吳斌珍 清華大學經管學院經濟系副教授、清華大學財政稅收研究及清華大學經濟社會數據中心研究員。2006年獲威斯康星大學麥迪迅分校經濟學博士,2001年獲北京大學經濟研究中心經濟學碩士,1998年獲西安交通大學核能與熱能工程學士。
2012年,吳斌珍與清華大學經管學院史帶經濟學講席教授李宏彬合著論文《Income inequality,consumption,and social-status seeking》獲第四屆麥肯錫中國經濟學獎。
“Railways and the Local Economy: Evidence from Qingzang Railway,”(with Yang Wang) Economic Development and Cultural Change, forthcoming
“College Admissions Mechanism and Matching Quality: An Empirical Study in China,”(with Xiaohan Zhong), Games and Economics Behavior, 2014.
“Unequal Access to College in China: How Far Have Poor, Rural Students Been Left Behind?” (with HongbinLi,PrashantLoyalka,ScottRozelle,JieyuXie),China Quarterly, forthcoming.
“Health Insurance, Trust, and Precautionary Saving: Evidence from New Cooperative Medical Scheme,” (with Chong-En Bai),Journal of Comparative Economics, 2013.
“Poverty in China’s Colleges and the Targeting of Financial Aid,” (With Hongbin Li, Lingsheng Meng, Xinzheng Shi),China Quarterly, 2013: 1-23.
“The End of Cheap Chinese Labor,” (with Hongbin Li, Lei Li, Yanyan Xiong),Journal of Economic Perspectives,26 (4), pp. 57-74, 2012.
“Does Having a Cadre-Parent Pay? Evidence from the First Job offers of Chinese College Graduates,” (With Hongbin Li, Lingsheng Meng, Xinzheng Shi),Journal of Development Economics,99, pp. 513–520, 2012.
“Does Attending Elite colleges Pay in China,” (With Hongbin Li, Lingsheng Meng, Xinzheng Shi),Journal of Comparative Economics, 40, pp.78-88, 2012.
“Income Inequality, Consumption, and Social-Status Seeking,” (with Ye Jin, Hongbin Li)Journal of Comparative Economics,39, pp.191-204, 2011.This paper won the 4th McKinsey China Economics Award(獲得麥肯錫第4屆中國經濟學獎).
吳斌珍,鍾笑寒,2012, “高考志願填報機制與大學招生質量:一個基於擇校機制理論的經驗研究,”《經濟學(季刊)》,2012年第2期,765-804.此文獲得2011-2012年度《經濟學》(季刊)Werner Jackstädt博士中國經濟和商業研究最佳論文獎
“Social Insurance and Household Consumption in China,”(With Chong-En Bai), in Masahiko Aoki (Eds.) "Approaches to the Evolving World Economy: The proceedings of the 16-th World Congress of the International Economic Association." Palgrave-Macmillan, 2012.
“Saving Rates of Urban Households in China,”(with Agar Brugiavini, Guglielmo Weber), in Gomel, G.; Marconi, D.; Musu, I.; Quintieri, B. (Eds.)“The Chinese Economy: Recent Trends and Policy Issues,”Springer, 2013.