




· 2006.4-2008.4,西北工業大學理學院應用物理系,助教
· 2008.5-2013.4,西北工業大學理學院應用物理系,講師







·國家自然科學基金青年項目 1 項
· 陝西省自然科學基礎研究計劃 1項
· 西北工業大學基礎研究基金 2項
· 西北工業大學“翱翔之星”人才計劃 1項



[1].Yahong Liu, Xin Zhou, Kun Song, Mei Wang, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Ultrathin planar chiral metasurface for controlling gradient phase discontinuities of circularly polarized waves, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 48: 365301, 2015.
[2].Yahong Liu, Xin Zhou, Kun Song, Shuai Gu, Zhaojun Liu, Lei Guo, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Quasi-phase-matching of the dual-band nonlinear left-handed metamaterial, Appl. Phys.Lett., 105: 201911, 2014.
[3].Yahong Liu and Xiaopeng Zhao, Perfect absorber metamaterial for designing Low-RCS patch antenna, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., 13: 1473-1476, 2014.
[4].Yahong Liu, Kun Song, Ying Qi, Shuai Gu, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Investigation of circularly polarized patch antenna with chiral metamaterial, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., 12, 1359-1362, 2013.
[5].Yahong Liu, Shuai Gu, Chunrong Luo, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Ultra-thin broadband metamaterial absorber, Appl. Phys. A, 108: 19-24, 2012.
[6].Yahong Liu, Haifeng Gu, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Enhanced transmission and high directivity radiation based on composite right/left-handed transmission line structure, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., 10: 658-661, 2011.
[7].Yahong Liu, Xiaojing Guo, Shuai Gu and Xiaopeng Zhao, Zero index metamaterial for designing high-gain patch antenna, International journal of antennas and propagation, Volume 2013, Article ID 215681, 12 pages, 2013.
[8].Yahong Liu, and Xiaopeng Zhao, High-gain ultrathin resonant cavity antenna, Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., 53(9): 1945-1949, 2011.
[9].Yahong Liu and Xiaopeng Zhao, High gain patch antenna with composite right-left handed structure and dendritic cell metamaterials, J. Infrared Milli. Terahz. Waves, 31(4): 455-468, 2010.
[10].Yahong Liu and Xiaopeng Zhao, Enhanced patch antenna performance using dendritic structure metamaterials, Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., 51(7): 1732-1738, 2009.
[11].Y. H. Liu and X. P. Zhao, Investigation of anisotropic negative permeability medium cover for patch antenna, IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2(7): 737-744, 2008.
[12].Yahong Liu, Kun Song, Ying Qi, Shuai Gu, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Circularly polarized patch antenna based on chiral metamaterial, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, March 25-28, 1025-1027, Taipei, 2013.
[13].Liu Ya-Hong, Fang Shi-Lei, Gu Shuai, and Zhao Xiao-Peng, Multiband and broadband metamaterial absorbers, Acta Phys.sin., 63 (12), 134102(1-8), 2013.
[14]. Liu Ya-Hong, Liu Hui, and Zhao Xiao-Peng, Isotropic negative permeability metamaterials and left-handed metamaterials based on miniature structure, Acta Phys.sin., 61(8), 084103(1-8), 2012.
[15]. Liu Ya-Hong, Song Juan, Luo Chun-Rong, Fu Quan-Hong, and Zhao Xiao-Peng, The thick Ring Resonators to achieve negative permeability and its left-handed behavior with perpendicular propagation, Acta Phys.sin.,57(02) : 934-939, 2008.
[16]. Liu Ya-Hong, Luo Chun-Rong, and Zhao Xiao-Peng, H-shaped structure left-handed metamaterials with simultaneously negative permittivity and permeability, Acta Phys.sin.,56 (10) : 5883-5889, 2007.
X. P. Zhao and Y. H. Liu, Patch antenna and perfect absorber with dendritic cell metamterials, Metamaterials: Classes, Properties and Applications (Chapter 2, pp.43-85), ISBN: 978-1-61668-958-2, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2010.
[3].趙曉鵬,劉亞紅,宋娟,一種可用於微波爐和電腦的負磁導率介質電磁屏蔽裝置,中國發明專利,授權公告日:2009年11月18日,專利號:ZL 200610105225.9。
[4].趙曉鵬,劉亞紅,趙偉,羅春榮,高靈敏度手機天線用左手介質基板,中國發明專利,授權公告日:2009年1月21日,專利號:ZL 200510042741.7。
[5].趙曉鵬,宋娟,劉亞紅,一種具有適當厚度環結構的負磁導率介質,中國發明專利,授權公告日:2009年9月9日,專利號:ZL 200610105226.3。
[6].趙曉鵬,趙偉,劉亞紅,羅春榮,含有負磁導率介質的手機天線,中國發明專利,授權公告日:2009年1月21日,專利號:ZL 200510042740.2。
[7].趙曉鵬,趙乾,劉亞紅,張富利,趙偉,周欣,含有禁帶的微波左手材料,中國發明專利,授權公告日:2008年3月26日,專利號:ZL 200410073520.1。


· 發明專利獲得全國發明展覽會銀獎 (2011年)
· 第一作者論文獲得西北工業大學頂級論文(2012年)
· 西北工業大學“翱翔之星”人才計劃(2012年)