



主要研究神經遞質受體在神經細胞內轉運及膜表面動態表達和調節的分子機制及其在神經系統疾病發生和發展中的作用。同時,還致力於將理論研究的突破應用於臨床醫療實踐,尤其在學習和記憶障礙,以及腦卒中、癲癇、藥物成癮等疾病的藥物開發領域。王玉田院士團隊擁有強大的基礎研究,轉化和技術研發能力,在醫學-神經科學領域發表了超過160篇文章,總引用數達12473次,h指數53。其中多篇文章發表在Science 、Nature、Cell、Neuron、Nature Neurosci、Nature Medicine、Nature Genetics等著名科學雜誌上。曾獲加拿大聯邦及省政府等多項表彰,並於2002 和2006兩次獲得美國霍華德醫學院(HHMI) 國際研究學者。


2004-至今:加拿大生理學會,J.A.F. Stevenson Lecturer
2002-至今:加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學,Distinguished University Scholar
2001-至今:加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學醫學系終生教授、BC & Y中風研究講席教授
2014 –至今:中華人民共和國國務院僑務辦公室海外專家諮詢委員
2007 –至今:長江教授海外評審專家
2002 –至今:中國科學院海外評審專家
2002 –至今:中國自然科學基金海外評審專家




王玉田院士是加拿大NoNO Inc.製藥公司的六位聯合創始人之一。該公司於2003年成立於加拿大多倫多市。在王玉田院士等幾位公司創始人的共同努力下,NoNO Inc完成了對一個治療腦中風的一類創新短肽類特效專利藥物NA-1的融資和臨床一和二期的人體試驗工作,在2014年成功將其推入三期臨床人體試驗,並預計兩到三年之後可以將該藥物成功上市。
王玉田院士同時還是加拿大Primary Peptides製藥公司的三位聯合創始人之一。該公司於2013年成立於加拿大溫哥華市,擁有若干個全球保護的短肽類專利藥物和一項受專利保護的藥物開發新技術。該公司正在進行若干個專利藥物的臨床前期開發。


1.Wang YT and MW Salter, Regulation of NMDA receptors by protein-tyrosine kinases and phosphatases, Nature, 369:233-235, 1994.
2. Wan Q, Xiong ZG, Man HY, Ackerley CA, Braunton J, Lu WY, Becker LE, MacDonald JF and YT Wang, Recruitment of functional GABAA receptors to postsynaptic domains by insulin, Nature, 388:686-690, 1997.
3. Wan Q, Man HY, Liu F, Niznik HB, Pang SF, Brown GM and YT Wang. Differential modulation of GABAA function by Mel1a and Mel1b receptors, Nature Neurosci., 2:401-403, 1999.
4. HY Man, J Lin, W Ju, G Ahmadian-Bahadorani, LE Becker, M Sheng and YT Wang, Regulation of AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission by clathrin-dependent receptor internalization, Neuron, 25:649, 2000.
5. Liu F, Wan Q, Pristupa Z, Wang YT* and Niznik HB* (*equal corresponding authors) Direct protein-protein binding enables reciprocal dopamine D5 and GABAA receptor cross talk, Nature (Article), 403:274-280, 2000.
6. Lu WY, Man H, Trimble W, MacDonald JF and YT Wang, Activation of synaptic NMDA receptors induces LTP through insertion of AMPARs at excitatory synapses in cultured hippocampal neurons, Neuron, 29:243, 2001.
7. Man HY, QH Wang, WY Lu, G Ahmadian, S D’Souza, L Liu, W. Ju, LE Becker, MP Wymann, JF MacDonald, YT Wang, Activation of PI3-kinase is required for AMPA receptor insertion during LTP of mEPSCs in cultured hippocampal neurons, Neuron, 38:611-624, 2003.
8. Nong Y, YQ Huang, W Ju, LV Kalia, G Ahmadian, YT Wang*, MW Salter* (*equal corresponding authors), Glycine binding primes NMDA receptor internalization, Nature, 422:302-307, 2003.
9. Wang QH, LD Liu, L Pei, W Ju, G. Ahmadian, J Lu, YS Wang, F Liu, YT Wang, Control of synaptic strength, a novel function ofAkt, Neuron, 38:915-928, 2003.
10. Ahmadian G, W Ju, LD Liu, A Dunah, M Wyszynski, M Sheng, YT Wang, Tyrosine phosphorylation of GluR2 is required for regulated AMPA receptor endocytosis and LTD, EMBO J, 23:1040-1050, 2004.
11. Collingridge GL, JTR Isaac, YT Wang, Receptor trafficking and synaptic plasticity, Nature Neurosci. Rev.5:952-962, 2004.
12. Liu L, TP Wong, MF Pozza, K Lingenhoehl, Y Wang, M Sheng, YP Auberson, YT Wang, Subtypes of NMDA receptors govern the direction of hippocampal synaptic plasticity, Science, 304:1021-1024, 2004.
13. Brebner K, TP Wong, L Liu, Y Liu, P Campsall, S Gray, L Phelps, AG Phillips*, YT Wang* (*equal corresponding authors), Nucleus Accumbens Long-Term Depression and the Expression of Behavioral Sensitization, Science, 310:1340-1343, 2005.
14. Liu Y, TP Wong, M Aarts, A Rooyakkers, L Liu, T Lai, DC Wu, J Lu, M Tymianski, AM Craig, YT Wang, NMDA receptor subunits have differential roles in mediating excitotoxic neuronal death both in vitro and in vivo, J Neurosci, 27:2846-2857, 2007.
15. Wong TP, JG Howland, JM Robillard, Y Ge, W Yu, AK Titterness, K Brebner, L Liu, J Weinberg, BR Christie, AG Phillips, YT Wang. Hippocampal long-term depression mediates acute stress-induced spatial memory retrieval impairment, Proc Natl Acad Sci, 104:11471–11476, 2007.
16. Peineau S, C Taghibiglou, C Bradley, TP Wong, L Liu, J Lu, E Lo, DC Wu, E Saule, T Bouschet, P Matthews,P Isaac, Z Bortolotto, YT Wang, G Collingridge, LTP inhibits LTD in the hippocampus via regulation via GSK3β, Neuron, 53: 703-717, 2007
17. Taghibiglou C, HGS Martin, TW Lai, T Cho, S Prasad, L Kojic, J Lu, Y Liu, E Lo, S Zhang, YP Li, JZZ Wu, YH,Wen, JH Imm, M Cynader and YT Wang, Role of NMDA receptor-dependent activation of SREBP1 in excitotoxic and ischemic neuronal injuries, Nature Medicine, 15:1399-1406, 2009.
18. Martin HGS and YT Wang, Blocking the Deadly Effects of the NMDA Receptor in Stroke, Cell 140:174, 2010.
19. Colligridge G, Peineau S, Howland JG and YT Wang, Long-Term Depression in the CNS, Nature Rev. Neurosci.,11:459-473, 2010.
20. Liu L, Wu DC and YT Wang, Allosteric potentiation of glycine receptor chloride channels by glutamate, Nature Neurosci., 13:1225-1235, 2010.
21. Lai T, and YT Wang, Fashioning drugs for stroke, Nature Medicine, 16:1376-1378, 2010.
22. Ge Y, ZF Dong, R Bagot, J Howland, A Phillips, TP Wong, and YT Wang, Hippocampal long-term depression is required for the consolidation of spatial memory, PNAS, 107:16697-16702, 2010.
23. Bartlett TE and YT Wang. Illuminating synapse-specific homeostatic plasticity, Neuron, 72(5):682-5, 2011.
24. Dong Z, B Gong, H Li, Y Bai, X Wu, Y Huang, W He, T Li, and YT Wang, Mechanisms of hippocampal long-term depression are required for memory enhancement by novelty exploration, J. Neurosci.,32:11980, 2012.
25. Xu, W, YC Tse, FA Dobie, M Baudry, AM Craig, TP Wong and YT Wang, Simultaneous monitoring of presynaptic transmitter release and postsynaptic receptor trafficking reveals an enhancement of presynaptic activity in metabotropic glutamate receptor-mediated long-term depression, J. Neurosci, 33:5867-5877, 2013.
26. Zhang S, C Taghibiglou, K Girling, Z Dong, SZ Lin, W Lee, WC Shyu, and YT Wang, Critical role of increased PTEN nuclear translocation in excitotoxic/ischemic neuronal injuries, J. Neurosci, 33:7997, 2013.
27. Fan X, Jin WY, Lu J, Wang J and YT Wang, Rapid and reversible knockdown of endogenous proteins by peptide-directed lysosomal degradation, Nature Neurosci., 17:471-480, 2014.
28. ZF Dong, HL Han, HJ Li, YR Bai, W Wang, M Tu, Y Peng, LM Zhou, WT He, XB Wu, T Tan, MJ Liu, XY Wu, WH Zhou, WY Jin, S Zhang, T Sacktor, TY Li, WH Song, YT Wang, Long-term potentiation decay and memory loss are mediated by AMPAR endocytosis, J. Clin. Invest., 125:234-247, 2015.