
The Cure樂隊1989年的歌曲

英國樂隊The Cure(治療)1989年發行的經典專輯《Disintegration》里的第六首歌。


繼專輯《 ,  ,  》獲功,  推熱專輯《》。《》  “悲曲”二,顯黑暗誘,秘憂鬱,整專輯催眠曲,隊黑暗絕,儘管專輯基調憂鬱。  罕迷。垠,仰夜空閃亮星,慢慢沉,痛苦浸透,詳窒息。鋪蓋深藍鍵盤,孤寂燦爛吉,黑暗幻化彩芒貝司,沉穩壓抑華麗眩鼓,   凄冷艷歌。
專輯取榜榜佳績,誕首熱單曲“”“” 。《  》達九鍾《     》優歌曲,《》 商業突破, ~暢銷專輯。專輯商業績,巡演, 容納觀眾室型育迷演。


on candystripe legs the spiderman comes 蜘蛛俠條紋布滿雙腿地 softly through the shadow of the evening sun 從落日的陰影中輕輕地走來 stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead 偷偷地從窗戶看在床上發抖的受害者 looking for the victim shivering in bed 嘴角掛著致命的笑 searching out fear in the gathering gloom and 我從周圍的黑暗中發現恐慌 suddenly! 突然!
a movement in the corner of the room! 在房間的角落有什麼動了一下! and there is nothing i can do 當我意識到恐懼的時候 when i realise with fright 卻什麼都不能做 that the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight! 因為蜘蛛俠把我當成了今晚的晚餐 quietly he laughs and shaking his head 他輕輕地笑著晃頭 creeps closer now 慢慢向我逼近 closer to the foot of the bed 直到床腳 and softer than shadow and quicker than flies 說時遲那時快 his arms are all around me and his tongue in my eyes 他的手臂已然環住了我 他的舌頭伸進我的眼睛里 "be still be calm be quiet now my precious boy “我珍貴的食物 放輕鬆 安靜點 don't struggle like that or i will only love you more 不要掙扎 不然我不知道會怎麼折磨你 for it's much too late to get away or turn on the light 想逃走還是想呼救 不管是哪個都太晚了 the spiderman is having you for dinner tonight" 蜘蛛俠今晚要吃你” and i feel like i'm being eaten 然後我感覺自己被吃了 by a thousand million shivering furry holes 被千百萬顫抖的覆蓋著毛皮的洞吞噬 and i know that in the morning i will wake up 我知道自己會在早上刺骨的寒冷中 in the shivering cold 顫抖地醒來 and the spiderman is always hungry... 但是蜘蛛俠會一直很餓的...
on candystripe legs the spiderman comes 蜘蛛俠條紋布滿雙腿地 softly through the shadow of the evening sun 從落日的陰影中輕輕地走來 stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead 偷偷地從窗戶看在床上發抖的受害者 looking for the victim shivering in bed 嘴角掛著致命的笑 searching out fear in the gathering gloom and 我從周圍的黑暗中發現恐慌 suddenly! 突然!
a movement in the corner of the room! 在房間的角落有什麼動了一下! and there is nothing i can do 當我意識到恐懼的時候 when i realise with fright 卻什麼都不能做 that the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight! 因為蜘蛛俠把我當成了今晚的晚餐 quietly he laughs and shaking his head 他輕輕地笑著晃頭 creeps closer now 慢慢向我逼近 closer to the foot of the bed 直到床腳 and softer than shadow and quicker than flies 說時遲那時快 his arms are all around me and his tongue in my eyes 他的手臂已然環住了我 他的舌頭伸進我的眼睛里 "be still be calm be quiet now my precious boy “我珍貴的食物 放輕鬆 安靜點 don't struggle like that or i will only love you more 不要掙扎 不然我不知道會怎麼折磨你 for it's much too late to get away or turn on the light 想逃走還是想呼救 不管是哪個都太晚了 the spiderman is having you for dinner tonight" 蜘蛛俠今晚要吃你” and i feel like i'm being eaten 然後我感覺自己被吃了 by a thousand million shivering furry holes 被千百萬顫抖的覆蓋著毛皮的洞吞噬 and i know that in the morning i will wake up 我知道自己會在早上刺骨的寒冷中 in the shivering cold 顫抖地醒來 and the spiderman is always hungry... 但是蜘蛛俠會一直很餓的...