



§ 專著Books:
機器學習與反洗錢 2007 哈爾濱工業大學出版社
Machine Learningand Anti-Money Laundering, 2007, Press ofHarbinIndustrialUniversity
AML/CFT Theoretic and Practical Issues,Co-Author with the Central Bank ofChina,Press ofChinaFinance,2011
§ 會議及學術期刊論文
§ ConferencePapers and Article in Academic Journals:
1. A Framework onDeveloping an Intelligent Discriminating System of Anti-Money Laundering,10thInternational Conference on Finance and Banking,Prague,Oct.10, 2005
2. IntelligentDiscriminative System of Anti-Money Laundering Using Unusual Behavior DetectionAlgorithm, Proceedings of International Machine Learning Conference 2005,Guangzhou, Aug. 2005
3. A CrossDatasets Referring Outlier Detection Model Applied to Suspicious FinancialTransaction Discrimination, April 2006,Springer-VerlagPublisher, LNCS 3971
5. A SuspiciousTransaction Detection Based on Peer Comparison Method, Proceedings of 18th International Pattern Recognition Conference, Hong Kong
6. SuspiciousTransaction Surveillance Employing Chaotic Time Series Prediction, Proceedingsof 2008 Asian and Pacific Financial Engineering Conference, June 2008, Hong Kong
7. Enhancing theEfficiency of AML System, Proceeding of 2008 AML Conference Hosted byDepartment of the People Bank ofChina
8. 基於客戶行為模式識別的反洗錢監控體系,2005年7月,中南財經政法大學學報
An AMLSurveillance and Analysis System Based on Customer Behavior PatternRecognition, Jul.2005, Journal ofZhongnanUniversityof Economicsand Law
9. 自適應反洗錢信息系統設計,2005年6月,管理學報
Designing aSelf-Adaptive AML Information System, Transactions of Management, Jue.2005
10. 可疑金融交易監控的離群檢測模型,2004年4月,武漢理工大學學報
An OutlierDetection Model for Suspicious Financial Transaction Monitoring, April, 2004,Journal ofWuhanUniversityof Technology
11. 基於波動周期分解的離群檢測技術,2006年6月,武漢大學學報
An OutlierDetection Technique Based on Decomposition of Wave Cycles. Jun.2006, Journal ofWuhanUniversity
12. A suspiciousfinancial transaction analyzing prototype based on Empirical Mode DecompositionMethod, Transactions of Computer Science,Korea, Vol 33 No 1, Jul, 2006
13. 銀行反洗錢與客戶關係管理系統的整合,2007年9月,中國金融電腦技術
An Integration ofAML and CRM Information Systems in Banks,Journal ofChina Financial Computer Technology, Sep.2007
14. 客戶盡職調查的國際標準與中國的實踐,2009年第4期,英國翡翠出版集團,洗錢管制雜誌(全球唯一反洗錢專業期刊)
The internationalstandards of customer due diligence and Chinese practice, Journal of MoneyLaundering Control Vol. 12 No. 4, 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
15. 反洗錢智能技術的最新進展,2008年8月,華南金融電腦雜誌
The latestdevelopment of AML intelligent techniques, Journal of South China FinancialComputer Technology.Aug.2008
Implementation ofEnterprise-Wide AML Information System Based on Risk-Sensitive Principles,Journal ofZhongnanUniversityof Economicsand Law, Nov.200
17. 國際組織推進中亞地區構建反洗錢與反恐怖融資體系的努力與成效,2009年1月,新疆社會科學雜誌
The Endeavors ofInternational Organizations to Constructing AML/CFT Systems inCentral AsiaCountries, Journal of Xinjiang SocialScience, Jan.200
Combating moneylaundering in transition countries: the inherent limitations and practicalissues,Journal of Money Laundering Control Vol. 13No. 3, 2010 pp. 215-225,Emerald Group Publishing Limited
19. 風險為本的中國第三方支付反洗錢監管,2011年第1期,英國翡翠出版集團,洗錢管制雜誌
Risk-based AMLregulation on internet payment services in China, Journal of Money LaunderingControl Vol. 14 No. 1, 2011 pp. 93-101, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Application ofprobabilistic neural network to suspicious financial transaction surveillanceand its efficiency comparison, Engineering Journal of Wuhan University,Vol.46No.2,Apr.2013
21. 反洗錢可疑交易報告工作績效評估要素及其技術實現,西南金融,2013年第3期
On AML STR job performanceevaluation and its technical implementation. South West Finance Journal,Mar.2013
1. 基於行為模式的可疑金融交易監控體系研究,2009年度中國國家社會科學研究基金研究項目
A Study onSuspicious Financial Transaction Surveillance System Based on Behavior PatternRecognition, a National Social Sciences Fund project, 2009
2. 基於數據挖掘的大額與異常交易甄別技術研究,2008年度中國國家自然科學基金研究項目
A Study on LargeValue and Unusual Financial Transaction Discriminative Techniques Based on DataMining, a National Natural Sciences Fund project, 2008
3. 轉型國家反洗錢監控體系效率比較研究,2007年度中國博士后研究基金項目
A ComparativeStudy on AML Systems in Transition Countries, a National Fund for Post-DoctoralResearches, 2007
4. 中部地區反洗錢特徵研究,2007年度中國人民銀行研究課題
Characteristics ofAML in Central China Areas, a project co-operated with the People Bank ofChina, 2007
5. 中外反洗錢監管與執法體系比較研究,2006年度中國人民銀行研究課題
A ComparativeStudy of AML Regulations and Enforcement betweenChinaand Western Countries, a project co-operated with the People Bank ofChina, 2006
6. 中國第三方支付反洗錢合規管理研究——以支付寶為例,2010年度復旦大學中國反洗錢研究中心課題
Study on AMLCompliance of Internet Payment inChina——Taking AliPay as a Sample, aproject of China Center of AML Study of Fudan University