

《壞女孩指南》是由Katy Garretson執導的劇情片,詹尼·麥卡錫、Stephanie Childers參加演出。

該片講述了三個性感漂亮有自信的芝加哥女孩的故事。這是一部根據Cameron Tuttle的同名暢銷書改編的劇集,三個女人一台戲,此劇有模仿HBO大熱門劇Sex And The City的風格。


A "bad girl" is defined as a woman who is sexy, sassy, provocative, questions authority, and knows what she wants from life and how to get it with style, confidence and humor.
These are the exact words and attitude that JJ (Jenny McCarthy Scream 3, Scary Movie 3), Holly (Marcelle Larice) and Sarah (Christina Moore, Hyperion Bay, MADtv), three sexy, self-assured, singles living in Chicago, embody as modern bad girls. Although these young women are at different stages in their lives, they pursue their dreams according to their own rules and make no excuses for them. Charming and self-confident, JJ is the ultimate bad girl. She lives life to the fullest and is never one to turn down fun with her girlfriends. Nevertheless, JJ ultimately believes she will settle down when she finds Mr. Right, as long as he doesn't cramp her bad girl style. JJ's co-worker, Holly, is a fun-loving, divorcee who vows to never marry again, doesn't believe in moderation and occasionally pushes her bad girl-ness to the limit. Rounding out the trio is Sarah, JJ's smart and attractive roommate, who is ready for marriage and life as a responsible adult, but finds herself lured into the bad girl antics of her two best friends.
As two successful advertising executives, JJ and Holly struggle to maintain their creative and spontaneous nature while working in a structured corporate environment and staying one step ahead of their anti-bad girl supervisor, Irene (Stephanie Childers). However, JJ and Holly find solace in Patric (Johnathan McClain, Happy Family), the receptionist, who despite being engaged, relishes in being "just one of the girls" by helping JJ and Holly keep it together at work.
By embracing the bad girl ideals, JJ, Holly, and Sarah search for a perfect balance of love, career, and friendship, but on their own terms; they use their wits, determination, and charm to deal with any situation that comes their way.
The Bad Girl's Guide is produced by Palm Tree Productions and Flame Television, in association with Paramount Network Television. Robin Schiff (Romy and Michele's High School Reunion) is executive producer and showrunner. Tony Krantz (24, Felicity) serves as executive producer. Cameron Tuttle is co-executive producer and author of the best-selling series "The Bad Girl's Guide", from which the show is based on.
這是一部根據Cameron Tuttle的同名暢銷書改編的劇集,三個女人一台戲,此劇有模仿HBO大熱門劇Sex And The City的風格。


Stephanie ChildersIrene