1987.9-1991.7成都科技大學 工程力學 學士學位
1996.9-1999.7 四川大學水電學院 岩土工程 碩士學位
2001.9-2004.5 西南交通大學 岩土工程 博士學位
1991.7-1996.9 中國第十九冶金建設公司建築設計研究院 工程師
1999.7-2001.9 中國第十九冶金建設公司建築設計研究院 高級工程師 副總工程師
2004.7-2007.8 中國科學院成都山地災害與環境研究所 副研究員
2007.8- 至今 中國科學院成都山地災害與環境研究所 研究員 主任
(1)He S, Liu W, Li X. Prediction of impact force of debris flows based on distribution and size of particles[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(4): 1-8.
(2)He S*, Liu W, Wang J. Dynamic simulation of landslide based on thermo-poro-elastic approach [J]. Computers & Geosciences, 2015, 75: 24-32.
(3)He Siming*,Ouyang Chaojun,Luo Yu,Seismic stability analysis of soil nail reinforced slope using kinematic approach of limit analysis,Environmental Earth Sciences,2012,66(1):319-326.
(4)Wei Liu,Siming He*,Chaojun Ouyang,Dynamic process simulation with a Savage-Hutter type model for the intrusion of landslide into river, Journal of Mountain Science,2016, 13(7): 1265-1274.
(5)Yu-zhang B I,Si-ming HE*, Xin-po L I, et al. Geo-engineered buffer capacity of two-layered absorbing system under the impact of rock avalanches based on Discrete Element Method [J].Journal of Mountain Science 2016.13(5)917-929.
(6)Liu W,He S*, Li X. A finite volume method for two-phase debris flow simulation that accounts for the pore-fluid pressure evolution [J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(3): 1-10.
(7)Huo Fan,Siming He*,Zhongming Jiang,A high-order numerical manifold method with nine-node triangular meshes,Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,2015,61:172-182.
(8)Bi Y,He S*, Li X, et al. Effects of segregation in binary granular mixture avalanches down inclined chutes impinging on defending structures[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(3): 1-8.
(9)Liu W,He S* Li X, et al. Two-dimensional landslide dynamic simulation based on a velocity-weakening friction law[J]. Landslides, 2015: 1-9.
(10)Huo Fan,Siming He*,An Angle-Based Method Dealing with Vertex–Vertex Contact in the Two-Dimensional Discontinuous Deformation Analysis(DDA),Rock Mech Rock Eng,2015,48:2031-2043。
(11)Liu W,He S*. A two-layer model for simulating landslide dam over mobile river beds[J]. Landslides, 2015: 1-12.
(12)Yong Wu,Siming He,Hydraulic mechanism and time-dependent characteristics of loose gully deposits failure induced by rainfall,Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,2015,7(6):708-715。
(13)Liu W,He S*, Li X. Numerical simulation of landslide over erodible surface[J]. Geoenvironmental Disasters, 2015, 2(1): 1-11.
(14)Yu Luo,Siming He*,Fangzhu Chen,Xinpo Li,Jinchuan He,A physical model considered the effect of overland water flow on rainfall-induced shallow landslides,Geoenvironmental Disasters,2015,2:8.
(15)Ouyang C,He S*, Xu Q. MacCormack-TVD finite difference solution for dam break hydraulics over erodible sediment beds[J]. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2014, 141(5): 06014026 .
1 、 2011年度中國科學院王寬誠西部學者突出貢獻獎
2 、 2013年四川省科技進步一等獎,“汶川地震次生山地災害形成機理與風險控制”
3 、 2013年度四川省科技進步三等獎勵,震后崩塌災害識別與防治
4 、 2013年度中國公路學會一等獎:“震后公路邊坡崩塌評估與對策研究”
5 、 2015年度中國公路學會一等獎,“基於時空大數據的交通災害評估預警及服務關鍵技術”
7 、四川省有突出貢獻的優秀專家