







Chapter1 GeneraIPrlnclples 1
1.1 What is Translation? 1
1.1.1 Linguistic Views on Translation 1
1.1.2 Cultural Views on Translation 1
1.1.3 Literary Views on Translation 2
1.1.4 Semantic Views on Translation 2
1.1.5 Functional Views on Translation 3
1.1.6 Communicative Views on Translation
1.2 The Assessment of Translation 3
1.2.1 Translation Criteria Put Forward by Famous Translators or Tra
1.2.2 Other Factors Affecting the Evaluation of Translation
1.2.3 Criteria for Beginners of Translation 7
1.2.4 Translation Proficiency: the Requirements of the Teach English Major
1.3 The Competence of a Translator 8
1.3.1 Excellent Command of the Two Languages 8
1.3.2 Considerable Knowledge of the Two Cultures 9
1.3.3 Adequate Knowledge of the Subject Matter 11
1.3.4 Fair Capacity for Writing 11
1.3.5 Plenty of Practice and Adequate Knowledge of Transl Skills 11
1.3.6 Skills in the Use of Information Technology 12
1.4 Translation Strategies 12
1.4.1 Literal Translation and Free Translation 12
1.4.2 Foreignizing Translation and Domesticating Translation
1.4.3 Style and Translation 15
1.5 Basic Processes in Translating 19
1.5.1 The Four-phase Process in Translating 19
1.5.2 Some Dos and Don'ts for Students 21
1.5.3 Procedures of Translation by a Team 21
Chapter 2 Contrastlve Studies of English and Chinese 25
2.1 Studies of the English Language 25
2.1.1 External History: Historical Information Related to the English Language 25
2.1.2 Internal History: a Linguistic Review 28
2.1.3 Some Characteristics of English 29
2.2 Studies of the Chinese Language 31
2.2.1 Some Major Factors Affecting the Chinese Language 31
2.2.2 Some Characteristics of Modern Chinese 32
2.3 English vs. Chinese: Ten Pairs of Features 38
2.3.1 Synthetic vs. Analytic (綜合語與分析語) 38
2.3.2 Rigid vs. Supple (剛性與柔性) 44
2.3.3 Hypotactic vs. Paratactic (形合與意合) 47
2.3.4 Complex vs. Simplex (繁複與簡短) 49
2.3.5 Impersonal vs. Personal (物稱與人稱) 50
2.3.6 Passive vs. Active (被動與主動) 52
2.3.7 Static vs. Dynamic (靜態與動態) 54
2.3.8 Abstract vs. Concrete (抽象與具體) 55
2.3.9 Indirect vs. Direct (間接與直接) 56
2.3.10 Substitutive vs. Repetitive (替換與重複) 59
Conclusion 66
Chapter3 DIction(選詞法) 67
3.1 Choice of Affective Meanings 67
3.2 Choice of Grammatical Meanings 70
3.3 Choice of Contextual Meanings 71
3.4 Choice of Collocative Meanings 72
3.5 Choice of Stylistic Meanings 74
3.6 Choice of Ambiguous Meanings 81
3.7 Choice of Extended Meanings 83
3.8 Choice of Equivalent Meanings 87
3.9 Choice of Exact Meanings 92
3.10 Choice of Different Chinese Words to Translate the Same English Word or Use of the
Same Chinese Word(s) to Translate Different English Words 95
Conclusion 102
Chapter 4 Conversion(轉換法) 103
4.1 Conversion of Word Classes 103
4.2 Conversion of Sentence Members 1 14
4.3 Conversion of Impersonal Subjects 1 18
4.4 Conversion of Perspectives 125
Conclusion 1 28
Chapter 5 Addltion(增神法) 129
5.1 Structural Addition 129
5.2 Semantic Addition 130
5.3 RhetoricaI Addition 140
Conclusion 1 44
Chapter 6 Omission(省略法) 146
6.1 Omission of Words Peculiar to English 146
6.2 Omission of Words Superfluous in Chinese 149
Conclusion 1 62
Chapter 7 Repetition(重複法) 164
7.1 Grammatical Repetition 1 65
7.2 Rhetorical Reduplication and Repetition 170
Conclusion 1 83
Chapter 8 Invorslon(倒置法) 164
8.1 Inversion of Word Order in Translating Word-Groups or Phrases 184
8.2 Inversion of Word Order in Translating Attributes 185
8.3 Position of Adjective Clauses 188
8.4 Inversion of Adverbials 1 93
8.5 Position of Adverbial Clauses 194
8.6 Inversion of Sentence Structure 196
rnnchLlsinn 205
Chapter 9 Negation (反譯法) 208
9.1 Transfer of the Negative 208
9.2 Conversion of the Affirmative into the Negative 211
9.3 Conversion of the Negative into the Affirmative 213
9.4 Translation of English Questions and Answers 216
9.5 Translation of Various Kinds of Negations 220
Conclusion 251
Chapter10 Dlvlslon(拆譯法) 252
10.1 Picking Out of Words 252
10.2 Picking Out of Phrases 254
10.3 Splitting of Complex Sentences 256
10.4 Splitting of the Whole Sentence 262
Conclusion 268
Chapter11 Condensation(縮譯法) 270
11.1 Condensation of Phrases and Clauses 270
11.2 Condensation of Complex Sentences into Simple Sentences 271
11.3 Condensation of Compound Sentences into Simple Sentences 273
11.4 Condensation of Two or More Simple Sentences into One Simple Sentence 273
Conclusion 276
Chapter 12 Translation of the Passive(被動與譯法) 277
12.1 Features of the English Passive 277
12.2 Features of the Chinese Passive 279
12.3 Common Ways to Translate the English Passive 282
Conclusion 289
Chapter 13 Translation of Long Sentences(長句譯法) 290
13.1 Features of Long English Sentences 290
Chapter 14 Translation of Culture-loaded Expressions
Chapter 15 Transaltion of Proper Nouns and Technical Terms