





1981年畢業於蘭州大學生物系,同年留校任教,獲理學碩士學位。長期從事細胞生物學與分子生物學等領域的教學與科研工作,先後主講了細胞生物學、細胞免疫學、細胞工程與分子操作、生物顯微技術等課程,主持和參加校級及省部級教學項目近10項,2004年被評為蘭州大學“師德標兵” ;先後於1996,1999和2001年三次去瑞典Godeborg大學細胞與分子生物學系進行植物基因工程與分子生物學等方面的合作研究與學術交流;主持和參加國家級、省部級及橫向科研項目10多項,發表細胞與分子生物學等相關領域的研究論文50多篇;培養研究生30多人,其中在讀11人;目前主要進行擬南芥T-DNA插入突變體的分離、相關基因的克隆與基因功能分析,PttKN1基因在花卉植物中的遺傳轉化及其功能研究,花卉抗逆新品系的培育及山黧豆耐旱性及其抗逆機理研究。


1. Jiao C.J., Jiang J.L., Ke L.M., Cheng W., Li F.M., Li Z.X., Wang C.Y*. Factors affecting β-ODAP content in Lathyrus sativus and their possible physiological mechanisms. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2011, 49 (3): 543–549
2. Xu Q.L., Dong J.L., Gao N., Ruan M. Y., Jia H.Y., Zhang L., Wang C.-Y*. Transgenic lines of Begonia maculata generated by ectopic expression of PttKN1. Biologia,2011, 66(2):251-257
3. Jiao C.J., Jiang J.L., Li C., Ke L.M., Cheng W., Li F.M., Li Z.X., Wang C.Y*. β-ODAP accumulation could be related to low levels of superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide in Lathyrus sativus L. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2011, 49 (3): 556–562
4. Xu Q.L., Xie Y.H., Ru H., Hu X., Wang C.Y*., Wang X.-Y. Efficient Plant Regeneration In Vitro from Red Leaf Beet via Organogenesis. Russian J of Plant Phys. 2009, 56(4):546-550
5. Xu Q.L., Hu Z., Li C.Y., Wang X.Y., Wang C.Y.* Tissue culture of Sinningia speciosa and analysis of the in vitro-generated tricussate whorled phyllotaxis (twp) variant. In Vitro Cell. Dev.Biol.—Plant, 2009, 45:583-590
6. Meng L.S., Ding W.Q., Hu X., Wang C.Y.* Transformation of PttKN1 gene to cockscomb. Acta Physiol. Plant., 2009, 31:683-691
7. Hu Z., Li P., Ma J.F., Wang Y., Wang X.Y., Wang C.Y.* Phenotypical and structural characterization of the Arabidopsis mutant involved in shoot apical meristem. Frontiers of Biology in China. 2008, 3 (4):484~488
8. Wang C.Y., Li X., Wu Q. F., Wang X.Y. Cytoplasmic channels and their association with plastids in male meiocytes of tobacco, onion and lily. Cell Biology International, 2006 (30) : 406~411
9. Jiao C.J., Xu Q.L., Wang C.Y.*, Li F.M., Li Z.X., Wang Y.F. Accumulation pattern of toxin 徠β-ODAP during lifespan and effect of nutrient elements on β-ODAP content in Lathyrus sativus seedlings. Journal of Agricultural Science, 2006, 144:396-375;
10. Hu X., Wu Q.f., Xie Y.h., Ru H., Xie F., Wang X.Y., Wang C.Y.* Ectopic expression of Pttkn1
gene induces alterations in morphology of leaves and flowers in Petunia hybrida. Journal of
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