



姓 名:陳媛媛
性 別:女
職 務:無
職 稱:副研究員
學 位:博士
通訊地址:湖北武漢磨山 中科院武漢植物園











徠1. Li Xiu-Ling, Li Shou-Chun, Chu Hai-Jia, Li Zuo-Zhou, Chen Yuan-Yuan*. 2013. Genetic diversity and population structure of the endangered alpine quillwort Isoetes hypsophila (Isoetaceae) revealed by SSR analysis. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
2. Chen Yuan-Yuan, Chu Hai-Jia, Liu Hui, Liu Yan-Ling. 2012. Abundant genetic diversity of the wild rice Zizania latifolia in central China revealed by microsatellites. Annals of Applied Biology
3. Chen Yuan-Yuan, Kong Dong-Rui, HuangChun-Hong, XuYong-Xing, Li Zuo-zhou. 2012. Microsatellite analysis reveals the genetic structure and gene flow of the aquatic quillwort Isoetes sinensis, a critically endangered species in China. Aquatic Botany
4. Chen Yuan-Yuan, Bao Zhao-Xia, Li Zuo-Zhou, 2011. High allozymic diversity in natural populations of Mycoheterotrophic Orchid Gastrodia elata, an endangered medicinal plant in China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
5. Chen Yuan-Yuan, Liao Li, Li Wei, Li Zuo-Zhou Li, 2010. Genetic diversity and population structure of endangered alpine pteridophyte Isoetes hypsophila Hand.-Mazz. revealed by AFLP markers. Plant Systematics and Evolution
6. Chen Yuan-Yuan, Han Qing-xiang, Cheng Yu, Li Zuo-Zhou, Li Wei, 2010. Genetic variation and clonal diversity of the endangered aquatic fern Ceratopteris pteridoides as revealed by AFLP analysis. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
7. Chen Yuan-Yuan, Yang Wei, Li Wei, Li Zuo-Zhou, Huang Hong-wen. 2009. High allozyme diversity and unidirectional linear migration patterns within a population of tetraploid Isoetes sinensis, a rare and endangered pteridophyte. Aquatic Botany
8. Chen Yuan-Yuan, Li Xiu-Ling, Yin Li-Yan, Cheng Yu, Li Wei. 2009. Genetic diversity and migration patterns of the aquatic macrophyte Potamogeton malaianus (Potamogetonaceae) in a potamo-lacustrine system. Freshwater Biology
9. Chen Yuan-Yuan, Li Xiu-Ling, Yin Li-Yan, Li Wei. 2008. Genetic diversity of the threatened aquatic plant Ottelia alismoides in the Yangtze River. Aquatic Botany
10. Li Zuo-Zhou, Han Qing-xiang, Chen Yuan-Yuan, Li Wei, 2012. Microsatellite primers in the endangered quillwort Isoetes hypsophila (Isoetaceae) and cross-amplification in I. sinensis. American Journal of Botany
11. Yin Li-Yan, Wang Cai-Yun, Chen Yuan-Yuan, Cao Yu, Cheng Yu, Li Wei. 2009. Cold stratification, light and high seed density enhance the germination of Ottelia alismoides. Aquatic Botany
12. 陳媛媛,栗琪,吳文穎,李偉. 2006. 竹葉眼子菜居群遺傳多樣性和克隆結構. 應用生態學報
13. 陳媛媛,葉其剛,李作洲,黃宏文. 2004. 極瀕危植物中華水韭休寧居群的遺傳結構. 生物多樣性
14. 陳媛媛,葉其剛,黃宏文. 2003.中華水韭(Isoetessinensis)等位酶分析的初步研究。武漢植物學研究
15. 胡波,陳媛媛,李守淳,李偉. 2009. 鄱陽湖具剛毛荸薺居群遺傳多樣性和克隆結構的初步研究. 2009. 武漢植物學研究
16. 湯飛燕,李守淳,陳媛媛,李作洲. 2009. 極瀕危植物中華水韭安徽居群遺傳結構的空間自相關分析. 江西師範大學學報(自然科學版)

