共找到14條詞條名為曹強的結果 展開

[1]Jianzhong Huang, Xianhai Liang, Xiao Qin,Qiang Cao, ChangshengXie, PUSH: A Pipelined Reconstruction I/O for Erasure-Coded Storage Clusters.IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Accepted, 2014
[2]Chentao Wu, Xubin He,Qiang Caoand Changsheng Xie, Hint-K: An Efficient Multi-level CacheUsing K-step Hints, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,Vol(25), Issue 3, 653-662, 2014
[3]Shenggang Wan, Xubin He, Jianzhong Huang, Qiang Cao, Shiyi Li,Changsheng Xie, An Efficient Penalty-Aware Cache to Improve the Performance ofParity-Based Disk Arrays under Faulty Conditions, IEEE Transactions on Paralleland Distributed Systems, Vol.24(8):1500-1513, 2013.
[4]Siti Huang, Jianzhong Huang, Qiang Cao and Changsheng Xie. AQoS-Aware Read Optimization Scheme for Heterogeneous Erasure-Coded Storage. InProceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on High PerformanceComputing and Communications (HPCC’13), Zhangjiajie, China, Nov. 2013
[5]Ping Xie, Jianzhong Huang, Qiang Cao, Changsheng Xie. V2-Code: ANew Non-MDS Array Code with Optimal Reconstruction Performance for RAID-6. InProceedings of 2013 IEEE Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster’13), Indianapolis,IN. USA, Sept.2013
[6]Xu Zhou and Qiang Cao,D-PALD: A DynamicPower-Aware Load Dispatcher with Response Time Percentile Guarantee inHeterogeneous Clusters, The 8th IEEE International Conference onNetworking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS 2013) , July, 2013. pp. 336 – 340
[7]Yang Liu, Jian-zhong Huang, Xiao-dong Shi, Qiang Cao, Chang-shengXie. Strip-oriented Asynchronous Prefetching for Parallel Disk Systems. Journalof Zhejiang University-SCIENCE C (Computers & Electronics),ISSN 1869-1951, doi=10.1631/jzus.C1200085,2012
[8]Jing Yang, Qiang Cao, Xu Li, Changsheng Xie, and Qing Yang,ST-CDP:Snapshots in TRAP for Continuous Data Protection, IEEE Transaction on Computer,61(6), 753- 766,2012
[9]Shenggang Wan, Qiang Cao, JianzhongHuang,Siyi Li, Xin Li, Shenghui Zhan,Xubin He, ChangshengXie, Victim Disk First: An Asymmetric Cache to Boost the Performance of DiskArrays under Faulty Conditions,2011 USENIX Annual Technical Conference(USENIX ATC '11),June 15-17, 2011,Portland, OR, USA
[10]Lei Tian, Qiang Cao, Hong Jiang, Dan Feng, Changsheng Xie, and Qin,On-Line Availability Upgrades for Parity-based RAIDs through SupplementaryParity Augmentations, ACM Transactions on Storage, Vol. 6, No. 4, Article 17,May, 2011
[11]Chentao Wu, Xubin He, Guanying Wu, ShenggangWan, Xiaohua Liu, Qiang Cao and Changsheng Xie,HDP Code: A Horizontal-Diagonal Parity CodetoOptimize I/O Load Balancing in RAID-6, The 41st Annual IEEE/IFIPInternational Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN2011),
[12]Chentao Wu, Shenggang Wan, Xubin He, QiangCao, and Changsheng Xie, H-Code: A Hybrid MDS Array Code to Optimize PartialStripe Writes in RAID-6, the 25th IEEE International Parallel &Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS2011), May 19-22, 2011, AL, USA
[13]SiyiLi, Qiang Cao,Jianzhong Huang, ,Shenggang Wan, and Changsheng Xie,PDRS: A New Recovery Scheme Applicationfor Vertical RAID-6 code, NAS2011,Dalian, July 28-30, 2011
[14]Chenguang Liu, Jianzhong Huang, Qiang Cao, Shenggang Wan,Changsheng Xie, Evaluating Energy and Performance for Server-Class HardwareConfigurations, NAS2011 Dalian, July 28-30, 2011
[15]Daoan Huo, Qiang Cao, Traffic Throttling to Improve TCPIncast Throughput, IJACT: International Journal of Advancements in ComputingTechnology, Vol. 3, No. 8, pp. 119 ~ 126, 2011
[16]Zhou Gang, Cao Qiang, Mai Yonghao, Forensic analysis usingmigration in cloud computing environment, Proceedings of InternationalConference on Information and Management Engineering - InternationalConference, ICCIC 2011, Pages: 417-423
[17]Shenggang Wan, *Qiang Cao, Changsheng Xie, Xubin He,Code-M: aNon-MDS Erasure Code Scheme to Support Fast Recovery from up to Two DiskFailures in Storage System, in Proceedings of The 40th Annual IEEE/IFIPInternational Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2010), June 28- July 1, 2010. Chicago, USA
[18]Chentao Wu, Xubin He, *Qiang Cao and Changsheng Xie, Hint-K: AnEfficient Multi-level Cache Using K-step Hints, 39th International Conferenceon Parallel Processing (ICPP2010), San Diego, CA, Sep 13-16, 2010
[19]Qiang Cao, Shenggang Wan, Chentao Wu, and Shenghui Zhan, AnEvaluation of Two Typical Raid-6 Codes on Online Single Disk Failure Recovery. 5thIEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS2010), JULY 15-17, Macau, Macau SAR, China
[20]Qiang Cao, Hongyan Li, A Tradeoff Analysis of Delayed Reconstructionfor Storage Clusters, The International Wireless Communications and MobileComputing Conference IWCMC’2010, June 28-July2, 2010, in Caen, France
[21]Hu Diqing, Cao Qiang, Xie Changsheng, The study on schedule policyof data transferring in storage network, International Journal of HighPerformance Computing and Networking, Volume(6), Issue:3-4, Pages: 208-212
[22]Zhou Gang, Mai Yonghao, Cao Qiang, Design and implementation ofVEEL archive system for computer forensics, Proceedings 2010 IEEE InternationalConference on Information Theory and Information Security, ICITIS 2010,2010:138-141
[23]Li H.Y., Xiong N., Park J.H., Cao Q., Predictive control forvehicular sensor networks based on round-trip time-delay prediction, IETCommunications, 4(7), 2010:Pages:801-809
[24]Shenggang Wan, *Qiang Cao, Changsheng Xie, Chentao Wu, An Adaptive Cache Management Using Dual LRUStacks to Improve Buffer Cache Performance, 27th IEEE International PerformanceComputing and Communications Conference, AUSTIN, USA, 2008
[25]Chentao Wu, *Qiang Cao, Shenggang Wan,Optimize Mass Storage Systems by Quality ofService,2008Eighth International Symposium on Optical Storage and 2008 InternationalWorkshop on Information Data Storage, 2008/11/24.
[26]Chentao Wu, Xubin He, ShenggangWan, *Qiang Cao,Hotspot Prediction and Cache in DistributedStream-processing Storage Systems,28th IEEE International Performance Computingand Communications Conference(IPCCC'09), 2009/12/14. Phoenix, Arizona, USA
[27]Huo, Daoan, Cao, Qiang, Xie, Changsheng, Yang, Jing, A method ofimproving the performance of continuous data protection system Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings,POEM 2009 - Optical Storage and New Storage Technologies, 2009/8/8
[28]Yao, Jie, Cao, Qiang, Huang, Jianzhong , Concurrent processes of CDP in object-based file system Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings, POEM2009 - Optical Storage and New Storage Technologies, 2009/8/8
[29]Yao, Jie, Cao, Qiang, Huang, Jianzhong, Metadata management forCDP in object-based file system Photonicsand Optoelectronics Meetings, POEM 2009 - Optical Storage and New StorageTechnologies, 2009/8/8
[30]Chentao Wu, Qiang Cao, Shenggang Wan, Optimize Mass StorageSystems by Quality of Service 2008 Eighth International Symposium on OpticalStorage and 2008 International Workshop on Information Data Storage,2008/11/24.
承擔、參與或者完成十多項國家研究項目,包括國家自然科學重點基金“大規模數據存儲系統能耗優化方法的研究”;國家自然科學基金“低熵存儲系統(LESS)理論、方法和實現技術研究”;國家自然科學基金“自主存儲中介代理研究”;國家自然科學基金“進化存儲系統(LESS)理論和實現技術研究”;國家自然科學基金“統一存儲(USN)理論、結構與實驗研究”;863課題“分級存儲系統設計與實現”和“連續數據保護設計與實現”;863項目“存儲虛擬化及其文件系統研究”;973課題“高效能存儲系統組建方法研究”;973課題“PB級海量網路存儲系統研究”;973課題“全息存儲中的高速通道研究”;CNGI項目“基於IPv6的智能存儲系統”。在國內外學術刊物上發表論文50多篇,其中包括ATC、DSN等學術會議和IEEE Trans. OnComputer,IEEE Trans. On Parallel and Distributed Systems,ACM Trans. OnStorage等期刊,申請專利30多項,軟體著作權12項。
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2008年 | 湖北省技術發明獎 | 二等獎 | 《海量網路存儲系統原理與設計》 |