共找到6條詞條名為張玉香的結果 展開
- 天津大學理學院數學系講師
- 前郭縣政府副縣長
- 中國農產品市場協會會長
- 國家稅務總局機關服務中心副主任
- 鄢陵縣人民醫院職工
- 民間意象書畫藝人
2012年12月博士畢業於加拿大Memorial University of Newfoundland數學與統計系並獲理學博士學位;
2014年12月結束在University of Ottawa數學與統計系兩年的博士后研究;
1.Yuxiang Zhang, Frithjof Lutscher and Frederic Guichard, How robust is dispersal-induced spatial synchrony?Chaos,25(2015), 1158-1169.
2.Yuxiang Zhang, Frithjof Lutscher and Frederic Guichard, The effect of Predator Avoidance and Travel Time Delay on the Stability of Predator-prey Metacommunities,Theoretical Ecology,5(2015), 1-11.
3.Yuxiang Zhangand Xiao-Qiang Zhao,A Reaction-diffusion Lyme Disease Model with Seasonality, SIAM J. Appl. Math,73 (2013), 2077-2099.
4.Yuxiang Zhangand Xiao-Qiang Zhao, Spatial Dynamics of A Reaction-diffusion Model with Distributed Delay,Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena,8 (2013), 60-77.
5.Yuxiang Zhang and Xiao-Qiang Zhao,Bistable Traveling Waves for A Reaction and Diffusion Model with Seasonal Succession,Nonlinearity,26 (2013), 691-709.
6.Yuxiang Zhangand Xiao-Qiang Zhao,Bistable Traveling Waves in Competitive Recursion Systems, J. Diff. Eqns.,252 (2012), 2630-2647.
7.Yuxiang Zhangand Shiwang Ma,Some Existence Results on Periodic and Subharmonic Solutions of Ordinary p-Laplacian Systems,Discr. Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B,12 (2009), 251-260.
8.Shiwang Ma andYuxiang Zhang,Existence of Infinitely Many Periodic Solutions for Ordinary p-Laplacian System, J. Math. Anal. Appl.,351 (2009) 469-479.
《複變函數》 《高等數學》