



根據《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 》:
● ● V-T/V-I When you turn or when you turn part of your body, you move your body or part of your body so that it is facing in a different or opposite direction. 轉動 (身體); 轉身
● ● PHRASAL VERB Turn around means the same as turn. 轉身
● ● V-T When you turn something, you move it so that it is facing in a different or opposite direction, or is in a very different position. 使轉向
● ● V-T/V-I When something such as a wheel turns, or when you turn it, it continually moves around in a particular direction. 轉動
● ● V-T/V-I When you turn something such as a key, knob, or switch, or when it turns, you hold it and twist your hand, in order to open something or make it start working. 轉動 (開啟)
● ● V-T/V-I When you turn in a particular direction or turn a corner, you change the direction in which you are moving or travelling. 轉向; 拐彎
● ● N-COUNT Turn is also a noun. 轉向; 拐彎
● ● V-I The point where a road, path, or river turns is the point where it has a bend or curve in it. (路或河流) 轉彎
● ● N-COUNT Turn is also a noun. 轉彎
● ● V-I When the tide turns, it starts coming in or going out. (潮水) 漲; 落
● ● V-T When you turn a page of a book or magazine, you move it so that it is flat against the previous page, and you can read the next page. 翻動 (書頁)
● ● V-T If you turn a weapon or an aggressive feeling on someone, you point it at them or direct it at them. 把 (武器或挑釁的情緒) 指向
● ● V-I If you turn to a particular page in a book or magazine, you open it at that page. 翻到 (某頁)
● ● V-T/V-I If you turn your attention or thoughts to a particular subject or if you turn to it, you start thinking about it or discussing it. (注意力) 轉向
● ● V-I If you turn to someone, you ask for their help or advice. 求助於
● ● V-I If you turn to a particular activity, job, or way of doing something, you start doing or using it. 開始做; 開始用
● ● V-T/V-I To turn or be turned into something means to become that thing. 變成 (某物)
● ● V-LINK You can use turn before an adjective to indicate that something or someone changes by acquiring the quality described by the adjective. 變得 (接形容詞)
● ● V-LINK If something turns a particular colour or if something turns it a particular color, it becomes that color. 變成 (某種顏色)
● ● V-LINK You can use turn to indicate that there is a change to a particular kind of weather. For example, if it turns cold, the weather starts being cold. (天氣) 變得
● ● N-COUNT If a situation or trend takes a particular kind of turn, it changes so that it starts developing in a different or opposite way. (情況的) 變化
● ● V-T If a business turns a profit, it earns more money than it spends. 賺取 [商業] [no passive]
● ● V-T When someone turns a particular age, they pass that age. When it turns a particular time, it passes that time. 達到 (一定的年齡或時間)
● ● N-SING Turn is used in expressions such as the turn of the century and the turn of the year to refer to a period of time when one century or year is ending and the next one is beginning. (世紀或年代的) 交替時期
● ● N-COUNT If it is your turn to do something, you now have the duty, chance, or right to do it, when other people have done it before you or will do it after you. (多人依次) 輪到的機會




1. a circular segment of a curve
2. the act of changing or reversing the direction of the course
3. (game) the activity of doing something in an agreed successions
4. an unforeseen development
同義詞:turn of events,twist
5. a movement in a new direction
6. the act of turning away or in the opposite direction
7. turning or twisting around (in place)
8. a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else)
9. (sports) a period of play during which one team is on the offensive
10. a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program
11. a favor for someone
同義詞:good turn
12. taking a short walk out and back


1. change orientation or direction,also in the abstract sense
2. undergo a change or development
3. undergo a transformation or a change of position or action
同義詞:change state
4. cause to move around or rotate
5. pass into a condition gradually,take on a specific property or attribute; become
6. to send or let go
7. pass to the other side of
同義詞:move around
8. move around an axis or a center
9. cause to move around a center so as to show another side of
同義詞:turn over
10. change to the contrary
同義詞:change by reversal,reverse
11. to break and turn over earth especially with a plow
12. change color
13. cause to change or turn into something different;assume new characteristics
14. let (something) fall or spill a container
15. twist suddenly so as to sprain
16. shape by rotating on a lathe or cutting device or a wheel
17. go sour or spoil
18. accomplish by rotating
19. get by buying and selling
20. cause to move along an axis or into a new direction
21. channel one's attention,interest,thought,or attention toward or away from something
22. cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form
23. alter the functioning or setting of
24. direct at someone
25. have recourse to or make an appeal or request for help or information to
同義詞:call on
26. become officially one year older


a hand's turn 舉手之勞,一臂之力;一點工作
a turn of fortune's wheel 命運的轉變
About turn! (=Right about turn!) 【軍】向右轉!
at every turn 處處,到處;每一次,經常地
be turned (of) 年在...以上,年過
by turns 輪流地;時而...時而...
call the turn 定調子;發號施令;操縱,左右著
do sb. a bad turn 做有損於某人的事,危害某人
do sb. an ill turn 做有損於某人的事,危害某人
do sb. a good turn 做有利於某人的事,為某人效了一次勞
give a new turn to 對...給與新的說法,給與...另外一種說法
give another turn of the screw 對(某人)施加壓力
give sb. another turn of the screw 對(某人)施加壓力
give sb. a turn [口]使某人大吃一驚,把某人嚇了一跳
give sb. quite a turn [口]使某人大吃一驚,把某人嚇了一跳
go for a turn 散步 兜一圈,玩一玩
in turn 輪流地;挨個,依次;反過來
in one's turn (依次)輪到時 這一回
in the turn of a hand 頃刻之間
on the turn 正在轉變,正在變化;正在好轉; (牛奶)變酸
One good turn deserves another. [諺]以德報德。
out of turn 不依順序地 冒冒失失地,輕率地
Right turn! 向右轉!
serve one's (own) turn (=serve a turn) 滿足個人的需要(緊急時)能起作用;能應急
serve sb. the good turn (在...方面)對某人有好處
serve sb. the good turn of (在...方面)對某人有好處
serve sb.'s turn 對某人有用;適合某人的需要
short turn 短小的節目
star turn 主要節目,壓軸戲 引人注目的人物,大紅人
take a turn 轉,轉彎 散步,溜達溜達(騎馬,乘船)玩一玩,兜一兜風 做一會(工作) (形勢)轉變
take a turn for the better 好轉,變好
take a turn for the worse 變壞,惡化
take turns 依次,輪班;輪流
the turn of life 【醫】(婦女的)絕經期,更年期
the turn of the century 一個世紀之末和下一個世紀之初;世紀初,世紀末
the turn of the tide 形勢的轉變
to a turn 剛好,恰到好處 精確地,盡善盡美
to the turn of a hair 極其精確,惟妙惟肖
to the turn to a hair 極其精確,惟妙惟肖
walk a turn 來回地走走
turn about 轉向相反的方向,掉轉方向 輪流,更替 反覆思考
turn against (使)變成和...敵對 使(事情)對...不利
turn and rend sb. 突然責罵某人
turn and wind (騎馬者)把馬頭掉過來掉過去 任意支配(某人)
turn around(=turn round) 轉過去,轉身 改換意見;改變宗旨;採取新政策(船隻)下完乘客[卸完貨]開船
turn away 轉過臉去,背過臉去 把...打發走,把...驅逐出去;解僱 離開 避開,防止
turn back 轉回去,往回走 擋回,使折回 (to)翻回書頁;回溯到 折轉
turndown (使)折起來; (使)翻下來 調低,關小(燈光)拒絕,摒棄;駁回 轉入(另一條路)把紙牌面朝下擺著(經濟等)走下坡,衰退
turn forth 驅逐,趕走
turn in 拐進去;轉身進去(使)向里彎曲 [口]交還;上繳 [口]上床,就寢 告發;檢舉;出賣 [口]拋棄,放棄 作出,取得
turn in on oneself 與他人斷絕來往;閉關自守,採取了孤立主義
turn in upon oneself 與他人斷絕來往;閉關自守,採取了孤立主義
turn into 拐入,進入(使)變成,(使)成為
turn it in 辭去工作;放棄工作;停止說(使人不愉快的事情) (用於祈使句中)別搞了,住嘴
turn it up 辭去工作;放棄工作;停止說(使人不愉快的事情) (用於祈使句中)別搞了,住嘴
turn of events 形勢的變化
turn of expression 表達方式,措辭
turn of mind 性情;氣質傾向,才能
turn of speech 口吻,說法
turn of speed 行速,速力
turn off 關(自來水、電燈、收音機等)辭退,解僱(人)轉入另一條路,拐彎;岔開(路)岔開(話題等)生產,製造(用車床)削掉,撤出,處理掉; 拋售 [俚]絞死 變質,變酸,壞掉 [口](使)沮喪,(使)不感興趣 變成,轉為 [口]使成婚;使嫁出
turn on 擰開(自來水、電燈、收音機)要看...而定,以...為轉移 反對,攻擊;對...懷敵意 [口](使)感到興趣; (使)興奮激動 [美俚](使)服用麻醉品; (使)變得興奮
turn out (使)向外彎曲 關上(自來水、電燈等)生產,製造;培養出 驅逐(某人)出去;解僱(某人)翻轉[出],倒空 出動;出席,參加 [口]起床 證明是...,結果是...; 發展為... 打扮,裝束;裝備 把(牛、羊等)趕出欄外放牧
turn over (使)翻過來; (使)翻倒,(使)打滾 交給,移交 熟思,再三考慮 營業額為...,做(多少錢的)生意 周轉(貨物等)大量賣出,有銷路 發動(機器等);轉動 翻閱(書刊)把...接轉到下一行(胃)噁心; (心)亂跳
turn to 指向,轉向 求取於,依賴 變成;結果成為 著手;開始工作;積極行動
turn up 向上;向上翻;使朝上 開大;扭亮(燈火等);加快(速度等)翻起,翻掘 露面,來到;發生,出現; (東西)被找到 發現,找到 [口]使嘔吐 結果是...,證明是 [英]參考,查閱;尋找,查 拐入,轉入;轉身登上 殺死 [英]放棄;釋放;放鬆,放掉 轉速達到,功率達到【航海】(船)搶風轉變航向
turn upon 有賴,取決於;隨...而定 突然攻擊,突然責罵;對...翻臉
It's one's turn to do sth 輪到某人做某事了


I'm cold. Turn the heating up.
He tried to turn the gun on me.
He decided to turn professional.