建築設計: 理查德。羅傑斯事務所 Architects:Richard Rogers Partnership 結構設計:布羅。哈波爾德 Structural Engineers:Buro Happold 千年穹頂的建造地點是千年慶典委員會在1996年2月從英國參與角逐的 57個地點中選定的,位於倫敦泰晤士河畔的格林威治半島北端,面積大約20萬㎡;其上是一個已遺棄了20多年的煤氣站。為滿足千年慶典的功能要求,此場地應規劃一個 18000㎡廣場篷頂和迎賓場所、停車場、河邊步道、碼頭及主體結構--100000㎡的穹頂,將容納千年慶典的大部分展覽和慶祝活動。慶典於1999年12月31日開始,至少進行一年。穹頂周長為1km,直徑365 m,中心高度為50m,它由超過70km的鋼索懸吊在12根100m高的鋼桅杆上。屋頂由帶PTEE塗層的玻纖材料製成。在穹頂的中心是一個靈活的、極富戲劇性空間效果的中心舞台。 758 現場施工從1997年6月開始,基礎的8000根樁施工完成後,即開始各種溝道的挖掘,場地排水溝和建築物混凝土環梁清晰地標示出穹頂的圓周。1600t鋼構件於1997年8月運抵現場,它們在工地上被焊接在一起形成主桅杆,12根主桅杆全部在1997年10月豎起。索網的建造和屋頂膜的安裝在1998年上半年得以完成。穹頂覆蓋部分在1998年秋天被移交給業主,開始為展覽會做準備。穹頂建築物立面於1999年完成。
This article is about the Millennium Dome before its redevelopment and renaming to The O2 in 2005.
The Millennium Dome, often referred to simply as The Dome, is the original name of a large dome-shaped building, originally used to house the Millennium Experience, a major exhibition celebrating the beginning of the third millennium. Located on the Greenwich Peninsula in south-east London, England, the exhibition opened to the public on January 1, 2000 and ran until December 31, 2000. The project and exhibition was the subject of considerable political controversy as it failed to attract the number of visitors anticipated, leading to recurring financial problems.
While all of the original exhibition and associated complex has since been demolished, the canopy or shell of the dome still exists, and it is now a key exterior feature of the The O2 entertainment district.
The dome is served by North Greenwich tube station on the Jubilee Line, as well as by a fast catamaran from QEII Pier to central London operated by Thames Clipper as part of London River Services. A bus station is integrated into the tube station, providing bus services to south and east London.
Type Exhibition space
Architectural Style Dome
Structural System Steel & tensioned fabric
Location Drawdock Road / Millennium Way
Greenwich Peninsula
London, SE10 0BB
Completed 1999
Design Team
Architect Richard Rogers
Structural engineer Buro Happold
Services engineer Buro Happold
Awards and Prizes Royal Academy of Engineering
MacRobert Award