

fen design residen



1964年生於中國廣州,1987年大學畢業於廣州美術學院雕塑系, 在學期間由學院委派到華南理工大學修讀建築學專業,畢業后獲學士學位.1987-1990年任職廣州珠江實業總公司建築設計院,任職建築師,負責廣州。海南等地的多項房地產開發設計工作。1992年起組建廣州市大田環境藝術工程有限公司,專業從事房地產環境設計策劃。雕塑藝術創作。室內外建築設計等多項工作,同時全面負責籌建廣州美術學院潘鶴雕塑園和今後的活動策劃和管理事務。現任廣州美術家協會雕塑研究部副秘書長/廣州雕塑院客座雕塑家 潘奮是中國雕塑學學會會員/全國城市雕塑創作設計資格證書(編號:0897)持有人,在社會上更參與各類學術活動,包括參與組建廣東青年雕塑學會,舉辦學術展覽,以中國雕塑學學會會員的名義出仿進行學術交流活動,在各類專刊上發表文章,推廣藝術與環境設計的最新理念,其作品分佈於港澳。珠三角,海南。湖南。江蘇。廣州。廣西等地.
Pan fen(Frank) Sculpture & Architect Graduated from the department of sculpture at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1987; During his undergraduate study,sent by Guangzhou Academy of FineArts and studied the specialty of architecture.Graduated and obtained his bachelor degree at the specialty of architecture; Architect,at the Architecture Design Institute of Guangzhou Zhujiang Enterprise General Company; Entered into Guangzhou sculpture Institute recent years and engaged into the design and planning of merchant residences,the theme square,and architecture design of the middle and large cities; He is Member of the Chinese Artists’Association and also a Member of China Sculpture Institute