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- 灤南縣計劃生育局辦公室主任
- 南開大學副教授
- 上海復大醫院神經內科主任
- 陝西師範大學學科教學兼職副教授
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- 長武縣扶貧和農業綜合開發辦公室副主任
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- 威海市立三院呼吸內分泌科主治醫師
- 中車青島四方車輛研究所有限公司電焊工
- 雕塑家
期刊《The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal》編委。
Yu, M.H., Ma, G.W., Qiang, H.F., Zhang, Y.Q. (2006), Generalized Plasticity, Springer.。
. Zhang,Y.Q., Lu,Y., Wang, S.L., Liu X.,Vibration and buckling of a double-beam system under compressive axial loading,Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2008, 318(1-2): 341-352。
. Zhang,Y.Q., Lu,Y., Wang, L.Z., Investigation of vertical vibrations of rigid disk on saturated poroelastic stratum under high-frequency excitation, International Journal of Engineering Science,2008,46(3):202-210。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Liu X., Zhao J.H., Influence of temperature change on column buckling of multiwalled carbon nanotubes, Physics Letters A, 2008, 372(10): 1676-1681。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Lu, Y., Ma, G.W., Effect of compressive axial load on forced transverse vibrations of a double-beam system, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2008, 50(2): 299-305。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Liu X., Liu G.R., Thermal effect on transverse vibrations of double-walled carbon nanotubes, Nanotechnology, 2007, 18(44): Article Number: 445701。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Lu, Y., Wang L.Z., Vibrations of rigid disk on elastic and viscoelastic stratum under transient ground-transmitted excitation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2007, 304(1-2): 272-283。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Lu, Y., Ma, G.W., Investigation of dynamic response of brittle materials under high-rate loading, Mechanics Research Communications, 2006,33 (3):359-369。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Liu, G.R., Han, X., Effect of small length scale on elastic buckling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes under radial pressure, Physics Letters A, 2006, 349 (5): 370-376。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Liu, G.R., Qiang H.F., Li, G.Y., Investigation of buckling of double-walled carbon nanotubes embedded in an elastic medium using the energy method, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2006, 48: 53-61。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Liu, G.R., Han, X., Transverse vibrations of double-walled carbon nanotubes under compressive axial load, Physics Letters A, 2005, 340 (1-4): 258-266。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Liu, G.R., Xie, X.Y., Free transverse vibrations of double-walled carbon nanotubes using a theory of nonlocal elasticity, Physical Review B, 71(19), 2005, Art. No. 195404。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Liu, G.R., Wang, J.S., Small scale effects on axially compressed buckling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Physical Review B, 70(20), 2004, Art. No. 205430。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Liu, G.R., Han, X., Analysis of strain localization for ductile materials with effect of void growth, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2004, 46(7): 1021-1034。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Lu, Y., Qiang, H.F., Influences of damage on properties of strain localization for geomaterials at plane stress and plane strain, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2004, 74(1-2): 102-117。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Lu, Y., Hao, H., Analysis of fragment size and ejection velocity at high strain rate, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2004, 46(1): 27-34。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Lu, Y., Yu, M.H., Investigation of strain localization in elastoplastic materials with transversely isotropic elasticity, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2003, 45(2): 217-233。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Hao, H., Lu, Y., Anisotropic damage and fragmentation of rock materials under explosive loading, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2003, 41(9): 917-929。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Hao, H., Yu, M. H., A unified characteristic theory for plastic plane stress and strain problems, ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2003, 70(5): 649-654。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Hao, H., Dynamic fracture in brittle solids at high rates of loading, ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2003, 70(3): 454-457。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Hao, H., Yu, M. H., Analysis of discontinuous bifurcations for elasto-plastic geomaterials with effect of damage, ACTA Mechanica, 2002, 159(1-4): 65-76。
. Zhang, Y.Q., Hao, H., Yu, M. H., Effect of porosity on the properties of strain localization in porous media under undrained conditions, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2002, 39(7): 1817-1831。
. 張永強, 宋莉, 俞茂宏, 平面應變非連續分岔的統一解, 土木工程學報, 2004, 37(4):54-59。
. 張永強, 俞茂宏, 彈塑性岩土材料的平面應力非連續分岔, 力學學報, 2001, 33(5): 706-713。
. 張永強, 俞茂宏, 金屬材料的平面應力非連續分岔, 機械工程學報, 2001, 37(4): 82-88。
1. 陝西省科學技術(自然科學類)一等獎,2003年,排名2/11。