈嵌入。計算機工程與應用(二級主學報), 2011
5. Shiying Wang, Shurong Zhang, Embedding hamiltonian paths in k-ary n-cubes with conditional edge faults,Theoretical Computer Science, 2011, 412(46): 6570-6584,(SCI特二區,EI)
6. Jing Li, Shiying Wang, Di Liu, Shangwei Lin, Edge-bipancyclicity of the k-ary n-cubes with faulty nodes and edges, Information Sciences, 2011, 181 (11): 2260–2267(SCI特一區,EI).
7. Shiying Wang, Jing Li, Ruixia Wang, Hamiltonian paths and cycles with prescribed edges in the 3-ary n-cube, Information Sciences 181(14) (2011) 3054-3065(SCI特一區,EI).
8. 王世英,楊玉星,林上為,李晶. 圖的孤立斷裂度. 數學學報, 2011, 54(5) : 861-874(一級主學報)。
9. Shiying Wang, Yuxing Yang, Jing Li, Shangwei Lin, Hamiltonian cycles passing through linear forests in k-ary n-cubes, Discrete Applied Mathematics 2011, 159 (14): 1425-1435 (SCI特二區,EI).
10. Shiying Wang, Guozhen Zhang, Xiuli Wang, Sufficient conditions for maximally edge-connected graphs and arc-connected digraphs, The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 50 (2011) 233-242.
11. 楊玉星,王世英.泡形互連網路的條件連通性度量.計算機工程及其應用,2011, 47(22): 13-16.(二級主學報).
12. 林上為, 李春芳,王世英. 含有兩個非臨界點的強連通定向圖的弧數. 運籌學學報,2011,15(3): 57-61(二級主學報).
1. Shiying Wang, Shangwei Lin,Path embeddings in faulty 3-ary n-cubes, Information Sciences 180(1)(2010)191-197(SCI特一級區IDS Number: 523XK, EI,影響因子3.291).
2. Ruixia Wang, Aimin Yang, Shiying Wang, Kings in locally semicomplete digraphs, Journal of Graph Theory, 2010,63(4):279-287(SCI特二級區SCI IDS 號: 567HC ).
3.Shiying Wang, Jing Li, Lihong Wu, Shangwei Lin, Neighborhood conditions for graphs to be super restricted edge connected, Networks,2010,56(1):11-19(SCI特二級區, IDS 號: 632SH, EI).
4. Shiying Wang, Jing Li, Wei Han, Shangwei Lin, The base sets of primitive zero-symmetric sign pattern matrices with zero trace, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2010, 433(3): 595-605(SCI特二級區,IDS 號: 611GT).
5. Shiying Wang, Ruixia Wang, Shangwei Lin, Jing Li, Matching preclusion for k-ary n-cubes, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 158(18) (2010): 2066-2070(SCI特二級區, EI).
6. 李晶,王世英 . 求二部圖的最大匹配圖的一種演演算法。電子學報(一級主學報), 2010,38(1):161-166.
7. 張淑蓉,王世英。有故障點的廣義4元n方體中不同長度的路的嵌入。計算機工程與應用(二級主學報)2010,46(14):81-83,87.
8. Shiying Wang,Jun Yuan,A degree condition for hamiltonian digraphs,Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics,2010,34(3):523-536.
9. 王世英,任雲霞. 網路邊連通性的最優化。數學的實踐與認識, 2010,40(6):145-150.
10. Jiangshan Wangmu , Jun Yuan, Shangwei Lin, Shiying Wang, Ordered and Ordered Hamilton Digraphs, Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 2010, 25 (3): 317-326.
1. 王世英, 林上為. 網路連通性的最優化(專著).北京:科學出版社,2009.
2. Shangwei Lin, Shiying Wang, Super p-Restricted Edge Connectivity of Line Graphs, Information Science, 179 (2009) 3122–3126 (SCI特一級區, IDS Number: 479HA EI),
3. Shiying Wang, Shangwei Lin,The k-restricted edge connectivity of undirected Kautz graphs, Discrete Mathematics,2009,309(13):4649-4652(SCI, EI).
4. Shiying Wang, Ruixia Wang, The structure of strong arc-locally in-semicomplete digraphs, Discrete Mathematics,(SCI, EI) .
5.黃學臻, 林上為, 王世英. 一類無向Kautz圖的k限制邊連通度的上界,應用數學學報(一級主學報),2009, 269-276.
6. 王世英。交叉學科研究生教學的探討, 山西財經大學學報(高等教育版),2009,12(1):42-45 .
7. Guozhi Zhang, Shiying Wang, Matrix Multiplication Based on DNA Computing, The 5th International Conference on Natural Computation and the 6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery(EI, ISTP)
1. Shiying Wang(王世英), Jun Yuan, Aixia Liu, k-Restricted edge connectivity for some interconnection networks, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2008,201(1-2):587-596. (SCI IDS Number:312HQ, EI).
2. Shiying Wang(王世英), Shangwei Lin, Sufficient conditions for a graph to be super restricted edge-connected, Networks, 2008, 51(3):200-209.(SCI IDS Number: 300WF, EI: Accession number:)
3. WANG Shiying(王世英), YUAN Jun LIN, Shangwei, DNA Labelled Graphs with DNA Computing, Science in China, Series A: Mathematics, 2008,51(3):437-452( SCI: IDS Number: 258SK).
4. Shiying Wang(王世英), Shangwei Lin, Chunfang Li, Sufficient conditions for super k-restricted edge connectivity in graphs of diameter 2, Discrete Mathematics, 2009,309(4):908-919(SCI,EI) 5. 原軍,王世英,劉愛霞. 一些DNA圖的標號. 中北大學學報,2008,29(1): 4-7.
6. Wang Shi-Ying(王世英), Lin Shang-Wei, Li Chun-Fang, A Sufficient Condition for -Optimal Graphs, Intelligent Information Management Systems and Technologies , 2008, 4(1) : 23-34.
7. 王世英, 郭繼文, 一類(k+1)-色有向圖的本原指數, 應用數學, 2008, 21(4):778-786.
8. 林上為,王世英,李春芳. $/lambda_k$最優圖的充分條件, 數學認識與實踐, 2008,38(12):208-213.
9. Shiying Wang(王世英),Shangwei Lin, $/lambda'$-optimal digraphs, Information Processing Letters, 2008,108 (6) 386-389(SCI IDS Number: 370IG, EI) .
10. Shiying Wang(王世英), Jun Yuan, Aixia Liu, Sufficient conditions for super-arc-strongly connected oriented graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 2008, 24(6):587-595(SCI IDS Number: 378RP).
11. Jun Yuan, Aixia Liu, Shiying Wang(王世英), Sufficient Conditions for Bipartite Graphs to Be Super k-Restricted Edge Connected, Discrete Mathematics, 2009,309(9):2886-2896(SCI,EI).