You and I


《You and I》是Scorpions樂隊演唱的硬搖滾英語歌曲,收錄於專輯《Pure Instinct》,由Atlantic(大西洋唱片)於1996年05月21日發行。


I lose control because of you babe我喪失了理智,只因為你
I lose control when you look at me like this我喪失了理智,當你這樣看著我
There's something in your eyes that is saying tonight你眼中有些許悸動,今晚將要訴說
I'm not a child anymore, life has opened the door我不再是個孩子,生活已經打開了這扇門
To a new exciting life通往嶄新的精彩生活
I lose control when I'm close to you babe我喪失了理智,只因為你
I lose control don't look at me like this我喪失了理智,不要這樣看著我
There's something in your eyes, is this love at first sight你眼中有些許悸動,那是一見鍾情嗎
Like a flower that grows, life just wants you to know就像一朵花兒的成長,生活想讓你了解
All the secrets of life生命的所有秘密
It's all written down in your lifelines這已經在你的命中注定
It's written down inside your heart這已經在你心中畫下烙印
You and I just have a dream你和我,只有一個夢想
To find our love a place, where we can hide away為我們的愛找個空間,遠離喧囂
You and I were just made你和我,已被註定
To love each other now, forever and a day相愛每天,直到永遠
I lose control because of you babe我喪失了理智,只因為你
I lose control when you look at me like this我喪失了理智,當你這樣看著我
There's something in your eyes that is saying tonight你眼中有些許悸動,今晚將要訴說
I'm so curious for more just like never before我如此好奇,從未經歷
In my innocent life在我無辜的一生中
It's all written down in your lifelines這已經在你的命中注定
It's written down inside your heart這已經在你心中畫下烙印
You and I just have a dream你和我,只有一個夢想
To find our love a place, where we can hide away為我們的愛找個空間,遠離喧囂
You and I were just made你和我,已被註定
To love each other now, forever and a day相愛每天,直到永遠
Time stands still when the days of innocence時間堅持佇立,直到無辜之日
Are falling for the night墮入永夜
I love you girl I always will我愛你,永遠
I swear I'm there for you我發誓我將為你在此
Till the day I die知道我死去
You and I just have a dream你和我,只有一個夢想
To find our love a place, where we can hide away為我們的愛找個空間,遠離喧囂
You and I were just made你和我,已被註定
To love each other now, forever and a day相愛每天,直到永遠。


世界上流行時間最長,最具影響力的金屬搖滾樂隊先鋒正是來自德國的Scorpions(蠍子樂隊)。他們的各張專輯已在世界範圍內賣出了超過7500萬張並且有一大把的打榜金曲。樂隊成立於1965年,毫無疑問, Scorpions是整個歐洲大陸最負影響力的樂隊之一。但他們又有著其它著名樂隊所沒有的經歷--1989年他們世界巡迴演出甚至到達了蘇維埃時期的莫斯科,更因為單曲“Wind Of Change”受到了蘇聯元首戈爾巴喬夫在克里姆林宮的親切接見,這是第一支也是唯一一支受到蘇聯領導人接見的樂隊。樂隊的特點在於將流行樂中悅耳的音調、即興的重複巧妙運用於自己的作品之中。從他們的專輯《Pure Instinct》(絕對本能)我們就能夠很好的理解樂隊的創作方向了。