共找到2條詞條名為常雷的結果 展開
  • 常雷
  • 中國物理學科教授












● ● Correlations between the deconfining and chiral transitions in holographic QCD
● ● Pion Photoproduction off Nucleon with Hamiltonian Effective Field Theory
● ● Color-flavor dependence of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model and QCD phase diagram
● ● Pion and Kaon Distribution Amplitudes from Lattice QCD
● ● The neutron and proton mass radii from vector meson photoproduction data on deuterium target
● ● Theory and phenomenology of the three-gluon vertex
● ● Parton distributions of light quarks and antiquarks in the proton
● ● Light mesons with one dynamical gluon within basis light-front quantization
● ● Elastic meson form factors in a unified scheme
● ● All-optical ultrafast spin rotation for relativistic charged particle beams
● ● Relativistic composite-particle theory of the gravitational form factors of pion: quantitative results
● ● Ghost dynamics from Schwinger-Dyson equations
● ● Dressed quark-gluon vertex form factors from gauge symmetry
● ● A Flavor Change Study based on Dyson-Schwinger Equation
● ● Probing QCD critical point and induced gravitational wave by black hole physics
● ● Emergence of pion parton distributions
● ● Meson structure on the light-front III : The Hamiltonian, heavy quarkonia, spin and orbit mixing
● ● On Extraction of Twist-Two Compton Form Factors from DVCS Observables Through Harmonic Analysis
● ● Large-x power laws of parton distributions remain inconclusive
● ● Novel approaches in Hadron Spectroscopy
● ● Artificial neural network modelling of generalised parton distributions
● ● Concerning pion parton distributions
● ● Nucleon helicity generalized parton distribution at physical pion mass from lattice QCD
● ● Dynamical generation of scalar mass in two Higgs doublet model under Yukawa interactions
● ● Electromagnetic form factors of neutron and neutral stange hyperons in the oscillating view of point
● ● Gluon and valence quark distributions for the pion and kaon in nuclear matter
● ● Going to the light front with contour deformations
● ● Non-equilibrium cumulants within model A near the QCD critical point
● ● Renormalization constants of overlap quark bilinear operators from RI/MOM and RI/SMOM scheme
● ● x-dependence reconstruction of pion and kaon PDFs from Mellin moments
● ● Pion and kaon form factors using twisted-mass fermions
● ● First Glimpse into the Kaon Gluon Parton Distribution Using Lattice QCD
● ● Magnetic correction to the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of Electron
● ● Phase structure of 2+1-flavour QCD and the magnetic equation of state
● ● Physics with CEBAF at 12 GeV and Future Opportunities
● ● Heavy Flavour Physics and CP Violation at LHCb: a Ten-Year Review
● ● Progress in the determination of Mellin moments of the pion LCDA using the HOPE method
● ● Two-photon transitions of charmonia on the light front
● ● Quark-gluon vertex with 2 flavours of O(a) improved Wilson fermions
● ● Exploring smoking-gun signals of the Schwinger mechanism in QCD
● ● Probing the internal structure of baryons
● ● The scalar, vector and tensor form factors for the pion and kaon from lattice QCD
● ● Near Threshold Heavy Quarkonium Photoproduction at Large Momentum Transfer
● ● A new hadron configuration: the double-gluon hybrid state
● ● Coupled-channel analysis of pion- and eta-electroproduction with the Jülich-Bonn-Washington model
● ● Hadronic structure on the light-front II: QCD strings, Wilson lines and potentials
● ● Pion superfluid phase transition at finite isospin chemical potential
● ● Impacts of (inverse) magnetic catalysis on screening masses of neutral pions and sigma mesons in hot and magnetized quark matter
● ● Ghost and Gluon Propagators at Finite Temperatures within a Rainbow Truncation of Dyson–Schwinger Equations
● ● Quark matter and quark stars within the quasiparticle model under magnetic fields

