共找到117條詞條名為張寧的結果 展開



張寧——大連理工大學石油與化學工程學院的副教授,也是碩士生導師,主要研究膜分離, 海水淡化等化學工程,至今已主持及參與了多個課題,出版多部著作和數篇論文。


張寧:大連理工大學 石油與化學工程學院 講師、碩士生導師


2013.12 – 至今:大連理工大學 石油與化學工程學院 講師
2010.03 – 2013.12 :大連理工大學 碩博連讀
2008.09 – 2010.03 :大連理工大學 碩士研究生
2004.09 – 2008.07 :大連理工大學 本科


膜分離, 海水淡化, 微尺度流動, 分子動力學模擬


化學工程, 膜科學與技術


1. 甲醇水溶液微觀特性的分子動力學研究,中央高校基本科研業務費(引進人才科研專題),DUT14RC(3)077,2013/01-2015/12,5萬,負責人.
2. 質子交換膜離子傳輸通道中水合質子結構及形成機理的研究,國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,21506019,2016/01-2018/12,25萬元,負責人.
3. 一維擬質子交換膜傳輸通道中質子水合結構及傳遞機理的研究,中央高校基本科研業務費(前沿探索與學科交叉科研專題),DUT16QY43,2016/01-2017/12,10萬,負責人.
4. 碳納米管高效分離甲醇水溶液的分子動力學研究,中央高校基本科研業務費(引進人才科研專題二期),DUTXXXXX,2018/01-2019/12,5萬,負責人.
5. 低溫SCR催化劑Mn/Co-Ce-Zr協同脫除含硫煙氣中單質汞的基礎研究,國家自然科學基金青年項目,51408098,2015/01-2017/12,25萬元,參與人.
6. 發光MOFs檢測甲醛過程中的激發態氫鍵作用及其動力學機理研究,國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,21503030,2016/01-2018/12,21萬元,參與人.
7. 新型高效分離過程,遼寧省高等學校創新團隊支持計劃項目,LT2015007,2016/01-2018/12,50萬,參與人.
碩博研究方向 膜分離, 限域空間傳質, 分子動力學模擬
23. Ning Zhang, Yuechun Song, Xuehua Ruan, Xiaoming Yan, Zhao Liu, Zhuanglin Shen, Xuemei Wu, Gaohong He*. Structural characteristics of hydrated proton in the conductive channels: effects of confinement and fluorination studied by molecular dynamics simulation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, XX(X): XX-XX, 2016. (SCI, IF=4.449)
22. Cong Chen*, Ning Zhang, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song. Hydrogen Bonds at Silica-CO2 Saturated Water Interface under Geologic Sequestration Conditions. Molecular Physics, XX(X): XX-XX, 2016. (SCI, IF=1.837)
21. Ning Zhang, Xuehua Ruan, Yuechun Song, Zhao Liu, Gaohong He*. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Hydration Structure and Hydrogen Bonding Behavior of Phenol in Aqueous Solution. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 221(0): 942-948, 2016. (SCI, IF=2.74)
20. Xuehua Ruan, Lijuan Wang, Yan Dai, Ning Zhang, Xiaoming Yan, Gaohong He. Effective reclamation of vent gas in ethylbenzene dehydrogenation by coupling multi-stage circle absorption and membrane units. Separation and Purification Technology, 168(0): 942-948, 2016. (SCI, IF=3.299)
19. Cong Chen*, Bo Dong, Ning Zhang, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song. Pressure and Temperature Dependence of Contact Angles for CO2/Water/Silica Systems Predicted by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Energy & Fuels, 30(6): 5027-5034, 2016. (SCI, IF=2.835)
18. Guoqing Yang, Juanyuan Hao, Jie Cheng, Ning Zhang, Gaohong He, Fengxiang Zhang, Ce Hao*. Hydroxide ion transfer in anion exchange membrane: A density functional theory study. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41(16): 6877-6884, 2016. (SCI, IF=3.205)
17. Cong Chen*, Ning Zhang, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song. Water Contact Angle Dependence with Hydroxyl Functional Groups on Silica Surfaces under CO2 Sequestration Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(24): 14680-14687, 2015. (SCI, IF=5.393)
16. Zhuanglin Shen, Gaohong He, Ning Zhang*, Ce Hao. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Reverse-Osmotic Salt Rejection and Water Transport through Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 31(6): 1025-1034, 2015. (SCI, IF=0.844)
(諶庄林, 賀高紅, 張寧*, 郝策. 反滲透過程中DWCNT通水阻鹽性能的分子動力學模擬. 物理化學學報, 31(6):1025-1034, 2015.)
15. Ning Zhang, Zhuanglin Shen, Cong Chen, Gaohong He*, Ce Hao. Effect of Hydrogen Bonding on Self-diffusion in Methanol/Water Liquid Mixtures: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 203(0): 90-97, 2015. (SCI, IF=2.74)
14. Cong Chen*, Kun Zhang, Ping Wang, Wizhong Li, Yongchen Song, Ning Zhang. Ion Hydration and Hydrogen Bond Structure in NaCl Solutions at Temperatures and Pressures for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration: the Effects of Solvated CO2 Molecules. Molecular Physics, 112(1): 74-84, 2014. (SCI, IF=1.837)
13. 李維仲*, 馮玉靜, 董波, 張寧. 直角和貼體坐標系下兩種格子Boltzmann方法的比較研究. 計算力學學報, 31(3):357-362, 2014.
12. Ning Zhang, Weizhong Li*, Cong Chen, Jianguo Zuo. Molecular Dynamics Study on Water Self-diffusion in Aqueous Mixtures of Methanol, Ethylene Glycol and Glycerol: Investigations from the Point of View of Hydrogen Bonding. Molecular Physics, 111(7): 939-949, 2013. (SCI, IF=1.837)
11. Ning Zhang,Weizhong Li*, Cong Chen, Jianguo Zuo. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Aggregation in Dimethyl Sulfoxide–Water Binary Mixture. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 1017(0): 126-135, 2013. (SCI, IF=1.403)
10. 張寧, 李維仲*, 陳聰, 左建國. 氫鍵準則在DMSO水溶液中應用的評價. 物理化學學報, 29(9):1891-1899,2013. (SCI, Cover paper)
09. Ning Zhang, Weizhong Li*, Cong Chen, Jianguo Zuo. Molecular Dynamics Investigation of the Effects of Concentration on Hydrogen Bonding in Aqueous Solutions of Methanol, Ethylene Glycol and Glycerol. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 34(9): 2711- 2719, 2013. (SCI, IF=0.793)
08. Ning Zhang, Cong Chen, Yujing Feng, Qingnan Pang, Weizhong Li*. Molecular Dynamics Dimulation of the Hydrogen Bonding Structure of Water Molecules inside Carbon Nanotube. ASME 2013 11th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, June 16-19, ppV001T12A002, Sapporo, Japan, 2013. (EI, ISTP)
07. Cong Chen*, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song, Lindong Weng, Ning Zhang, Formation of Water and Glucose Clusters by Hydrogen Bonds in Glucose Aqueous Solutions, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 984(3): 85-92, 2012. (SCI)
06. Cong Chen*, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song, Lindong Weng, Ning Zhang, Hydrogen Bonding Analysis of Hydroxyl Groups in Glucose Aqueous Solutions by a Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 33(7): 2238- 2246, 2012. (SCI)
05. 陳聰*,李維仲,宋永臣,翁林崬,張寧,甘油-水-氯化鈉三元溶液中甘油濃度對甘油自擴散係數的影響,化學學報,70(8): 1043-1046, 2012. (SCI)
04. Ning Zhang, Weizhong Li*, Jing Cui. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Water Transporting through Nanotube Driven by Concentration Difference. ASME 2013 11th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, June 19-22, pp209-213, Edmonton, Canada, 2011. (EI, ISTP)
03. Cong Chen*, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song, Lindong Weng, Ning Zhang, Concentration Dependence of Water Self-diffusion Coefficients in Dilute Glycerol–Water Binary and Glycerol–Water–Sodium Chloride Ternary Solutions and the Insights from Hydrogen Bonds, Molecular Physics, 110(5): 283-291, 2011. (SCI, IF=1.72)
02. Jing Cui, Yang Liu, Weizhong Li*, Ning Zhang. Effect of Material’s Wettability on the Dynamic Behavior of Droplet Impact onto A Rough Solid Surface, Advanced Materials Research, 320: 341-346, 2011. (EI)
01. Yang Liu*, Jing Cui, Weizhong Li, Ning Zhang. Effect of Surface Microstructure on Microchannel Heat Transfer Performance. Journal of Heat Transfer- Transactions of the ASME, 133(12): 124501-124501-6, 2011. (SCI, IF=1.723)
01. 張寧*,於志家,張鳳祥,鮑軍江. 流體狀態方程教學的實踐與體會,第10屆“大學化學化工課程報告論壇”。