共找到5條詞條名為楊學東的結果 展開
本科生: 《天然藥物化學》、《有機化合物的分離與結構鑒定》、《天然藥物化學研究方法與技術》。
1979-1983 河北大學化學系 學士(分析化學)
2002-2003 清華大學化學系、分析中心 博士后
2004 至今 天津大學藥物科學與技術學院 副教授
2010-2011 美國麻省理工學院(MIT)生物工程系、化學系 訪問學者
中國化學會微量元素專業委員會副主任委員世界中醫藥聯合會中藥新型給葯系統專業委員會委員《亞太傳統醫藥雜誌》編委中國藥學會 高級會員中國化學會 永久會員美國化學會 會員
Xuedong Yang, Deyu Li, and John Essigmann, Alkyl lesions in DNA repaired by E. coli AlkB protein in a sequence-dependant manner, 242nd ACS national meeting, Denver: 2011. 8Deyu Li, Xuedong Yang, John Essigmann, N2-Guanine related DNA alkyl lesions repaired by E. coli adaptive response protein AlkB, 242nd ACS national meeting, Denver: 2011. 8Xuedong Yang, Chengxiong Yang, Xiaodan Zang, Shiming Fang, Heran Li, Weiping Wang, Susumu Kitanaka, Flavonoids from caragana changduensis and their inhibitory effects on nitric oxide, 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy, San diego: 2011. 7Yang Xuedong, Wang Lian, Wang Wenjie, Guo Henan, Preparation and characterization of anthraquinones standard reference materials in Rhei, RM 2010-Beijing International Symposium on Reference Materials, Beijing: 2010. 10Xuedong Yang, Reference Materials for Chinese Herbal Medicine and Healthy Food, 2nd APMP TCQM-DEC International Workshop & Symposium and 2007 National Conference on Metrology in Chemistry, Xi’an: 2007. 6Xuedong Yang, Yingkui Hao, Weiping Wang, Haizhi Zhang, Heran Li, Susumu Kitanaka, The chemical constituents of Caragana jubata and inhibitory effects on nitric oxide, 67th World congress of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, Beijing: 2007, 8. Liu JY, Yang XD, He JM, Xia M, Xu LZ, Yang SL, Structure analysis of triterpene saponins in Polygala tenuifolia by electrospray ionization ion trap multiple-stage mass spectrometry, JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, 2007, 42(7): 861-873.Xue-Dong Yang, Li-Zhen Xu, and Shi-Lin Yang; Xanthones from Securidaca inappendiculata, Phytochemistry, 2001, 58(8): 1245-1249. Xue-Dong Yang, Li-Zhen Xu, and Shi-Lin Yang; New Xanthone glycosides from Securidaca inappendiculata, J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res.,2002,4(2): 141-145. Xue-Dong Yang, Li-Zhen Xu, and Shi-Lin Yang; Two new xanthone glycosides from Securidaca inappendiculata, Chin. Chem. Lett., 2002, 13(6): 539-542. Xue-Dong Yang, Li-Zhen Xu, and Shi-Lin Yang,Two New Xanthones from the Stems of Securidaca inappendiculata, Acta Botanica Sinica,2003, 45 (3): 365-368.Xue-Dong Yang, Li-Zhen Xu, and Shi-Lin Yang; A new benzophenone from Securidaca inappendiculata, Chin. Chem. Lett., 2003, 14 (9): 930-931. Tao Bo, Xue-Dong Yang, Fei Gao, Hu-Wei Liu, Ke-An Li, and Li-Zhen Xu, Optimized separation of pharmacologically active xanthones by capillary electrophoresis, Chromatographia, 2002,55(3-4): 217-223. Tao Bo, Xuedong Yang, Ke An Li, Lizhen Xu, Huwei Liu,Comparison of micellar electrokinetic chromatography and microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography for separation of pharmacological- ly active xanthones from Securidaca inappendiculata, J. Sep. Sci. 2003, 26(1-2), 133?136. Tao Bo, Xuedong Yang, Feng Liu, Ke An Li, Lizhen Xu, Huwei Liu, Optimized separation of pharmacologically active xanthones from Securidaca inappendiculata by micellar electrokinetic chromatography and microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2002,474(1-2): 37-48. Tao Bo, Xuedong Yang, Fei Gao, Huwei Liu, Kean li, Lizeng Xu, Optimized Separation of Pharmacologically Active Xanthones from Securidaca inappendiculata by Capillary Electrophoresis,Chin. Chem. Lett., 2002,13(3): 269-272. Tao Bo, Yongfa Huang, Xuedong Yang, Ke An Li, Huwei Liu, Lizhen Xiu, Capillary electrophoretic behaviors of pharmacologically active xanthones from Securidaca inappendiculata with ?-CD as a buffer additive, Journal of Chromatography Science, 2003, 41 (4): 182-186.Xue-Dong Yang, Li-Zhen Xu, and Shi-Lin Yang,Xanthones from the stems of Securidaca inappendiculata. UNESCO Regional Symposium on Chemistry of Medicinal Plants.Kunming,China,2000,4.Guoan Luo, Yiming Wang, Jin Cao, Xuedong Yang, Studies on Establish of Modern Quality Standards System of Traditional Chinese Medicne in China, 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology in Biodiversity Conservation and SustainableUtilization. Beijing, 2002/5. 楊學東、劉江雲、許莉、徐麗珍、楊世林,蟬翼藤中的糖酯成分,高等學校化學學報,2003,24(1):61-63. 楊學東、徐麗珍、楊世林,蟬翼藤化學成分研究,藥學學報,2002,37(5):348-351.楊學東、徐麗珍、楊世林,蟬翼藤莖中有機酸成分的研究,中國中藥雜誌,2001,26: 258-260.楊學東、徐麗珍、楊世林,蟬翼藤化學成分研究(II),中草藥,2002, 33(10): 872-875.楊學東、張麗傑、梁波、徐麗珍、楊世林,遠志科植物中的寡糖酯類成分,中草藥,2002,33(10):954-958.