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- 中國科學院國家納米科學中心副研究員
- 雲南省昆明市石林縣第十二屆常務委員會委員
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- 當代著名書法家
- 北京大學第三醫院神經內科副主任醫師
- 雲南省新平縣人
- 2020胡潤百富榜富豪之一
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- 東南大學副教授
- 中國社會科學院文學所副研究員
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- 北京電子科技職業學院經濟管理系副教授
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- 上海市楊浦區殷行街道黨工委副書記
- 內蒙古醫學院研究生學院教授
- 臨夏州劉化廠職工
- 浙江大學文物與博物館學系教師
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- 南京郵電大學副教授
- 阜新市文化旅遊和廣播電視局局長
- 當代書法家
- 西南科技大學教授網路中心主任
- 邢台愛爾眼科醫院醫生
1. Jiang, H-H., Zhou, H-J., Zhang, H.: Study on the flame-retardant mechanism of PET fibers, Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology
2. Zhang, H., Zhang, Z., and Breidt, C.: Comparison of short carbon fiber surface treatment on epoxy composites: I. Enhancement of the mechanical properties, Composites Science and Technology
3. Zhang, H., Zhang, Z.: Comparison of short carbon fiber surface treatment on epoxy composites: II. Enhancement of the wear resistance, Composites Science and Technology
4. Yang, J-L., Zhang, Z., Zhang, H.: The essential work of fracture of polyamide 66 filled with TiO2 nanoparticles, Composites Science and Technology
5. Chang, L., Zhang, Z., Zhang, H. and Friedrich, K.: Effect of nanoparticles on the tribological behaviour of short carbon fibre reinforced poly(etherimide) composites, Tribology International
6. Chang, L., Zhang, Z., Zhang, H. and Schlarb, A.K.: On the sliding wear of nanoparticles filled polyamide 6,6, Composites Science and Technology
7. Zhang, H., Zhang, Z., Yang, J-L., Friedrich, K.: Temperature dependence of crack initiation fracture toughness of various nanoparticles filled polyamide 66, Polymer
8. Zhang, H., Zhang, Z., Friedrich, K.: Properties improvements of in situ epoxy nanocomposites with reduced interparticle distance at high nanosilica content, Acta Materialia
9. Song, L., Zhang, H., Zhang, Z. and Xie, S.S.: Processing and mechanical performance of SWNT paper reinforced PEEK nanocomposites, Composites Part A
10. Zhang, H., Zhang, Z., Friedrich, K.: Effect of fibre length on the wear resistance of short carbon fibre reinforced epoxy composites, Composites Science and Technology
11. Jiang, Z-Y., Zhang, H., Liu, S., Zhang, Z.: Improved interfacial bonding of carbon fiber/epoxy matrix modified by well-dispersed nano-SiO2 particles, Journal of Experimental Mechanics
12. Zhang, H., Zhang, Z.: Influence of surface-modified TiO2 nanoparticles on fracture behavior of injection molded polypropylene, Frontiers of Materials Science in China
13. Zhang, H., Tang, L-C., Zhang, Z. Friedrich, K., Sprenger, S: Fracture behaviors of in situ silica nanoparticle-filled epoxy at different temperatures, Polymer
14. Liu, S., Zhang, H., Zhang, Z., Sprenger, S.: Epoxy nanocomposites with high volume content nanosilica particles. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
15. Starkova, O., Zhang, Z., Zhang, H., Park, H-W.: Limits of the linear viscoelastic behaviour of polyamide 6,6 filled with TiO2 nanoparticles: Effect of strain rate, temperature, and moisture. Materials Science and Engineering A
16. Liu, S., Zhang, H., Zhang, Z., Zhang, TH., Sprenger S.: Tailoring the mechanical performance of epoxy resin by various nanoparticles. Polymers and Polymer Composites
17. Jiang, Z-Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, Z., Murayama, H., Okamoto, K.: Improved bonding between PAN-based carbon fibers and fullerene-modified epoxy matrix. Composites Part A
18. Zhang, H., Zhang, H., Tang, L-C., Zhang, Z., et al.: Wear-resistant and transparent acrylate-based coating highly filled with nanosilica particles. Tribology International (accepted after minor revision).