







是下列刊物的審稿人:Optics Letters,Optics Express,Applied Optics,Optics Communications,Optics and Lasers in Engineering,Optical Engineering,Journal of Optics,Chinese Optics Letters,Chinese Physics B, 物理學報,中國激光,光學學報,光子學報,強激光與粒子束,光學精密工程,激光與光電子學進展。




在實時光電混合信息處理、光學全息、模式識別及空間光調製器等研究領域均作出顯著成績。近年來對高解析度成像、體全息存儲的實驗方法和應用系統有較深入研究,作為課題負責人已完成國防科研預研基金項目“晶體存儲器固定技術研究”和北京市科技新星項目“採用體全息存儲的圖像識別系統研究”。作為骨幹成員承擔國家“973”項目“光學體全息存儲機理研究”、國家自然科學基金項目“體全息存儲關鍵技術研究”。負責國家自然科學基金和北京市自然科學基金項目各1項。至今已發表60餘篇論文,發表的刊物包括J.Opt.Soc.Am.A.,Applied Optics等,有9篇被SCI收錄、20餘篇被EI收錄。參與完成的“非易失性高密度海量全息存儲技術及系統”,獲得2005年北京市科學技術三等獎(第三完成人)。


2015-2018年 國家自然科學基金面上項目“連續太赫茲波數字全息生物樣品成像方法研究”(No. 61475011)
2011-2013年 國家自然科學基金面上項目“生物活細胞的無損定量數字全息顯微成像方法研究”(No. 61077004)
2006-2008年 國家自然科學基金面上項目“光學稀疏孔徑直接成像系統關鍵技術研究”(No. 60577029)
2011-2014年 北京市自然科學基金面上項目“微納結構相襯成像的超解析度多波長數字全息顯微方法研究”(No. 1122004)
2009-2011年 北京市教育委員會科技計劃重點項目和北京市自然科學基金項目“生物樣品顯微成像的數字全息方法研究”
2007-2009年 北京市自然科學基金重點項目“採用光致聚合物材料的海量全息信息存儲技術研究”(No.4071001)
2004-2006年 北京市自然科學基金項目“三維全息密集光波分復用技術的研究”(No.4042010)
1998-2002年 國防科研預研基金項目“晶體存儲器固定技術研究”
1997-2001年 北京市科技新星項目“採用體全息存儲的圖像識別系統研究”


1. Lu Rong, Tatiana Latychevskaia, Chunhai Chen, Dayong Wang, et al., “Terahertz in-line digital holography of human hepatocellular carcinoma tissue,” Scientific Reports, 5: 08445 (2015).
2. Haochong Huang, Dayong Wang, Lu Rong, et al., “Application of autofocusing methods in continuous-wave terahertz inline digital holography,”Optics Communications, 346(1): 93-98 (2015).
3. Qiaowen Lin, Dayong Wang, Yunxin Wang, et al., “Super-resolution imaging in digital holography by using dynamic grating with a spatial light modulator,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 66: 279–284 (2015).
4. Spozmai Panezai, Dayong Wang, Jie Zhao, et al., “Dual-plane in-line digital holography based on liquid crystal on silicon spatial light modulator,” Applied Optics, 53(27): G105-G110 (2014).
5. Lu Rong, Tatiana Latychevskaia, Dayong Wang, et al., “Terahertz in-line digital holography of dragonfly hindwing: amplitude and phase reconstruction at enhanced resolution by extrapolation” Optics Express, 22(14): 17236 (2014).
6. Dengcai Yang, Zuoyun Yang, Dayong Wang, “Laser-phased-array beam steering controlled by lithium,”Optical Engineering, 53(6): 061605 (2014).
7. Y. Wang, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, et al., “Pure-optical quadratic phase compensation in image-plane digital holographic microscopy,” Journal of Optics, 43(2): 130-136 (2014).
8. Wei Song, Shiquan Tao, Qianli Zhai, Dayong Wang, et al., “Implementation of uniform diffraction efficiency of partially-overlapping holograms in photopolymers based on the photopolymerization of free radical,” Optical Engineering, 52(4): 045801 (2013).
9. Yunxin Wang, Yishu Yang, Dayong Wang, et al., “Morphological measurement of living cells in methanol with digital holographic microscopy,” Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2013: 1-7 (2013).
10. Yunxin Wang, Puhui Meng, Dayong Wang, et al., “Speckle noise suppression in digital holography by angular diversity with phase-only spatial light modulator,” Optics Express, 21(17): 19568-19578 (2013).
11. Lu Rong, Yan Li, Shuo Liu, Wen Xiao, Feng Pan, Dayong Wang, “Iterative solution to twin image problem in in-line digital holography,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 51(5): 553-559 (2013).
12. Yizhuo Zhang, Guohai Situ, Pedrini, Giancarlo, Dayong Wang, et al., “Application of short-coherence lensless Fourier-transform digital holography in imaging through diffusive medium,” Optics Communications, 286(1): 56-59 (2012).
13. Qiaofen Zhu, Dayong Wang, Yan Zhang, “Coupled metallic ring gap waveguide”, Optics Communications, 283(7): 1542-2545 (2010).
14. Qiaofen Zhu, Dayong Wang, Yan Zhang, “Enlargement of the band gap in the metal–insulator–metal heterowaveguide,” Optics Communications, 282(6): 1116-1119 (2009).
15. Changgeng Liu, Dayong Wang, Yizhuo Zhang, “Comparison and verification of numerical reconstruction methods in digital holography”, Optical Engineering, 48(10): 105802-1-105802-7 (2009).
16. Dong Liu, Dayong Wang, Shiquan Tao, et al., “Improvement of the wavelength selectivity of volume holographic gratings for optical communication”, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt., 11(6): 065404 (2009).
17. Dayong Wang, Jie Zhao, Fucai Zhang, et al., “High fidelity numerical realization of multiple-step Fresnel propagation for the reconstruction of digital holograms,” Applied Optics, 47(19): D12-D20 (2008).
18. Huaying Wang, Dayong Wang, Jie Zhao, et al., “Simple and robust digital holography for high-resolution imaging,” Chinese Optics Letters, 6(3): 165-167 (2008).
19. Qiaofen Zhu, Dayong Wang, Yan Zhang, “Design of defective nonlinear photonic crystals for multiple wavelengths second harmonic generation”, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt, 10(2): 025201 (2008).
20. Dayong Wang, Ji Han, Hancheng Liu, Shiquan Tao, et al., “Experimental study on imaging and image restoration of optical sparse aperture systems,” Optical Engineering, 46(10): 103201 (2007).
21. Avi Pe'er, Dayong Wang, A. W. Lohmann, A. A. Friesem, “Wigner formulation of optical processing with light of arbitrary coherence”, Applied Optics, 40(2): 249-256 (2001).
22. Adolf W. Lohmann, Avi Pe’er, Dayong Wang, et al, “Flatland optics. III. Achromatic diffraction,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., 18(9): 2095-2097 (2001).
23. A. W. Lohmann, Dayong Wang, A. Pe'er, A. A. Friesem, “Flatland optics. II. Basic experiments,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., 18(5): 1056-1061 (2001).
24. Dayong Wang, A. Pe'er, A. A. Friesem, A. W. Lohmann, “General linear optical coordinate transformations”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., 17(10): 1864-1869 (2000).
25. Dayong Wang, A. Pe'er, A. W. Lohmann, A. A. Friesem, “Wigner algebra as a tool for the design of achromatic optical processing system”, Optical Engineering, 39(11): 3014-3024 (2000).
26. Avi Pe'er, Dayong Wang, A. A. Friesem, et al., “Apochromatic optical correlation,” Optical Letters, 25(11): 776-778 (2000).
27. A. W. Lohmann, A. Pe'er, Dayong Wang, et al., “Flatland optics: fundamentals,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., 17(10): 1755-1762 (2000).
28. Avi Pe'er, Dayong Wang, A. A. Friesem, et al., “Optical correlation with totally incoherent light”, Optical Letters, 24(21): 1469-1471 (1999).