共找到3條詞條名為李量的結果 展開
- 中國證監會投資者保護局原局長
- 北京大學教授
- 河北省檔案局(館)巡視員
1996至1997年在Queen’s 大學擔任講課助理教授。
視覺系統的一個重要的信號加工策略是以降低時間解析度(如眼球顫動的功能)為代價來增強加工的空間解析度,但聽覺系統則要處理在時間序列上的信息輸入並具有極高的時間解析度。因此,聲音信號中的原始精細結構在腦內的暫存是在時間整合基礎上的聽覺客體(auditory object)形成所不可缺少的。這種所謂的“初始聽覺記憶”發生在傳統的感覺記憶之前,並具有容量大、抗干擾性強以及持續時間短等重要特徵。我們最新的心理物理學實驗和腦電實驗結果表明,對噪音精細結構的初始聽覺記憶的保持時間在人類聽者之間有很大的差異,可以從幾毫秒到二十幾毫秒,並與噪音中的頻率成分有關。再進一步,因為在有回聲的聲學環境中,聽覺系統對直達聲與反射聲的知覺整合極大地依賴於直達聲的信息在初始聽覺記憶中的保持,因此這種原始性的聽覺記憶形式是實現聲音信號的跨時間的相關性計算所必要的,並與人類聽者的抗掩蔽能力有密切的關係。進一步探究這種初始聽覺記憶的特性、功能以及相應的神經機制將是聽覺領域中的一個重要課題。初始聽覺記憶的工作容量有多大?初始聽覺記憶能夠保持多久?這種記憶形式是否有可塑性?老年被試的這種記憶保持時間有無減少?兩個寬頻聲音信號的相關性神經計算是如何實現的?這些都是我們實驗室目前所研究的幾個具體的問題。
聽覺系統是動物最重要的“早期警報系統”,不僅能探察趨近的捕食者或被掠物發出的聲音,還能確定其方向。對外在目標進行空間定位,是視覺與聽覺的主要功能之一。然而,與視覺系統空間感知的神經機制不同,聽覺感受器僅編碼聲音頻率,不編碼聲源位置。精確的聲源定位,必須由聽覺中樞通過比較聲音輸入雙耳所誘發的神經信號才能實現。聲源空間線索主要包括聲音到達雙耳的時間差(interaural time difference, ITD)和雙耳間聲強差(interaural level difference, ILD)。但聽覺系統如何用雙耳線索來進行聲源定位還是一個未解之謎。
在嘈雜的聲學環境中,如果目標聲音和干擾聲音都是言語,目標聲音所受到的干擾影響可以分成能量掩蔽(energetic masking)和信息掩蔽(informational masking)。能量掩蔽發生在聽覺系統的外周部分。當掩蔽聲音和目標聲音同時出現,尤其兩者在頻譜上重疊時,聽覺系統對目標聲音的動態反應就會下降,進而覺察和辨認目標聲音所需要的信噪比被提高。能量掩蔽使進入高級中樞的目標信息有實質性的缺失,而這種缺失是任何高級中樞的加工所不能補償的。然而,信息掩蔽是另外一種更複雜、發生在高級中樞階段的掩蔽作用。當掩蔽聲音和目標聲音在某些信息維度上有一定的相似性時,例如當目標聲音與掩蔽聲音都是言語時,一些神經/心理資源就會被用於對掩蔽聲音的加工,目標聲音和掩蔽聲音之間就會在高級加工層次上出現競爭與混淆,從而使目標信號受到了掩蔽作用。從信號加工的觀點來看,分離目標言語成分與掩蔽言語成分,並對目標言語成分進行組合是一個非常困難的任務。儘管近年來信息科學和計算機技術有了快速的發展,但到目前為止還沒有任何計算機言語識別系統能在有干擾言語的環境下實現對目標言語的有效識別。然而,在有干擾言語的環境下,具有正常聽力的人卻能在相當的程度上理解所關注的語句的內容,這是為什麼呢?就是在半個世紀前由Cherry (1953) 所提出的著名的“雞尾酒會”問題。
由強感覺刺激所引起的驚反射是一種建立在簡單中樞環路基礎上的對威脅性刺激的全身性反射活動,具有重要的生態學意義,但也能幹擾認知活動。中樞系統也具有能抑制驚反射的機制。前脈衝抑制(prepulse inhibition, PPI)是出現在驚反射刺激之前的弱感覺刺激(前脈衝刺激)對驚反射所產生的抑制作用。Graham的“加工-保護”理論(the Protection-of-Processing Theory)認為,前脈衝刺激除了引發對該刺激的中樞加工外,也引發了一個門控過程以削弱對隨後強幹擾刺激的加工,以此來保護對前脈衝信號的加工。PPI實際上是通過運動系統的活動來反映腦內信息加工的門控過程。儘管PPI環路位於包括下丘、上丘深層、以及橋腦腳被蓋核的腦幹部位,但它與感覺皮層、運動系統、上行激活系統以及邊緣系統有廣泛的神經聯繫並受到複雜的調節作用。PPI在精神分裂症病人中有顯著的缺失,而抗精神藥物在緩解癥狀的同時也減少PPI的缺失。因此,PPI的缺失與精神分裂症之間的關係成為了當今國際上研究精神分裂症的神經和心理機制的一個重要題目。動物實驗研究也證實,藥物性調節或損毀與精神分裂症有關的某些腦區以及引入早期不良刺激都可以造成大鼠PPI的缺失。
Du, Y., Kong, L.-Z., Wang, Q., and Wu, X.-H., Li, L. Auditory frequency-following response: a neurophysiological measure for studying the “cocktail-party problem. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, in press.
Ezzatian, P., Li, L., Pichora-Fuller, K., Schneider, B. The effect of energetic and informational masking on the time-course of stream segregation: Evidence that streaming depends on vocal fine structure CUES. Language and Cognitive Processes, in press.
Wu, X.-H., Yang, Z.-G., Huang, Y., Chen, J., Li, L., Daneman, M., Schneider, B.A. Cross-language differences in informational masking of speech by speech: English versus Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, accepted.
Cao, S.-Y., Li, L., and Wu, X.-H. (2011). Improvement of intelligibility of ideal binary-masked noisy speech by adding background noise. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129, 2227-2236.
Wang, M.-Y., Wu, X.-H., Li, L., and Schneider, B. (2011). The effects of age and interaural delay on detecting a change in interaural correlation: The role of temporal JITTER. Hearing Research, 275,139-149.
Du, Y., He, Y., Ross, B., Bardouille, T., Wu, X.-H., Li, L., Alain, C. (2011). Human auditory cortex activity shows additive effects of spectral and spatial cues during speech segregation. Cerebral Cortex, 21, 698-707.
Ezzatian, P., Li, L., Pichora-Fuller, K., Schneider, B. (2011). The Effect of Priming on Release from Informational Masking is Equivalent for Younger and Older Adults. Ear and Hearing, 32(1):84-96.
Huang, Y., Li, J.-Y., Zou, X.-F., Qu, T.-S., Wu, X.-H., Mao, L.-H., Wu, Y.-H., Li, L. (2011). Perceptual fusion tendency of speech sounds. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23, 1003-1014.
Huang, Y., Xu, L.-J., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2010). The effect of voice cuing on releasing speech from informational masking disappears in older adults. Ear and Hearing, 31, 579–583.
Du, Y., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2010). Emotional learning enhances stimulus-specific top-down modulation of sensorimotor gating in socially reared rats but not isolation-reared rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 206, 192-201.
Du, Y., Ma, T.-F., Wang, Q., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2009). Two crossed axonal projections contribute to binaural unmasking of frequency-following responses in rat inferior colliculus. European Journal of Neuroscience, 30, 1779-1789.
Huang, Y., Huang, Q., Chen, X., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2009a). Transient auditory storage of acoustic details is associated with release of speech from informational masking in reverberant conditions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 35, 1618-1628.
Huang, Y., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2009b). Detection of the break in interaural correlation is affected by interaural delay, aging, and center frequency. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126, 300-309.
Li, L., Yan, J. (2009). The First International Symposium on Neurobehavioral Science in China (Editorial). Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 33, 1155-1156.
Li, L., Du, Y., Li, N.-X., Wu, X.-H., Wu, Y.-H. (2009). Top-down modulation of prepulse inhibition the startle reflex in humans and rats. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 33, 1157-1167.
Du, Y., Huang, Q., Wu, X.-H., Galbraith, G.C., Li, L. (2009). Binaural unmasking of frequency-following responses in rat Amygdala. Journal of Neurophysiology, 101, 1647-1659.
Du, Y., Li, J.-Y., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2009). precedence effect-induced enhancement of prepulse inhibition in socially reared but not isolation-reared rats. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 9, 44-58.
Li, L., Huang, J., Wu, X.-H., Qi, J.G., Schneider, B. (2009). The effects of aging and interaural delay on the detection of a break in the interaural correlation between two sounds. Ear and Hearing, 30, 273-286.
Chen, J., Wu, X.-H., Li, L., Chi, H.-S. (2009). Simulated phase-locking stimulation: An improved speech processing strategy for cochlear implant. Journal for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and its Related Specialties, 71,221-227.
Huang, Y., Kong, L.-Z., Fan, S.-L., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2008a). Both frequency and interaural delay affect ERP responses to binaural gap. NeuroReport, 19,1673-1678.
Huang, Y., Huang, Q., Chen, X., Qu, T.-S., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2008b). Perceptual integration between target speech and target-speech reflection reduces masking for target-speech recognition in younger adults and older adults. Hearing Research, 244, 51-65.
Ping, J.-L. Li, N.-X., Galbraith, G. C., Wu, X.-H. Li, L. (2008). Auditory frequency-following responses in rat ipsilateral inferior colliculus. NeuroReport, 19, 1377-1380.
Li , N.-X., Ping , J.-L., Wu , R.-B., Wang , C., Wu , X.-H., Li, L. (2008). Auditory fear conditioning modulates prepulse inhibition in socially-reared rats and isolation-reared rats. Behavioral Neuroscience, 122, 107-118.
Zheng, J.-W., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2008). Metabotropic glutamate receptors subtype 5 are necessary for the enhancement of auditory evoked potentials in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala by tetanic stimulation of the auditory thalamus. Neuroscience, 152, 254-264.
Wang, W.J., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2008). The dual-pathway model of auditory signal processing. Neuroscience Bulletin, 24, 173-182.
Kong, L.Z., Wu, X.-H., Li, Li. (2008). The role of hippocampus in the context-specific extinction of cue fear. Neural Regeneration Research, 12, 1386-1390
Yang, Z.-G., Chen, J., Wu, X.-H., Wu, Y.-H., Schneider, B.A., Li, L. (2007). The effect of voice cuing on releasing Chinese speech from informational masking. Speech Communication, 49, 892-904.
Du, Y., Ping, J.-L., Li, N.-X., Wu, X.-H., Li, L., Galbraith, G. (2007). Ultrasonic auditory evoked response recorded in the rat’s cochlear nucleus. Brain Research, 1172, 40-47.
Wu, X.-H., Chen, J., Yang, Z.-G., Huang, Q., Wang, M.-Y., Li, L. (2007). Effect of number of masking talkers on speech-on-speech masking in Chinese. Interspeech, 390-393.
Ping, J.-L., Li, N.-X., Du, Y., Wu, X.-H., Li, L., Galbraith, G. (2007). Auditory evoked responses in the rat: transverse subdermal electrodes register before cochlear nucleus and do not reflect later inferior colliculus activity. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 161, 11-16.
Li, N.-X., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2007). Chronic administration of clozapine alleviates reversal learning impairment in isolation reared rats. Behavioural Pharmacology, 18, 135-145.
Zou, D., Huang J., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2007). Metabotropic glutamate subtype 5 receptors modulate fear-conditioning induced enhancement of prepulse inhibition in rats. Neuropharmacology, 52, 476-486.
Huang, J., Yang, Z.-G., Ping, J.-L., Liu, X., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2007). The influence of the perceptual or fear learning on rats’prepulse inhibition induced by changes in the correlation between two spatially separated noise sounds. Hearing Research, 223, 1-10.
Schneider, B.A., Li, L., Daneman, M. (2007). How noise interferes with speech comprehension in everyday listening situations? Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 18, 578-591.
Yeomans, J.S., Lee, J., Yeomans, M.H., Steidl, S., Li, L. (2006). Midbrain pathways for prepulse inhibition and startle activation in rat. Neuroscience, 142, 921-929.
Du, Y., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2006). Mechanisms of bacterial meningitis-related deafness. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Mechanisms, 3, 115-118.
Huang, J., Xihong Wu, X.-H., John Yeomans, J.S., Li, L. (2005). Opposite effects of tetanic stimulation of the auditory thalamus or auditory cortex on the acoustic startle reflex in awake rats. European Journal of Neuroscience, 21, 1943-1956.
He, S.-C., Huang, J., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2005). Glutamate and GABAB transmissions in lateral amygdala are involved in startle-like EMG potentiation caused by activation of auditory thalamus. Neuroscience Letters, 374, 113-118.
Li, L., Qi, J.G., He, Y., Alain, C., and Schneider, B. (2005). Attribute capture in the precedence effect for long-duration noise sounds. Hearing Research, 202, 235-247.
Wu, X-H, Wang, C., Chen, J., Qu, H-W, Li, W-R, Wu, Y-H, Schneider, B.A, Li, L. (2005). The effect of perceived spatial separation on informational masking of Chinese speech. Hearing Research, 199, 1-10.
Li, L., Daneman, M., Qi, J.G., and Schneider, B. A. (2004). Does the information content of an irrelevant source differentially affect speech recognition in younger and older adults? Journal of Experimental Psychology:Human Perception and Performance, 30, 1077-1091.
Steidl, S., Faerman, P., Li, L. and Yeomans J.S. (2004)Kynurenate in the pontine reticular formation inhibits acoustic and trigeminal nucleus-evoked startle, but not vestibular nucleus-evoked startle. Neuroscience, 126, 127-136.
Jiang, M-L, Han, T-Z, Pang, W., and Li, L. (2004) Gender- and age- specific impairment of rats's performance in Morris water maze following prenatal exposure to the MRI magnetic field. Brain Research, 995, 140-144.
Chen, J., Wang, C., Qu, H.-W., Li, W.-R., Wu, Y.-H., Wu, X.-H., Schneider, B.A, Li, L. (2004). Perceived spatial separation induced by the precedence effect releases Chinese speech from informational masking. Canadian Acoustics, 32, 186-187
Li, L., and Shao, F. (2003). Impaired sensorimotor gating: An animal model of schizophrenia. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48, 2031-2037.
Yeomans, J.S., Li, L., Scott, B.W., and FRANKLAND, P.W. (2002) tactile, acoustic and vestibular systems sum to elicit the startle reflex. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 26, 1-11.
Lin, C-M, Wan, X., Zhao, W., Ma, C., Ma, C-F, Gao, Y., Zhou, Y., Yeomans, J.S., and Li, L. (2002). Enhancement of electrically evoked startle-like responses by tetanic stimulation of the superior colliculus. NeuroReport, 13, 1769-1773.
Li, L. and Yue, Q. (2002) Auditory gating processes and binaural inhibition in the inferior colliculus. Hearing Research, 168, 113-124.
Fendt, M., Li, L., and Yeomans, J.S. (2001) Brainstem circuits mediating prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex. Psychopharmacology, 156, 216-224.
Steidl, S., Li, L., and Yeomans, J.S. (2001) Conditioned brain-stimulation reward attenuates the acoustic startle reflex in rats. Behavioral Neuroscience, 115, 710-717.
Li, L., Steidl, S., and Yeomans, J.S. (2001) Contributions of the vestibular nucleus and vestibulospinal tract to the startle reflex. Neuroscience, 106, 811-821.
Li, L. and Yeomans, J.S. (2000). Using intracranial electrical stimulation to study the timing of prepulse inhibition. Brain Research Protocols, 5, 67-74.
Li, L. and Frost, B.J. (2000). Azimuthal directional sensitivity of prepulse inhibition of the pinna startle reflex in decerebrate rats. Brain Research Bulletin, 51, 95-100.
Scott, B.W., Frankland, P.W., Li, L., and Yeomans, J.S. (1999). Cochlear and trigeminal systems contributing to the startle reflex in rats. Neuroscience, 91, 1565-1574.
Li, L., Fulton, J.D., and Yeomans, J.S. (1999). Effects of bilateral electrical stimulation of the ventral pallidum on acoustic startle. Brain Research, 836, 164-172.
Li, L. and Yeomans, J.S. (1999). Summation between acoustic and trigeminal stimuli evoking startle. Neuroscience, 90, 139-152.
Li, L. and Shao, J. (1998). Restricted lesions to ventral prefrontal subareas block reversal learning but not visual discrimination learning in rats. Physiology and Behavior, 65, 371-379.
Li, L., Korngut, L.M., Frost, B.J., and Beninger, R.J. (1998). Prepulse inhibition following lesions of the inferior colliculus: prepulse intensity functions. Physiology and Behavior, 65, 133-139.
Li, L., Priebe, R.P.M., and Yeomans, J.S. (1998). Prepulse inhibition of acoustic or trigeminal startle of rats by unilateral electrical stimulation of the inferior colliculus. Behavioral Neuroscience, 112, 1187-1198.
Zhang, D.X., Li, L., Wu, S.H., and Kelly, J.B. (1998). GABAergic projection from the lateral lemniscus to the inferior colliculus of the rat. Hearing Research, 117, 1-12.
Kelly, J.B. and Li, L. (1997). Two sources of inhibition affecting binaural evoked responses In the rat's inferior colliculus: The dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus and the superior olivary complex. Hearing Research, 104, 112-126.
Li, L. and Frost, B.J. (1996). Azimuthal sensitivity of rat pinna reflex: EMG recordings from cervicoauricular muscles. Hearing Research, 100, 192-200.
Kelly, J.B., Li, L., and Van Adel, B. (1996). Midline sound localization after kainic acid lesions of the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus in albino rats. Behavioral Neuroscience, 110, 1445-1455.
Li, L. and Kelly, J.B. (1992). Binaural responses in rat inferior colliculus following kainic acid lesions of the superior olive: Interaural intensity difference functions. Hearing Research, 61, 73-85.
Li, L. and Kelly, J.B. (1992). Inhibitory influence of the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus on binaural responses in the rat’s inferior colliculus. Journal of Neuroscience, 12, 4530-4539.
徐李娟、黃瑩、吳璽宏、吳艷紅、李量“雞尾酒會”環境中的知覺線索的去掩蔽作用。心理科學進展,17, 261-267。
孔令志、吳璽宏、李 量 (2009) 杏仁核內GABA介質傳遞及其在恐懼消退中的作用, 生理科學進展, 40, 63-66。
李量、李楠欣(2008)建立新一代的精神分裂症的動物模型。心理科學進展, 16,399-403。
鄭佳威、吳璽宏、李量(2007)外側杏仁核在恐懼性條件化學習和記憶中的作用。生理科學進展,38, 269-272。
李楠欣、平俊麗、吳璽宏、李量 (2006) 精神分裂症的神經發育動物模型研究. 中國臨床康復, 10, 154-157。
鄒丹、黃娟、李量 (2005) 聽覺情緒學習及其神經機制。中國臨床康復, 9, 149-151。
吳艷紅,李文瑞,陳婧,王純,曲宏偉,吳璽宏,李量 (2005) 主觀空間分離下的漢語信息掩蔽效應. 聲學學報, 30, 462-467。
吳璽宏、馬成、陳婧、李量、遲惠生(2003)一種測量聽覺系統時間解析度的新方法. 中國聽力語言康復科學雜誌, 1, 13-15。
李量、邵楓(2003)精神分裂症的聽感覺運動門控障礙的動物模型。科學通報,48, 1603-1612。
王浩然、李量、高祥榮(2003)基因晶元技術和蛋白質組技術在神經科學中的應用及其研究進展。生理科學進展,34卷, 第二期, 121-126。
李量(2001)外側丘系背核中的谷氨酸遞質傳遞對聽覺中腦下丘中的雙耳抑制反應的調製。復旦神經生物學講座,XVII, 55-66。
李量、童佳瑾、楊珉、劉均。感覺意識形成的四個基本要素: 編碼、激活、門控和感覺記憶。汪雲九、楊玉芳(編輯)意識與大腦。人民出版社,北京。2003年9月出版,第115-123頁。