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- 製作人
- 王楠醫生
王楠,男,出生年月1971年8月,教授、博士、博導。教育部首批新世紀優秀人才,陝西省物理學會理事,陝西省青年科技獎獲得者,陝西省優秀留學回國人員,國家自然科學基金、國家科技部及陝西省國際合作項目評審專家,Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Materials Science and Engineering B等國際期刊審稿人。
1. L. Zhou,N. Wang, L. Zhang, and W. J. Yao, The effects of the minority phase on phase separation in Fe–Sn hypermonotectic alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,555 (2013) 88-94.
2. W. J. Yao, W. Sun, J.Y. Wang,N. Wang, J.H. Lee, Rapid solidification and magnetism characteristics of Co-11.8 at%Gd and Co-7.5 at%Gd dual-magnetic ribbons at different wheel speeds, Materials Science and Engineering B, 178 (2013) 752-761.
3. R. Trivedi andN. Wang,Theory of Rod Eutectic Growth under far from Equilibrium Conditions: Nanoscale Spacing and Transition to Glass, Acta Materialia,60(2012) 3140-3152.
4. N. Wang, L. Ji, W. J. Yao, and Y. P. Zheng, Correlation between fragility eutectic instability and glass-forming ability in binary metallic glasses under growth controlled process, Journal of Applied Physics,111, 103525 (2012) (6 pages).
5. N. Wang,L. Zhang, Y. P. Zheng, and W. J. Yao, Shell phase selection and layer numbers of core-shell structure in monotectic alloys with stable miscibility gap, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,538 (2012) 224-229.
6. W. J. Yao, J. S. Li, J. Y. Wang, andN. Wang, Effect of rare earth Th on thermophysical properties of ternary Co–Fe–Th liquid alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,543 (2012) 176-180
7. N. Wang, R. N. Yang, W. J. Yao, J. F. Xu, and X. X. Wen, Interactive effect of Grain Orientation and Grain Size on Magnetic Properties of Fe-78wt%Ni Ribbons, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 28(9) (2012) 833-836.
8. 任群,王楠,張莉,王建元,鄭亞萍,姚文靜,調幅分解及形核對相分離作用機理研究,物理學報,61 (19) (2012) 196401 (7 pages).
9. L. Lan, Y. P. Zheng, A. B. Zhang, J. X. Zhang,N. Wang, Study of ionic solvent-free carbon nanotube nanofluids and its composites with epoxy matrix, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 14(3) (2012) 1-10.
10. N. Wang, E. Karly, and R. Trivedi, “Eutectic-to-metallic glass transition in the Al-Sm system”, Acta Materialia, 59 (2011) 6604-6619.
11. N. Wangand R. Trivedi, “Limit of Steady-State Lamellar Eutectic Growth”, Scripta Materialia, 64 (2011) 848-851
12. W. J. Yao, Z P. Ye,N. Wang, X. J. Han, J. Y. Wang and X. X. Wen, “ Competitive Nucleation and Rapid Growth of Co-Si Intermetallic Compounds during Eutectic Solidification under Containerless Processing Condition”, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 27(11) (2011) 1077-1082.
13. R. Trivedi,N. Wang, Y. E. Kalay, and M. Kramer, “Eutectic to glass transition in fragile system”, Solidification Science and Technology, Brunel University, London, December 2011, p.205.
14. N. Wang, G. Li, W. J. Yao, and X. X. Wen, “Interactive Contribution of Grain size and Grain Orientation to Coercivity of Melt Spun Ribbons”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 322 (2010), 362-365.
15. N. Wang, X. Wang, and W. J. Yao, “The Contribution of Diffusion Coefficient to the Eutectic Instability and Amorphous Phase Formation”, Mater. Sci. Forum, 654-656 (2010) 1355-1358.
16. W. J. Yao,N. Wang, “Monte Carlo Simulation of Thermophysical Properties for Al-Ce Liquid Alloys”, Mater. Sci. Forum, 654-656 (2010) 1404-1407.
17. 唐林峰,王楠,管強,姚文靜,“單晶合金激光熔凝過程中晶向對單晶完整性的影響”,物理學報,11(2010)7941-7948。
19. W. J. Yao andN. Wang, “Latent heats of fusion and crystallization behaviors of Co–Si binary alloys”, Journal of Alloys & Compound, 487 (2009), 354-357.
20.姚文靜,王楠,“Ni-15wt%Mo合金熔體熱物理性質的Monte Carlo模擬”,物理學報,58(2009) 457-462。
21. N. Wang, “Effect of low diffusion coefficient on eutectic instability of Al-25wt%Sm alloy”, Chinese Physics Letters, 25(11) (2008) 4168-4170.
22. W. J. Yao andN. Wang, “Monte Carlo Simulation of Specific Heat of Liquid Ni-Mo alloys”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,41 (2008) 225403 (5pp).
23. N. Wangand B. Wei, “Thermodynamic Properties highly undercooled liquid TiAl Alloy”, Applied Physics Letters,80 (19) (2002) 3515-3517 .
24.N. Wang, X. J. Han and B. Wei, “Specific heat and thermodynamic properties ofundercooledliquid cobalt”, Applied Physics Letters, 80(1) (2002), 28-30.
25.N. Wang, S. Mokadem, M. Rappaz, and W. Kurz, “Solidification Cracking of Superalloy Single- and Bi-crystals”, Acta Materialia, 52 (2004) 3173-3182.
26.N. Wangand B. Wei, "Rapid Solidification of Undercooled Cu-Ge Peritectic Alloy", Acta Materialia, 48(8) (2000), 1931-1938.
27. X. J. Han,N. Wangand B. Wei, “Rapid Eutectic Growth under Containerless Condition”, Applied Physics Letters.81(4) (2002) 778-780.
28.X. J. Han,N. Wangand B. Wei, “Thermophysical Properties of Undercooled Liquid Cobalt”, Philosophical Magazine Letters,.82(8) (2002) 451-459.
29.N. Wang,H. Walker, S. David, and R. Trivedi, “Eutectic Instability and Phase Selection Solidification of Al-Sm alloys.”, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 60 (2-3) (2007) 69-72.
30. N. Wangand B. Wei,“Rapid Crystallization and growth mechanisms of Highly Undercooled Ag-Cu-Ge Ternary Alloy”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 247 (2003) 576-586.
31.N. Wangand B. Wei, “Phase Separation and Structural Evolution of Undercooled Fe-Sn Monotectic Alloy”, Materials Science and Engineering A. A345 (2003) 145-154.
32. N. Wangand B. Wei, "Rapid Solidification Behaviour of Ag-Cu-Ge Ternary Eutectic Alloy", Materials Science & Engineering A. 307(1-2) (2001): 80-90.
33. N. Wang, J. R. Gao and B. Wei, "Primary Phase Growth within Highly Undercooled Cu-Ge Eutectic Alloys", Scripta Materialia, 41(9) (1999) 959-965.
34. N. Wangand B. Wei, "Containerless Rapid Solidification of AgCuGeTernary Alloy", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 302(1-2) (2000) 274-280.
35. N. Wang, C. D. Cao and B. Wei, "Solidification Behaviors of Silver-Copper Alloys in Drop Tube", Advances in Space Research, 24(10) (1999) 1257-1261.
36. N. Wang, C. D. Cao and B. Wei, "Ternary Eutectic Growth in Microgravity Environment", Chinese Physics Letters, 16(3) (1999) 220-222.
37. N. Wang, J. Zhang, B. Wei and G. Z. Dai, "Rapid Dendritic Growth Investigated with Artificial Neural Network Method", Chinese Physics,9(7) (2000) 532-536.
38. N. Wang, W. J. Xie and B. Wei, "Physical Characteristics of Electromagnetic Levitation Processing",Acta Physica Sinica(Overseas Edition), 8(7) (1999), 503-513.
39. N. Wangand B. Wei, "Rapid Solidification of Hypereutectic Silver-Copper Alloy in Drop tube", Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters), 12(3) (1999) 251-258.
40.N. Wangand B. Wei, "Droplet Undercooling During Containerless Processing in a Drop tube", Chinese Physics Letters, 21(6) (2004) 1120-1123.