



(1). 語法一致
The number of mistakes was surprising.
(2). 意義一致
①. 主語形式雖為單數,但意義為複數,謂語動詞要用複數形式。如:My family are having supper now.
②. 主語形式為複數而意義上卻是單數,謂語動詞要用單數形式。如:Thirty dollars is too expensive for this dictionary.
(3). 就近一致
謂語動詞的單、複數形式取決於最靠近它的詞語。如:Not only the teacher but also his students like playing football.


(1). 單複數同形的名詞作主語時謂語動詞的形式
單複數同形的名詞作主語時,如果表示單數意義,謂語動詞用單數形式;如果表示複數意義,謂語動詞用複數形式:This glass works was set up in 1980.
(2). 只有複數形式的名詞作主語時謂語動詞的形式。
只有複數形式的名詞作主語時,謂語動詞用複數形式。如:Where are my spectacles?I can’t find them.
(3). 以-s結尾的不可數名詞作主語時謂語動詞的形式以-s結尾的不可數名詞作主語時,謂語動詞用單數形式。如:What’s the news?
(4). 以-s結尾的專有名詞作主語時謂語動詞的形式
① 以-s結尾的表示國家、組織等名稱的專有名詞作主語時,謂語動詞用單數形式,如:the Netherlands荷蘭the United States美國the United Nations聯合國The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》
② 以-s結尾的表示山脈、群島等複數意義的專有名詞作主語時,謂語動詞用複數形式。如:the Alps阿爾卑斯山the Philippine lslands菲律賓群島the Appalachians阿巴拉契亞山脈the Himalayas喜馬拉雅山脈The Alps are the greatest mountain range in Europe. They cover an area of about 200,000 sq.km..阿爾卑斯山脈是歐洲最大的山脈,其面積為20萬平方公里。
(5). 集體名詞作主語時謂語動詞的形式
① 集體名詞作主語時,如果表示整體概念,謂語動詞用單數形式,如果就其中一個個成員而言,謂語動詞用複數形式。如:Nowadays almost every family in the villiage owns a televison.
army, association,audience,band,board(董事會),cast(全體演員),choir(唱詩班),chorus, clan (部落;黨派),class,city,club, college,commission, committee, company, corporation, council, couple,crew,crowd, department, enemy, faculty, family, federation, firm, gang, generation, government, group,institution,jury(陪審團), majority, mainkind, military, minority, nation, navy, opposition, orchestra, pair, party, personel, population, public, school, staff, team, tribe, union, univerty.
② 有些集體名詞如:cattle, folk, militia, people, police, police, youth等,只當複數看待,謂語動詞必須用複數。如:There are many people in the meeting room.會議室有很多人。
③ 具有單數意義的集體名詞作主語時,謂語動詞為單數形式。如:
There is a lot of furniture in his living-room.他的客廳里有很多傢具。
(6). 主語為外來的複數名詞時謂語動詞的形式某些外來的複數名詞已沒有複數意義,故謂語動詞常用單數。如:This data is very interesting.這項數據很有意思。(也可用複數動詞are)
(7). 表示時間、距離、金錢等的複數名詞作主語時謂語動詞的形式當名詞片語中心詞為表示度量、距離、金額、時間等複數名詞時,往往可以根據意義一致的原則,把這些複數名詞看作一個整體,謂語動詞用單數形式。如:Three years has passed.三年已經過去了。
(8). 代詞作主語時謂語動詞的形式
① 不定代詞each, every, no等修飾的名詞即使以and或逗號連接成多個並列主語,謂語動詞仍用單數形式。如:Every man has his fault.每個人都有缺點。No man is born wise.人非生而知之。
② 如果主語由more than one…或many a …構成,儘管從意義上看是複數,但它的謂語動詞仍用單數形式。如:More than one student has seen the film.不止一個學生看過那部電影。
③ both, (a) few, many, several等限定詞修飾主語時,要用複數形式。如:Both (of) these films are boring.
這兩部電影都沒意思。Few (of) the guests are familiar to us.
④ such, the same 起指示代詞作用時,應根據其所指的內容來決定單、複數。如:Such is our plan.
⑤ all, most, none, some等代詞作主語時,要遵循意義一致的原則,即其謂語動詞的單、複數形式要根據它們所代替的詞的含義來確定。如: All of my classmates work hard 我們班所有同學學習都很用功。All of the water is gone.所有的水都用光了。
⑥ 由代詞each, every one, no one, either, neither,another,the other作主語,以及由合成代詞some(any,no,every)+thing(body, one)雪作主語時,均跟單數謂語動詞。如:Each of the twenty guests was given a present.給20位客人每人贈送一份禮品。
⑦ 關係代詞who, that, which等在定語從句中作主語時,其謂語動詞的數應與句中的先行詞的數一致。如:
Those who want to go please sign your name here.想去的人請把名字簽在這裡。
(9). 表示不定數量的短語作主語時謂語動詞的形式
① a (great) number of, many, a few 修飾可數名詞,其短語作主語,謂語動詞一般用複數;a little, much, agreat deal of, a large amount of修飾不可數名詞,其短語作主語時,謂語動詞用單數。如:在美國發現了許多其他種類的植物,如豆類、馬鈴薯以及各種各樣的果類。A number of other plants were found in America, for example, beans, potatoes, and different fruits.許多學生到農場幫助農民摘蘋果去了。
② (a large) quantities修飾可數複數名詞以及不可數名詞,其短語作主語時,謂語動詞一般用複數。large amount of修飾不可數名詞,其短語作主語時,謂語動詞一般用複數。如:Large quantities of water are needed for pouring purpose.冷卻需要大量的水。
③ a series of的後面接複數名詞,作主語時謂語用單數形式。如:There has been a whole series of accidents on this stretch of road recently.最近在這一段路上發生了一連串事故。
④ the number of+可數名詞, the amount of + 不可數名詞,the quantity of+可數複數名詞或不可數名詞構成的短語作主語時,謂語動詞用單數形式。如:As a result, the number of the people who travel by plane in china is larger than ever before.結果,在中國乘飛機旅遊的人數比以前大大增加。
(10). 分數或百分數作主語時謂語動詞的形式“分數或百分數 + of + 名詞”構成短語或有“a lot of ,lots of,half of,plenty of ,a (large) quantity of ,the rest of,the remainder of,a heap of,heaps of + 可數或不可數名詞”構成短語作主語時,謂語形式是用單數還是複數取決於它們表示的意義。試比較:Half of the students have read the bovel.一半學生讀過這本小說。Half of the food is unfit to eat.一半的食物不能吃了。
(11). 數詞、量詞作主語時與謂語動詞的形式
① 基數詞單純表示數字作主語時,其謂語通常用單數形式,但當基數詞表示的不是數值而是數量時,謂語動詞可用複數形式。如:Ten billion is a large number.100億是個大數字。
② 用作運算的數詞作主語時,其謂語常用單數形式。如:Three plus(and) five is (makes, equals, gives) eight.三加五等於八。
(12). 名詞化形容詞作主語時謂語動詞的形式
名詞化的形容詞作主語,“the+形容詞(或過去分詞)”結構充當主語時,如表示一類可數的人或事物時,用複數謂語;如表示一類不可數的事物或少數過去分詞與定冠詞連用時指個別,則用單數。這類詞往往有:the brave, the poor, the rich, the blind, the young, the old, the sick, the dead, the deaf and dumb, the sgreeable, the oppressed, the injured, the wounded, the unemployed等。如:The rich are for the plan, but the poor are against it.富人贊成這項計劃,但窮人反對這項計劃。
(13). 非限定動詞短語作主語時謂語動詞的形式動名詞短語、動詞不定式作主語時,謂語動詞用單數。如:
Nodding the head means agreement, while shaking it means disagreement點頭意味著同意,搖頭意味著不同意。
(14). 名詞性從句作主語時謂語動詞的形式從句作主語時,謂語動詞通常用單數;由what引導的主語從句,如果從句謂語或從句后的表語是複數形式時,則要求用複數形式的謂語。如:
Whether he will come or not is uncertain.他來不來還不一定。
(15). 用連接詞連接的名詞或代詞作主語時謂語動詞的形式
① 由連接詞連接的名詞或代詞作主語。
用and或both…and連接並列主語,謂語動詞通常用複數形式。如:Lucy and Lily are twins露茜和莉莉是孿生姐妹。Chapter three and the last chapter are written by Professor Liu.第三章和最後一章是由劉教授寫的。
② 當名詞或代詞後跟有with, as well as, as much as, no less than, along with, like, rather than, together with, but,except, besides, including, in additionto, combined with等連接作主語時,謂語動詞一般和前一名詞或代詞的人稱和數一致。如:John, rather than his roommates, is to blame.
(16). or,either...or,neither...nor,not only...but also等連接的並列主語的謂語動詞形式
以or, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but
You or he is in the wrong.
(17). there+be句型中並列主語的謂語動詞形式
There is a laser printer and a cordless telephone on the desk.


People all over the world were tired not just of World War Two,but of war itsself.世人不僅討厭第二次世界大戰,而且也討厭戰爭本身.
The elecatrical properties of semiconductors depend very much on their purity.半導體的電能性與其純度關係很大。
No one can do it himself.


Translated into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order.翻譯成英語,這個句子的詞序完全不同了。
Hearing the bad news, she burst into tears.聽到這個不幸的信息,她失聲痛哭。


Her job is washing ,cleaning and taking care of the children.(均為名詞)他的工作的洗衣服,打掃衛生和看孩子。
The students in our department are fewer than those in their department.我們系的學生比他們系的少。
The climate of Beijing is not so changeable as that of the seaside town .北京的天氣不像那座海濱小城 的天氣那麼多變。


After the exams is the time for rest.考完了試就可以休息了。
In the margins was written something in red ink.有人在書頁的行間用紅筆寫了些詞句。


在there be 句型中,當be后的第一個並列分詞帶有不定冠詞時,謂語動詞按就近原則用單數形式。例如:
There is a sausage,an orange and a piece of cheese on the table.
There was singing ,dancing and laugher at the party.
there is(was)後有時也可接複數名詞,尤其口語中,這符合人們的思維習慣,先說出there is(was),后才想起後面的名詞。例如:
There's good books and bad books.
There's thousands of people gathering on the squqre.