


• Do you know what it feels like to dance alone?
• Do you know what it feels like?
• Do you know what it looks like from the outside?
• Do you know what it looks like?
• Won't you get up?
• Shaking the darkness
• Won't you get up?
• And we could just start this now
• Cause when you get up
• I couldn't ignite it
• You're the one
• I wanna beside tonight
• Turn up the lights
• I just wanna see you dancing
• I just wanna see you
• Turn up the lights
• I just wanna see you dancing
• I just wanna see you dancing
• Do you know what it feels like to be the one?
• Out here on the dance floor just watching up
• Do you know what it hurts like to be left alone?
• Do you know what it hurts like?
• Cause when you get up I couldn't ignite it
• You're the one I want beside tonight
• Turn up the lights
• I just wanna see you dancing
• I just wanna see you
• Turn up the lights
• I just wanna see you dancing
• I just wanna see you dancing
• When the lights are turn to low for me
• In the dark I feel you close to me
• You're the one that I want to see
• You're the one that I want to see
• When the lights are turn to low for me
• In the dark I feel you close to me
• You're the one that I want to see
• You're the one that I want to see
• When the lights are turn to low for me
• In the dark I feel you close to me
• You're the one that I want to see
• You're the one that I want to see
• Turn up the lights
• I just wanna see you dancing
• I just wanna see you
• Turn up the lights
• I just wanna see you dancing
• I just wanna see you dancing
• I just wanna see you dancing
• I just wanna see you
• I wanna see you
• I wanna see you
• I wanna see you
• I wanna see you


BBC搶先將尚未發行任何單曲的Hurts選入「2010年最受注目的新聲音(Sound of 2010)」名單第四名、Guardian欽點「年度最佳樂隊」,英國傳媒更稱之為「憂鬱流行樂 (Gloom Pop)」。
主唱是Theo Hutchcraft,出生於英國北約克郡,從小就跟隨家人待過澳洲、中東等國家,在音樂的想法上,也頗具世界觀。身兼吉他、鼓手與電子樂手的Adam Anderson,祖父曾於英國女王面前演奏斑鳩琴,同時在戰爭時期擔當表演勞軍者,也讓Adam從小就跟音樂結下不解之緣。2005年的聖誕節前夕,Theo和Adam各自與朋友相聚在同一家夜店,但是,彼此的友人在店門口一言不合打起來,兩人卻在一旁興奮的聊起音樂。就這樣別人打的傷痕纍纍,他們卻快樂的遇到知己,Hurts也就一拍即合的羽化成型。回到家後,他倆開始利用網路互動合作,Adam先編好背景樂器的伴奏,再寄出由Theo配唱錄製,最後完成共通合作的原始DEMO帶。