



1999年7月畢業於山東大學化學系,獲化學學士學位;2005年4月畢業於中國科學院生態環境研究中心,獲環境化學博士學位(師承孔繁祚研究員),博士研究期間主要從事具有生物活性的寡糖的合成。 2005年3月進入清華大學化學系從事博士后研究工作,從事糖肽的合成及免疫學性質研究,2007年5月出站。2007年6月加入南開大學藥學院。2009-2010年在美國俄亥俄州立大學化學與生物化學系作訪問學者,並在美國國立衛生院(NIH)Frederick分部做短期交流訪問。




12. Tiehai Li, Lina Guo, Yan Zhang, Jiajia Wang, Zhonghua Li, Lin Lin, Zhenxing Zhang , Lei Li, Jianping Lin, Wei Zhao*, Jing Li*and Peng George Wang*. “Design and synthesis of O-GlcNAcase inhibitors via Click Chemistry and biological evaluations.”Carbohydrate Research. Accepted.
11. Tiehai Li, Lina Guo, Yan Zhang, Jianping Lin, Jiajia Wang, Zhenxing Zhang, Jing Li, Wenpeng Zhang, Wei Zhao* and Peng George Wang *.. “Structure-activity relationships in a series of C2-substituted gluco-configured tetrahydroimidazopyridines as β-glucosidase inhibitors”. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 19 (2011) 2136–2144.
10. Yanyan Wang, Srinivas Chalagalla, Tiehai Li, Xue-long Sun, Wei Zhao, Peng G. Wang, Xiangqun Zeng. “Multivalent interaction-based carbohydrate biosensors for signal amplification”. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26 (2010) 996–1001.
9. Jinhua Wang, Vinh Dang, Wei Zhao, Dongning Lu, Brian K. Rivera, Frederick A. Villamena, Peng George Wang, Periannan Kuppusamy. “Perchlorotrityl radical-fluorophore conjugates as dual fluorescence and EPR probes for superoxide radical anion”. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 18 (2010) 922–929.
8. Yi, Wen; Liu, Xianwei; Xia, Chengfeng; Zhao, Wei; Zhang, Wenpeng; Chen, Xi; Wang, Peng G. “Remodeling Bacterial Polysaccharides by Metabolic Pathway Engineering” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2009, 106(11), 4207-4212.
7. Wei-Qun Shi, Jia Hu, Wei Zhao, Yan-Mei Li. Identification of radiation-induced cross-linking between thymine and tryptophan by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. Journal of Mass Spectrometry Vol. 41, Issue 9, pp. 1205-1211。
6. Cai, Li; Guan, Wanyi; Wang, Wenjun; Zhao, Wei; Kitaoka, Motomitsu; Shen, Jie; O'Neil, Crystal; Wang, Peng George. “Substrate specificity of N-acetylhexosamine kinase towards N-acetylgalactosamine derivatives.” Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2009, 19, 5433-5435.
5. Wei Zhao, Fanzuo Kong. Facile synthesis of the heptasaccharide repeating unit of O-deacetylated GXM of C. neoformans serotype B. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 13 (2005) 121-130.
4. Wei Zhao, Fanzuo Kong. Synthesis of a hexasaccharide fragment of the O-deacetylated GXM of C. neoformans serotype B. Carbohydrate Research. 339 (2004) 1779-1786.
3. Wei Zhao, Guangbin Yang, Fanzuo Kong. Synthesis of two heptasaccharide analogues of the Lentinan repeating unit. Carbohydrate Research. 338 (2003) 2813-2823.
2. Wei Zhao, Fanzuo Kong. Synthesis of Analogues of (1 6)-Branched (1 3)-Glucohexaose. Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry. Vol. 23, No. 8-9, pp. 453-464, 2004.
1. Wei Zhao, Fanzuo Kong. Synthesis of a heptasaccharide fragment of the O-deacetylated GXM of C. neoformans serotype C. Carbohydrate Research. 340 (2005) 1673-1681.
Wei ZHAO, Tiehai LI, and Peng G. WANG. “Enzymatic Synthesis of Complex Carbohydrates”. Comprehensive Natural Products Chemistry II. Volume 6. Elsevier 2010, 5-54.