類型:劇情 / 喜劇

情場女贏家 / 表妹貝蒂
片長:108 min
國家/地區:英國 / 美國
發行公司:20th Century Fox de Argentina
上映日期:1998年6月12日 美國
混音:Dolby SR
MPAA評級:Rated R for sexuality.
級別:Argentina:13 / UK:15 / Spain:13 / USA:R / Canada:PG / Sweden:7 / Canada:PA / Chile:14 /Canada:14 / Canada:AA / Singapore:M18 / Canada:14A / Iceland:LH / Australia:M
版權所有:Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, 1997 (on print)
攝影機:Panavision Cameras and Lenses
攝製格式:35 mm.....(Eastman Kodak)
洗印格式:35 mm

角色 | 演員 | 備註 |
Cousin Bette | Jessica Lange | ---- |
Jenny Cadine | Elisabeth Shue | ---- |
Cesar Crevel | ---- | ---- |
Baron Hector Hulot | Hugh Laurie | ---- |
Count Wenceslas Steinbach | Aden Young | ---- |
Hortense Hulot | Kelly Macdonald | ---- |
Victorin Hulot | Toby Stephens | ---- |
Adeline Hulot | Geraldine Chaplin | ---- |
Musical Director | John Sessions | ---- |
De Forzheim | Tim Barlow | ---- |
des Artistes | Toby Jones | Gentleman in Café |
Vauvinet | Simon McBurney | ---- |
- | Laetitia Colombani | ---- |
Stidmann | Jefferson Mays | ---- |
Dr. Bianchon | John Benfield | ---- |
Priest | Paul Bandey | ---- |
Mariette | Laura Fraser | ---- |
Célestine | Janie Hargreaves | ---- |
Portress | Gillian Martell | ---- |
Baritone | Henrik Wager | ---- |
Elderly Aristocrat | John Quentin | ---- |
Nucingen | Heathcote Williams | ---- |
De Wissembourg | Philip Jackson | ---- |
Duelmaster | Geoffrey Carey | ---- |
Chief Gendarme | Dermot Keaney | ---- |
導演:德斯·邁克納福 Des McAnuff
巴爾扎克 Honoré de Balzac ....(novel)
Lynn Siefert ....(screenplay) &
Susan Tarr ....(screenplay)
Philippe Guez ....co-producer
Sarah Radclyffe ....producer
Rob Scheidlinger ....executive producer
Lynn Siefert ....executive producer
Susan Tarr ....executive producer
Neris Thomas ....associate producer
原創音樂:Simon Boswell
非原創音樂:Vincenzo Bellini ....(from opera "Adelson e Salvini")
攝影:Andrzej Sekula
Tariq Anwar
巴里·亞歷山大·布朗 Barry Alexander Brown
Karen Margiotta
Mary Margiotta
Liora Reich
藝術指導:雨果·路西-懷豪斯基 Hugo Luczyc-Wyhowski
理查德·布里德格蘭德 Richard Bridgland
Bertrand Clerq-Roques
Didier Naert ....(supervising art director)
布景師:Robert Le Corre
服裝設計:Gabriella Pescucci
Eric Bartonio ....first assistant director
Daisy Degueltzl ....trainee assistant director
Amadou Faye ....third assistant director
Frédéric Garson ....second assistant director (as Frederic Garson)
Judy Minor ....assistant director: theatre scenes
Aminta Townshend ....third assistant director
福斯探照燈公司 [美國]
20th Century Fox Television [美國] (TV)
20世紀福克斯阿根廷分公司 [阿根廷] (Argentina)
Abril Vídeo [巴西] (Brazil) (VHS)
福斯探照燈公司 [美國] (a News Corporation company)
Gativideo [阿根廷] (Argentina) (video)
Hispano Foxfilms S.A.E. [西班牙]
二十世紀福斯電影公司 [美國]
The Film Factor2y at VTR [英國] (visual effects)
AON/Albert G. Ruben Insurance Services Inc. [美國] insurance services
Air Studios [英國] music recorded at
Air-Edel Associatesmusic coordination
Angel Voices Choir [英國] group performers
Assurances Continentalesinsurance services
Bordeaux Town Council [法國] invaluable support
Cafe Gourmandprop food supplied by
Cite Mondlalethanks
Corbett & Keene Ltd. [英國] unit publicity
Goldcrest Post Production Facilitiespost-production services
Groupe Phenix [法國] thanks
L.A.B.A. S.r.l. [義大利] jewellrey supplied by
L.C.P. Calzature - Rome [義大利] shoe makers
La Mairie de Gradignan [法國] thanks
La Mairie de Saint Andre de Cobzac [法國] thanks
Le Chateau du Bouilh [法國] thanks
Le Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or de Rochefort [法國] thanks
Lloyds Bank, Witney [英國] banking services
Location Facilities Ltd. [英國] vehicles supplied by
Madame Bijoux, Paris [法國] jewellery supplied by
Malde & Co. [英國] auditing
Maratier [法國] weapons supplied by
Marriott Harrison [英國] legal services
Panavision Grips Ltd. [英國] grip equipment supplied by
Paradox Voyages [法國] travel agency
RCA Victor [美國] soundtrack
Salon Ltd. [英國] editing equipment
Sapex Scripts [英國] post-production services
Septième Production [法國] production services
Set Meals [英國] catering
Societe Marseillaise de Credit [法國] banking services
Sylvia Wheeler Film Services [英國] negative cutting
The Film Factor2y at VTR [英國] titles
The Travel Companytravel agency
Tirelli Costumi, Roma [義大利] costumes supplied by
Twickenham Film Studios [英國] post-production services
美國 USA1998年6月12日
英國 UK1998年8月......(Edinburgh Film Festival)
瑞典 Sweden1998年8月21日
阿根廷 Argentina1998年9月10日
英國 UK1998年9月11日
澳大利亞 Australia1998年10月1日
巴西 Brazil1998年10月23日
日本J apan1998年10月31日
西徠班牙 Spain1998年11月6日
匈牙利 Hungary1998年12月3日......(video premiere)
挪威 Norway1999年1月8日
紐西蘭 New Zealand1999年1月29日
冰島 Iceland1999年2月3日......(video premiere)
土耳其 Turkey1999年4月16日
義大利 Italy1999年7月16日
Mlle. Elisabeth 'Bette' Fisher: For the sake of their pleasure, men commit the most appalling crimes.
Mlle. Elisabeth 'Bette' Fisher: 為了滿足自己的享樂,男人們才犯下了最驚世駭俗的罪行。
Vauvinet, the Moneylender: It's the not about the money, you understand...
債主: 這跟錢沒有關係,你明白。。。
Victorin Hulot: I understand.
Victorin Hulot:我明白。
Vauvinet, the Moneylender: ...It's the principle.
債主: 這是原則性的問題。
Victorin Hulot: I understand.
Victorin Hulot:我明白。
Vauvinet, the Moneylender: So if you don't repay us, we kill you, your wife and children and throw your bodies into the Seine.
[pause] (停頓)
Victorin Hulot: I understand.
Victorin Hulot:我明白。
Who knew deception, treachery and revenge could be this much fun...