Meat Loaf 演唱歌曲

Al徠ive這首歌曲是由搖滾歌手(Meat Loaf )密特·勞弗演唱的一首英文歌曲.


歌手: Meat Loaf
所屬專輯:《Bat Out Of Hell 3》
歌曲標籤:搖滾rock poprock opera古典搖滾硬搖滾


I'm still alive
Must have been a miracle
It's been a hell of ride
Destination still unknown
It's a fact of life:
If you make one wrong move with the gun to your head
You better walk the line or you'll be left for dead
I'm a runaway train on broken track
I'm a ticker on a bomb, you can't turn back this time
That's right
I got away with it all and I'm still alive
Let the end of the world come tumbling down
I'll be the last man standing on the ground
A徠s long as I got blood rush trough my veins
I'm still alive
Lost in the night
Feeling so invisible
Oh, a dead man walking the wire
I have broke the devils net
That's made of fire
And it's a long way down from the top of the world
You better look around or you gonna get burned
I'm a runaway train on broken track
I'm a ticker on a bomb, you can't turn back this time
That's right
I got away with it all and I'm still alive
Let the end of the world come tumbling down
I'll be the last man standing on the ground
And as the dust wheels look in my eyes
I'm still alive
I'm still alive
The darkest night ain't black enough
To keep the morning light from shinin'
The highest wall ain't tall enough
To keep the smallest man from climbin'
The more that you resist the tide
The more it pulls you in
The more you hang on for your life
(I'm a runaway train on broken track)
(I'm a ticker on a bomb, you can't turn back this time)
(that's right)
That's right
I got away with it all and I'm still alive
I'm a runaway train on broken track
I'm a ticker on a bomb, you can't turn back this time
That's right
I got away with it all and I'm still alive
Let the end of the world come tumbling down
I'll be the last man standing on the ground
And if my saddle is all that survives
I'm still alive
I'm still alive... I'm still alive...
I'm a runaway train on broken track
I'm a ticker on a bomb, you can't turn back this time
i'm still alive
i'm still alive


Alive[Meat Loaf 演唱歌曲]
Alive[Meat Loaf 演唱歌曲]
Meat Loaf,1999年進入所有搖滾歌手夢寐以求、象徵樂界最高榮譽的搖滾名人殿堂席位。1999年進入所有搖滾歌手夢寐以求、象徵樂界最高榮譽的搖滾名人殿堂席位的Meat Loaf,在步入歌壇超過卅年後的今天,他為搖滾樂所做出的貢獻獲得了樂界一致的肯定。多人以為‘肉塊Meat Loaf’是個合唱團,這並不正確,因為那其實是一個有著自己樂隊班底的男歌手。在2006推出了《Bat Out Of Hell III:The Monster is Loose》,歷經30年,完成了《Bat Out Of Hell》三部曲。