1996年9月-2001年7月中科院植物所資源中心植物學專業碩博連讀, 獲理學博士
1998年10月-1999年1月 荷蘭萊登大學標本館訪問學者, 學習植物木材解剖結構分析技術.
2001年11月-2002年8月 法國森林與農業研究中心(CEMAGREF)博士后, 從事樹輪生態學研究.
2002年9月-2004年7月 中科院地理科學與資源研究所博士后, 從事青藏高原的樹輪生態學研究.
2004年10月-2005年12月;2006年11月-2007年04月 洪堡學者,德國漢堡大學
2008年11月-2009年3月 德國漢堡大學,高訪
2004年8月-2009年12月 中科院青藏高原研究所,副研究員
2010年1月-今 中科院青藏高原研究所,研究員, 博士生導師
Li X, Liang E*, Gricar J, Prislan P, Rossi S, Cufar K. 2013. Age-dependence of xylogenesis and its climatic sensitivity in Smith fir on the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau. Tree Physiology
Dawadi B, Liang E*, Tian L, Devkota LP, Yao T. 2013. Pre-monsoon precipitation signal in tree rings of timberline Betula utilis in the central Himalayas. Quaternary International
Linderholm HW, Liu Y, Leavitt SW, Liang E. 2013. Dendrochronology in Asia. Quaternary International
Liang E, Ren P, Zhang S, Shao X, Eckstein D. 2013. How can Populus euphratica cope with extremely dry growth conditions at 2800 m a.s.l. on the northern Tibetan Plateau
Wang Y, Li X, Dawadi B, Eckstein D, Liang E*. 2013. Phenological variation in height growth and needle unfolding of Smith fir along an altitudinal gradient on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Trees,
Liu B, Li Y, Eckstein D, Zhu L, Dawadi B, Liang E*. 2013. Has an extending growing season any effect on the radial growth of Smith fir at the timberline on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau? Trees
Liang E, Lu X, Ren P, Li X, Zhu L, Eckstein D. 2012. Annual increments of juniper dwarf shrubs above the tree line on the central Tibetan Plateau: a useful climatic proxy. Annals of Botany
Wang Y, Cufar K, Eckstein D, Liang E*. 2012. Variation of maximum tree height and annual shoot growth of Smith fir at various elevations in the Sygera Mountains, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. PLoS ONE
Liang EY, Wang YF, Eckstein D, Luo TX. 2011. Little change in the fir tree-line position on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau after 200 years of warming. New Phytologist
Liang EY, Liu B, Zhu LP, Yin Z-Y. 2011. A short note on linkage of climatic records between a river valley and the upper timberline in the Sygera Mountains, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change
Liu B, Liang EY*, Zhu LP. 2011. Microclimatic conditions for natural Juniperus Saltuaria treeline in the Sygera Mountains, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Mountain Research and Development
Liang EY, Shao XM, Eckstein D, Liu XH. 2010. Spatial variability in tree growth along a latitudinal transect in the Qilian Mountains. Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Liang EY, Yafeng Wang, Xu Y, Bo Liu, Shao XM. 2010. Growth variations in Abies georgei var. smithii along altitudinal gradients in the Sygera Mts., southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Trees-Structure and Function,
Liang EY, Eckstein D. 2009. Dendrochronological potential of the alpine shrub Rhododendron nivale on the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau. Annals of Botany
Liang EY, Shao XM, Xu Y. 2009. Tree-ring evidence of recent abnormal warming on the southeast Tibetan Plateau. Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Liang EY, Shao XM, Liu XH. 2009. Annual precipitation variation inferred from tree rings since A.D. 1770 for the western Qilian Mts., northern Tibetan Plateau. Tree-Ring Research
Liang EY, Eckstein D, Liu HY. 2009. Assessing the recent grassland greening trend in a long-term context based on tree-ring analysis: a case study in North China. Ecological Indicators
Liang EY, Eckstein D., Shao XM. 2009. Seasonal cambial activity of relict Chinese pine at the northern limit of its natural distribution in Northern China - exploratory results. IAWA Journal
Liang EY, Shao XM, Qin NS. 2008. Tree-ring based summer temperature reconstruction for the source region of the Yangtze River on the Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change
Liang EY, Eckstein D., Liu H.Y. 2008. Climate-growth relationships of relict Pinus tabulaeformis at the northern limit of its natural distribution in northern China. Journal of Vegetation Science
Liang EY, Shao XM, Liu HY, Eckstein D. 2007. Tree-ring based PDSI reconstruction since AD 1842 in the Ortindag Sand Land, east Inner Mongolia. Chinese Science Bulletin
Liang EY, Liu XH, Yuan YJ, Qin NS, Fang XQ, Huang L, Zhu HF, Wang LL, Shao XM. 2006. The 1920s drought recorded by tree rings and historical documents in the semi-arid and arid areas of northern China. Climatic Change
Liang EY, Shao XM, Eckstein D, Huang L, Liu XH. 2006. Topography- and species-dependent growth responses of Sabina przewalskii and Picea crassifolia to climate on the northeast Tibetan Plateau. Forest Ecology and Management
Liang EY, Eckstein D. 2006. Light rings in Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) in semiarid areas of north China and their palaeo-climatological potential. New Phytologist
Liang EY, Shao XM, He JC. 2005. Relationships between tree growth and NDVI of grassland in the semi-arid grassland of north China. International Journal of Remote Sensing
Liang EY, Shao XM, Kong ZC Lin JX. 2003. The extreme drought in the 1920s and its effect on tree growth deduced from tree ring analysis: a case study in North China. Annals of Forest Science
Liang EY, Vennetier M, Lin JX, Shao XM. 2003. Relationships between tree increment, climate and above-ground biomass of grass: a case study in the typical steppe, north China. Acta Oecologica
Liang EY, Shao XM, Hu YX, Lin JX. 2001. Dendroclimatic evaluation of climate-growth relationships of Meyer spruce (Picea meyeri) on a sandy substrate in semi-arid grassland, north China. Trees-Structure and Function
Liang EY, Shao XM, Lin JX, Hu YX. 2001. A dendroclimatic study of relic Picea meyeri in Inner Mongolian steppe. Acta Botanica Sinica