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2003年獲美國光學學會Allen Prize獎。2005-2007年主持美國國家科學基金項目。目前主持中科院“技術百人”和院知識創新工程重要方向“新方法、新技術類”項目。
Hayman M., J. P. Thayer, W. Pan, N. Bradley, and S. Mitchell, Greenland lidar depolarization measurement technique for polar mesospheric cloud detection, Proceedings of the 24th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), 2008.
Thayer J. P. and W. Pan, Lidar observations of sodium density depletions in the presence of polar mesospheric clouds, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2006.
Pan W. and C. S. Gardner, seasonal variations of the atmospheric temperature structure at South Pole, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2003.
Pan W., C. S. Gardner, and R. G. Roble, The temperature structure of the winter atmosphere at South Pole, Geophysical Research Letters, 2002.
Chu X., W. Pan, G. C. Papen, and C. S. Gardner, Fe Boltzmann temperature lidar: Design, error analysis, and initial results at the North and South Poles, Applied Optics, 2002.
Gardner C. S., G. C. Papen, X. Chu, and W. Pan, First lidar observations of middle atmosphere temperatures, Fe densities, and polar mesospheric clouds over the North and South Poles, Geophysical Research Letters, 2001.
Chu X., W. Pan, G. C. Papen, G. Swenson, C. S. Gardner, and P. Jenniskens, "Characteristics of Fe ablation trails observed during the 1998 Leonid meteor shower", Geophysical Research Letters, 2000.