



1999.07-2002.08香港大學生態與環境多樣性學系,獲學士學位 (First Class Honor)2002.09-2004.08 香港大學生態與環境多樣性學系,環境毒理專業,獲碩士學位(Master of Philosophy)
2004.09-2008.07瑞士聯邦理工大學(ETH Zurich),瑞士聯邦水科學與技術研究所(eawag),獲博士學位(Doctor of Philosophy)
2008.08- 至今 引進人才,南開大學教授,南開大學環境科學與工程學院


美國微生物學會 (American Society of Microbiology) 會員
國際微生物生態學會 (International Society of Microbial Ecology (ISME)) 會員
“Cytometry A”雜誌審稿人
“International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation”雜誌審稿人




“Impact of filtration on bottled water native flora”, Nestle waters and Danone,執行人
“Development of a simplified method for biodegradable organic matter (BOM) analysis (standardisation of the AOC assays and testing in combination with conventional assays) ”,AWWARF, 核心成員
“Eawag interdisciplinary project targeting AOC and microbiological stability during drinking water treatment and distribution”,Eawag, 核心成員


“Application of flow cytometry in microbial ecology”,FWO Belgium,副主持,€200,000


Yingying Wang, Frederik Hammes, Marcel Düggelin and Thomas Egli. 2008.Influence of size, shape and flexibility on bacterial passage through micropore membrane filters.Environmental Science & Technology.42: 6749-6754.
Yingying Wang, Frederik Hammes, and Thomas Egli. 2008.The impact of industrial-scale cartridge filtration on the native microbial communities in groundwater.Water Research.42: 4319-4326.
Eva Siebel, Yingying Wang, Thomas Egli, and Frederik Hammes. 2008.Correlations between total cell concentration, total adenosine tri-phosphate concentration and heterotrophic plate counts during microbial monitoring of drinking water.Drinking Water Engineering and Science1: 1-16.
Frederik Hammes, Mechael Berney, Yingying Wang, Marius Vital, Oliver K?ster, and Thomas Egli. 2008.Flow-cytometric total bacterial cell counts as a descriptive microbiological parameter for drinking water treatment processes.Water Research.42: 269-277.
Yingying Wang, Frederik Hammes, Nico Boon and Thomas Egli. 2007.Quantification of the filterability of freshwater bacteria through 0.45, 0.22 and 0.1 μm pore size filters and shape-dependent enrichment of filterable bacterial communities.Environmental Science & Technology.41: 7080-7086.
Yingying Wang, Yanzhen Fan & Ji-Dong Gu. 2004. Dimethyl phthalate ester degradation by two planktonic and immobilized bacterial consortia.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 53: 93-101.
Yanzhen Fan, Yingying Wang, Pei-Yuan Qian and Ji-Dong Gu. 2004. Optimization of phthalic acid batch biodegradation and the use of modified Richards model for modeling degradation.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation53: 57-63.
Ji-dong Gu, and Yingying Wang. 2004. Degradation of the plasticizersortho-dimethyl phthalate ester by environmental bacteria.Corrosion. paper 04586.
Yingying Wang, Yanzhen Fan & Ji-Dong Gu. 2003. Aerobic Degradation of Phthalic Acid by Comamonas acidovoran Fy-1 and Dimethyl Phthalate Ester by Two Reconsitituted Consortia from Sewage Sludge at High Concentrations.World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology. 19:811-815
Yingying Wang, Carin Yip, Yanzhen Fan, and Ji-Dong Gu. 2003.Aerobic and anaerobic degradation pathways for N-heterocyclic aromatic compound indole.Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. 22: 170-173.
Yingying Wang,Yanzhen Fan & Ji-Dong Gu.2003. Microbial degradation of the endocrine-disrupting chemicals phthalic acid and dimethyl phthalate ester under aerobic conditions.Bull. Environ.Contam. Toxicol.71: 810-818.
沈萍萍, 王瑩瑩, 顧繼東. 2004。活性污泥中細菌對鄰苯二甲酸酯的降解及其途徑。應用與環境生物學報。5: 73-78.
王瑩瑩,范延臻,顧繼東. 2003.鄰苯二甲酸及鄰苯二甲酸二甲酯的好氧微生物降解。應用與環境生物學報。9 :63-66.
顧繼東,王瑩瑩. 2003.微生物對影響內分泌的有機分及藥物分子環境殘餘的降解。生態科學22: 1-5
王瑩瑩,裘婉飛,范延臻,顧繼東. 2002.吲哚類在產甲烷條件下的降解途徑及機理。應用與環境生物學報。8: 514-519.