共找到20條詞條名為范勇的結果 展開
范勇,男,為中國科學院自動化研究所研究員,博士生導師,IEEE Senior Member。2008年入選中國科學院“百人計劃”(引進國外傑出人才)。
理研究員,從事腦結構圖像分割與多模態圖像配准方面的科研工作。2006年至2009年於美國賓夕法尼亞大學(研究助理)與北卡羅來納大學 (訪問研究助理教授) 工作,主要研究領域為醫學圖像分析及其在神經科學與臨床診斷中的應用。目前主持中科院引進國外傑出人才研究項目。2002年獲中國科學院院長獎學金。2008年獲Organization for Human Brain Mapping頒發的 Editors Choice Award。
1. Y. Fan, T. Jiang, and D.J. Evans, "Volumetric segmentation of brain images using parallel genetic algorithms", IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, 21(8):904-909, 2002
2. C. Davatzikos, K. Ruparel, Y. Fan, D. Shen, M. Acharyya, J. Loughead, R.C. Gur, and D. Langleben, "Classifying spatial patterns of brain activity with machine learning methods: application to lie detection", Neuroimage, 28(3):663-668, 2005
3. C. Davatzikos, D. Shen, R.C. Gur, X. Wu, D. Liu, Y. Fan, P. Hughett, B.I. Turetsky, and R.E. Gur, "Whole-brain morphometric study of schizophrenia reveals a spatially complex set of focal abnormalities", Archives of General Psychiatry, 62(11):1218-1227, Nov 2005
4. Y. Fan, D. Shen, R.C. Gur, R.E. Gur, and C. Davatzikos, "COMPARE: Classification Of Morphological Patterns using Adaptive Regional Elements", IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, 26(1): 93-105, Jan 2007
5. Y. Fan, H. Rao, H. Hurt, J. Giannetta, M. Korczykowski, D. Shera, B.B. Avants, J.C. Gee, J. Wang, and D. Shen, "Multivariate examination of brain abnormality using both structural and functional MRI", Neuroimage, 36(4):1189–1199, 2007
6. Y. Fan, S.M. Resnick, X. Wu, and C. Davatzikos, "Structural and functional biomarkers of prodromal Alzheimer’s disease: a high-dimensional pattern classification study", Neuroimage, 41(2):277-285,2008
7. Y. Fan, R.E. Gur, R.C. Gur, D. Shen, M.E. Calkins, and C. Davatzikos, "Unaffected family members and schizophrenia patients share brain structure patterns: a high-dimensional pattern classification study", Biological Psychiatry, 63(1):118-124, 2008
8. Y. Fan, N. Batmanghelich, C. Clark, C. Davatzikos, and the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, "Spatial patterns of brain atrophy in MCI patients, identified via high-dimensional pattern classification, predict subsequent cognitive decline", Neuroimage, 39(4): 1731-1743, 2008
9. C. Davatzikos, Y. Fan, X. Wu, D. Shen, and S.M. Resnick, "Detection of prodromal Alzheimer's disease via pattern classification of MRI", Neurobiology of Aging, 29(4): 514-523, 2008
10.Misra, C., Y. Fan, and C. Davatzikos, "Baseline and longitudinal patterns of brain atrophy in MCI patients, and their use in prediction of short-term conversion to AD: Results from ADNI", NeuroImage, 44(4): 1415-1422, 2009