iSER,類似於SRP(SCSI RDMA protocol)協議。

iSER(iSCSI Extensions for RDMA)

是IB SAN的一種協議,其主要作用是把iSCSI協議的命令和數據通過RDMA的方式跑到例如Infiniband這種網路上,作為iSCSI RDMA的存儲協議iSER已被IETF所標準化。


ISER(International Science& Education Researcher Association)
ISER 國際科教研究者協會(International Science& Education Researcher Association) 是由世界各地從事教育教學、教育教學研究、學術交流、課題研究人士自願組成的非盈利性社會團體。該團體致力於國際教學科研研究和交流、推動世界各國教育教學改革的進展、服務於各種有利於教育和科研的學術研討和交流,從而激發廣大學者的研究興趣,引起學術共鳴。
International Science& Education Researcher Association(ISER) is an non-profit public organization made up of some educators, some education-researchers, some academic exchanging scholars and some project-researchers willingly around the world. The association puts her focus on study and exchange of international teaching and scientific research, and she also promotes education reform in the world. In addition, she also serves herself on academic discussion and communication,which is beneficial for education and scientific research. thus it will stimulate theresearch interests of all researchers to stir up academic resonance.
Tenet of ISER:
uniting all researchers in education and science fields; promoting group cooperation spirit in education;strengthening academic exchanges and cooperation;making a contribution to the "strategy of rejuvenating China through science and technology"
Responsibility of ISER:
Researcher-oriented is the core of ISER, and ISER will provide a academic communication forum for different researchers in different fields. In addition, ISER will show different study characteristics of different fields and absorb association member at home &abroad to establish talent pool of science & education. Thus ISER will make a contribution to world education.