


曾從事天氣氣候、人工影響天氣、雲物理等應用研究。目前從事衛星遙感海霧監測、海霧年際、季節變化以及海洋天氣氣候研究。在International Journal of Climatology, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences、氣象學報大氣科學、Chinese Journal of Oceanology and limnology,Journal. of Ocean University of China、中國海洋大學學報等學術刊物和國內外學術會議上發表、交流多篇論文。


2006.12-2008.12國家高技術研究發展計劃(863 計劃)“多星遙感海霧綜合探測、監測和預警技術”.




1 張蘇平,楊育強,王新功,魏建蘇,低層大氣季節變化及與黃海霧季的關係,中國海洋大學學報,2008,38(5):689-698
2 張蘇平,鮑獻文,近十年中國海霧研究進展,中國海洋大學學報,2008,38,359-366
3 ZHANG Suping, Ren Zhaopeng, Liu Jingwu ,Yang Yuqiang, Wang Xingong, Variations in the lower level of the PBL associated with the Yellow Sea Fog —New Observations by L-band Radar,Journal of Ocean University of China, 2008, 4(7),353-361
4 Suping Zhang, Bin Wang,Global Summer Monsoon Rainy Season. International Journal of Climatology, 2008,28 (12),1563-1578,10.1002/joc.1659
5 張蘇平,李春,白燕,雷小途,2006:一次北方颱風暴雨(9406)能量特徵分析,大氣科學,Vol.30 (4), 645-659
6 Zhang Suping, Liu Qinyu, Wang Jianbo, 2005: The link between interannual variation of the South China Sea summer monsoon onset and summer precipitation in Shandong Province. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and limnology. 23(3)
7 張少林,龔佃利,張蘇平,2005:2003年山東雨季最後一場大暴雨過程分析,中國海洋大學學報,35(2)
8 Gao Anchun, Zhang Suping, Shen Peilu and Wu Jiejing,2005: An Analysis of the Causes of Decadal Variations of Rainfall in Shandong in Summer. Journal of Ocean University of China.4 (2)
9 Zhang Suping, Liu Qinyu, Gong Dianli and Liu Shijun, 2004:Influence of the convection over the South China Sea on the summer precipitation of Shandong Province. Journal of Ocean University of China. 3 (1)
10 Zhang Suping and Hu Guifang, 2002:Convective anomalies in tropical ocean areas and long-lead forecast of summer rainfall in Shandong. Journal of Tropical Meteorology. 8(1).
11 張蘇平,劉秦玉,2002:南海對流強度指數及其應用。大氣科學發展戰略,氣象出版社,北京。
12 Zhang Suping and Jiang Shangcheng,2001:Possible Influences of ITCZ in Asian Monsoon Regions on Rainy Season Anomaly of North China, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,18(5)
13 張蘇平,朱平盛,2001:華北夏季降雨與熱帶對流活動的關係,氣象學報, 59(4),502-508
14 Zhang Suping, 2005: The Surface Heat Flux Analysis in the Kuroshio Areas. Second forum on Marine Science-New development and challenge. Qingdao, P.R.China.
15 Zhang Suping and Liu Qinyu, 2004: Developing Phase of the South Pacific Convergence Zone and the Cross-Equatorial Flow in the Western Tropical Pacifc. 1 International CLIVAR Scienc Conference, Baltimore, Maryland USA.
Name: Zhang Suping, Professor,PhD
Graduated from Shandong Oceanograghy College. Used to work in Shandong Meteorological Institute as a researcher and in the Artificial Precipitation Enhancement Office of Shandong Provincial Government as a cloud seeding operation director. Now being a professor in College of Oceanography and Physical Environment of OUC.
Research Areas:
When worked in Shandong Meteorological Institute, her direction was the formation and development of severe storms in North China, and physical mechanisms of climate change. Now her scientific interests are more closely related with ocean and atmospheric interaction and the Asian monsoon including heat flux exchange between ocean and atmosphere at the surface of the Kuroshio and the Northern Pacific, tropical cyclone transition and the associated sharp precipitation enhancement when moving poleward to the middle latitudes along the coastal regions of China, the climatology of sea fog. Now she focuses on the detection of sea fog from satellites and L-band radar along with the soundings.