共找到3條詞條名為陳志謙的結果 展開










1.Chen Zhiqian, Yu Wenbin and Ouyang Meitao, Formulation design and experiments of emulsion for rolling process of magnesium alloy,Advanced Materials Research Vols. 239-242(2011) pp 2233-2239.
2. Li Chunmei,Chen Zhiqian, Zeng Sumin, Cheng Nanpu, Geng Zhenhua and Li Quan, Effect of Stepped solution on Microstructure and Properties of AA7085 Aluminum Alloy,Advanced Materials Research Vols. 239-242(2011) pp 786-792.
3. Chunmei Li,Zhiqian Chen, Sumin Zeng, Nanpu Cheng, Quan Li and Zhenhua Geng, Effect of Stepped Aging Treatment on Microstructure and Properties of AA7085 Aluminum Alloy,Advanced Materials Research Vols. 228-229(2011) pp 968-974.
4. F. Wang,Z. Q. Chen, Y. Q. Wei, X. G. Zeng, Numerical Modeling of Tensile Behavior of Fiber-reinforced Polymer Composites,Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 44, No. 19/2010, pp2325-2340.
5. Qiang Wang,Zhiqian Chen, Wenbin Yu, Yungui Chen, Yuan Li, Catalytic Effect of Transition Metal in the Li-N-H System for Hydrogen Storage: A First Principle Investigation, Ind. Eng.Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 13(2010), pp 5993-5996.
6. 王放,陳志謙,呂世金,金屬基複合材料熱機械疲勞壽命影響參數研究,船舶力學,Vol.14, No. 7(2010), pp 765-770.
7. Wang Fang, Wei Yuqing,Chen Zhiqian, Micromechanical Modeling of the effect of progressive damage on the tensile behavior in fiber-reinforced polymer composites,Advanced Materials Research Vols. 79-82(2009) pp1347-1350.
8. 李春梅,陳志謙,曾蘇民,耿振華,程南璞李泉,複合固溶與RRA處理對AA7050鋁合金組織與性能的影響,東北大學學報, Vol. 31, S2(2010)pp81-86.
9. Weixing Wang, Qing Li, Hua Lin,Zhiqian Chen, Ming Nie, Lijun Hong, Yuan Li, Deposition of copper sulfide hollow nanospheres in aqueous solution at room temperature,Materials Science and Engineering B 156(2009) pp52-56.
10. Yu WenBin,Chen ZhiQian, Cheng NanPu, Gan BingTai, He Hong, Li XueLian and Hu JinZhu, High-strength wrought magnesium alloy with dense nano-scale spherical precipitate,Chinese Science Bulletin Vol.52, No13 (2007) pp1867-1871.
11. Li Feng,Chen Zhiqian and Li Qing, Electronic spin susceptibility of metallic superconductive nano-particles,Chinese PhysicsVol. 15, No.5(2006)pp1075-1080.
12. Fujun Gou andChen Zhiqian, Atomic simulation of deposition and etching on the surface of Si bombarded by energetic SiF,Plasma Source Science and Technology, 4(2006)695.
13. Cheng Nan-Pu, Zeng Su-Min, andChen Zhi-Qian, Thermodynamic properties of ultra-small metallic particles,Chinese PhysicsVols.14, No.7 (2005) pp1444-1448.
14. 鄭仁蓉,陳志謙,朱順泉,金屬小粒子超導電性的尺寸效應及其形成機制,中國科學G35(2)(2005)131-139.
15. Zheng Renrong,Chen Zhiqian and Zhu Shunquan,Superconductivity of small metallic grains,Science in China Ser. G Physics & AstronomyVol.48, No.4(2005) pp431-441.
16. 鄭瑞倫,張翠玲,陳志謙,層間作用對HgS/CdSHgS柱狀納米系統電子能量的影響,物理學報, Vol.54, No.2(2005)pp886-891.
17.Chen Zhiqian, Cheng Nanpu and Shi ZhenGang,The heat capacity of small metallic grains studied by the random matrices theory,Chinese Physics Vol.13, No.9(2004)pp1549-1552.
18. Qing Li, Ming Li,Zhiqian Chen, Chunmei Li, Simple solution route to uniform MoS particles with randomly stacked layers,Materials Research Bulletin, 39(2004)pp981-986.
19.Chen Zhiqian, Cheng Nanpu, and Li Zhenya, Random matrices applied to superconductivity in nano-particles,Chinese Physics Vol.12, No.12(2003)pp1445-1450.
20. Cheng Nanpu,Chen Zhiqian, Chen Hong, Level Statistics and Specific Heat of Metallic Nano-Particles,Chinese Physics Letters Vol.20, No.5(2003)pp731-734.
21. 鄭瑞倫,陳志謙,張翠玲,劉俊,HgS/CdS/HgS球狀納米系統電子的能量與壽命,物理學報, Vol.52, No.9(2003)pp2284-2289.
22. Cheng Nanpu,Chen Zhiqian, Chen Hong, Statistical Properties of the Realistic Model Spectra for Doubly-Odd Nuclei,Chinese Physics Letters Vol.19, No.3(2002)pp309-311.
23.陳志謙,鄭仁蓉,金屬小粒子不同自旋態超導電性統計系宗研究,物理學報 Vol.51,No.7(2002)pp1604-1607.
24.陳志謙,陳洪,程南璞,鄭瑞倫,納米量級超導Al粒子在磁場中的Zeeman分裂,物理學報 Vol.51, No.3(2002)pp649-654.
25.Chen Zhiqian, Zheng Renrong, Level Statistics and Parity effect on small Superconducting Systems,Chinese Physics Vol.10, No.12(2001)pp1149-1153.
26. Chen Zhiqian, Zheng Renrong, Statistic Ensemble Theory of Small Superconducting Grains,Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.18, No.4(2001)pp731-734.
27. Chen Zhiqian, Zheng Renrong, Breakdown of Superconductivity in Small Metallic Grains,Chinese Physics Letters Vol.17, No.10(2000)762.
28. 陳志謙,鄭仁蓉,陳洪,姚純青,超小金屬微粒超導電性的能級統計, Vol.49, No.5(2000)0969-05.


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