







① Hongyu Huang, Toshinari Oike, Fujio Watanabe, Yugo Osaka, Noriyuki Kobayashi, Masanobu Hasatani,(2010), “Development research on composite adsorbents applied in adsorption heat pump”, Applies thermal engineering; Volume
② Hongyu Huang, Noriyuki Kobayashi, Masanobu Hasatani, Fujio Watanabe, Kiyoshi Matsuyama, Tomoko Sasaki,(2007), “Reaction kinetics analysis of the dechlorination process of PCBs by sodium dispersion process” ,Chemical Engineering Science; Volume
③ 徠Hongyu Huang, Noriyuki Kobayashi, Masanobu Hasatani, Fujio Watanabe, (2007), “Production and characterization of KOH-activated carbons derived from PCB residue generated by the Sodium Dispersion process”, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Volume
④ Hongyu Huang, Noriyuki Kobayashi, Masanobu Hasatani, Fujio Watanabe, Zhanyong Li“Study of basic and safety characteristics of the dechlorination of PCBs by the sodium dispersion process” ,Journal of Environment and Engineering
⑤ Fujio Watanabe, Hongyu Huang, Masanobu Hasatani, Noriyuki Kobayashi,(2009) ,“Effect of microwave irradiation on water-vapor desorption capacity of zeolites”,KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU of Japan(日本化學工學論文集)
⑥ 袁浩然,小林敬幸,郭華芳,陳勇,黃宏宇。有機固體廢物能源化利用關鍵技術北京,首屆中國工程院/國家能源局能源論壇.
⑦ 袁浩然,小林敬幸,郭華芳,黃宏宇,陳勇. 城市固體廢棄物富氧熱解氣化試驗研究
⑧ 袁浩然,陳新德,陳勇,馬隆龍,小林敬幸,黃宏宇,合成氣合成低碳醇熱力學及實驗研究,農業工程學報,已接收
⑨ YuanHaoran,XiongZuhong,Kobayashi Noriyuki,GuoHuafang,HuangHongyu,ChenYong,Study on MSW Oxygen-enriched Pyrolysis,(Environmental Engineering Science)
⑩ Lihua Dong, Hongyu Huang, Noriyuki Kobayashi, “Development of an All-in-one Type Adsorption Heat Pump for Heating Application”,International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, accepted.
① Hongyu Huang, Noriyuki Kobayashi, Masanobu Hasatani, Fujio Watanabe "Reaction Kinetics Analysis of the Dechlorination Process of PCB by Sodium Dispersion Process;", China/USA/Japan Joint Chemical Engineering Conference
② Hongyu Huang, Noriyuki Kobayashi, Masanobu Hasatani, Fujio Watanabe, Kiyoshi Matsuyama, Tomoko Sasaki, "Reaction kinetics analysis of the dechlorination process of PCBs by a sodium dispersion process”, 19th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering,
③ Hongyu Huang, Kazuki Sumitani, Toshinari Oike, Keita Suzuki, Fujio Watanabe, Masanobu Hasatani, Noriyuki Kobyashi, "Effect of Microwave Irradiation on Water-vapor Desorption Capacity of Zeolite”, International Symposium on EcoTopia Science
④ Toshinari Oike, Hongyu Huang, Fujio Watanabe, Nichi Hayashi, Takamitsu Oshima, Masanobu Hasatani, Noriyuki Kobayashi, "Development of Novel Composite Adsorbents Used for Adsorption Heat Pump”, International Symposium on EcoTopia Science
⑤ Hongyu Huang, Noriyuki Kobayashi, Hasegawa Yutaka, Kitagawa Kuniyuki "Feasibility Research on Carbon Capture and Storage Network with Utilization of LNG Cryogenic Energy”, R`09 Twin World Congress, Nagoya, Japan
⑥ Hongyu Huang, Fujio Watanabe, Noriyuki Kobayashi, Masanobu Hasatani "Improvement in Butane Adsorption Performance by Compositing Adsorbents”, R`09 Twin World Congress, Nagoya
⑦ Hongyu Huang, Noriyuki Kobayashi, Toshinari Oike, Fujio Watanabe, Masanobu Hasatani "Development of Novel Composite Adsorbents Used for Adsorption Heat Pump”, 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering
⑧ Seiya Ito, Fujio Watanabe, Hongyu Huang "Influence of Microwave Irradiation on Water-vapor Desorption Capacity of Zeolites”, 2010 International Symposium on Next-generation Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology
⑨ Shun Tsumagari, Fujio Watanabe, Masanobu Hasatani, Hongyu Huang, "Performance assessment of the porous solid supported chemical heat storage material”, 2010 International Symposium on Next-generation Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology
⑩ Hongyu Huang, Fujio Watanabe, Noriyuki Kobayashi, Masanobu Hasatani, Kuniyuki Kitagawa “Development of Novel Composite Adsorbents for Improving Butane Adsorption Performance”, 3rd International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation
⑪ Fujio Watanabe, Hongyu Huang, Seiya Ito, Noriyuki Kobayashi, Masanobu Hasatani “Research on Microwave Irradiation Effect in Water-vapor Desorption from Zeolites”, 17th International Drying Symposium, Magdeburg, Germany
⑫ Hongyu Huang, Haoran Yuan, Noriyuki Kobayashi, Ashwani K. Gupta, Zuhong Xiong, Yong Chen, Kuniyuki Kitagawa “Examination of Oxygen-enriched Gasification Process for Municipal Solid Wastes in South China”, The 7th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, Harbin, P.R. China
⑬ Seya Ito, Hongyu Huang, Fujio Watanabe, Masanobu Hasatani and Noriyuki Kobayashi “Heat Transfer Behaviour of Microwave Irradiation Water-vapor Desorption in Zeolite Packed Bed ”, The 7th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference, Tianjin, P.R. China,
① Hongyu Huang, Seiya Ito, Fujio Watanabe, Masanobu Hasatani and Noriyuki Kobayashi, (2011.8), Microwave Heating,“Microwave Irradiation Effect in Water-vapor Desorption from Zeolites”, InTech.


① 2008年4月--2009.年3月-日本新能源產業技術綜合開發機構(NEDO)“應用於IT設備的吸附熱泵的開發”第三負責人;
② 2008年4月--2012年3月-日本新能源產業技術綜合開發機構(NEDO)“鍊鋼工藝中的CO2減排創新技術開發”第二負責人;
③ 2011年4月--2014年3月-中國(MOST)-日本(JST)國際研究交流“基於抑制二氧化碳排放的餘熱回收技術”日方第二負責人;
④ 2010年10月--2013年3月-日本學術振興會科研費基盤C“高反應性耐久性多孔體複合型高性能化學蓄熱材開發”第三負責人;
⑤ 2010年1月--2010年12月-中國科學院外國專家特聘研究員項目,日方主要實施人,參與“小型吸附熱泵的開發”與“固體廢棄物的資源化和能源化”研究;
⑥ 2008年4月- -2010年3月- 與日本中部電力有限公司共同研究項目“CCS網路的構成及可行性研究”第一負責人;
⑦ 2007年4月--2008年3月- 作為主要負責人參與與愛三工業有限公司共同研究“自動車尾氣過濾器用高性能複合吸附劑開發”;
⑧ 2006年4月--2009.年3月-作為主要實施人參與與日本電裝公司共同研究項目“汽車尾氣脫硫過濾器的開發”;
⑨ 2007年4月--2011年3月-參與與日本DAIKIN工業公司共同研究項目“微波照射下調濕空調吸附劑的高度再生機理研究”;
⑩ 2011年4月-2015年3月- 愛知工業大學綠色能源研究據點子課題“智能電網的動態模擬”的第一負責人。